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Pilot slang is one of the most common things that confuses people when flying. Here is a list of some of the most commonly used in the New Republic.
Eyeball-TIE Fighter
Squint-TIE Interceptor
Dupe-TIE Bomber
Bright-TIE Advanced
Trip-TIE Defender
Ghost or ghost hit-A hit when playing on the internet that does not deal damage.

Basic Maneuvers

Following is a list of basic maneuvers and how they are performed. These are the foundation for the more advanced maneuvers you will learn later.
Dive-When the nose of the fighter is pushed relative "down", performed by pushing the flight stick forward.
Climb-When the nose of the fighter is pushed relative "up", performed by pulling back on the flight stick.
Roll-When the craft spins on its horizontal axis, performed wither by twisting the flight stick or holding the roll button and taking the stick left or right, depending on the system installed on your fighter.
That's it for the basic maneuvers, simple right? We'll see how much you remember when you get into combat.

Intermediate Maneuvers

The Intermediate maneuvers build on what you learned in the basic section, and often combine the three basics.
Snaproll-A quick roll to either side followed by a quick climb. Performed by starting a roll, and pulling back gently on the stick, holding the roll and tightening the climb until the fighter's wings are 90 degrees from the starting position. This maneuver requires a touch of finesse and good feel, it should be practiced as it is very useful for shaking pursuit.
Split S-Starting flying level, this is a looping roll that puts you traveling the opposite direction, with the same horizontal orientation. It is performed by starting a dive and roll at the same time, continuing until the wings reach perpindicular to the starting flight path, then switch the dive to a climb and continue the roll until the wings are back level.
Sharp Turn-Many of you may not now the most efficient form of turning. Before any sharp turn, chop your throttle to 1/3, then perform the turn. This works with climbs, dives, and both of the above mentioned maneuvers, although you will need to increase the roll speed because the throttle change does not affect the roll speed. If you are pursuing a fighter, you may want to throttle up coming out of the turn so they do not gain too much distance on you.
Corkscrew-The corkscrew is an effective defensive maneuver, and can often shake pursuit with its sometimes confusing dierctional shifts. With practice it can be employed in head-to-head passes to avoid damage while will able to fire on the enemy. It is performed by starting a roll, followed by a climb, after a moment, the roll should be switched to the other side, with the climb continuing. You can continue in this fashion infinitely.

Advanced Maneuvers

Now, this is where we seperate the rookies from the experts. If you can perfect these moves you will see your combat life and kills skyrocket.
Quick Slip-This is to be used when a fighter is trailing you closer than .5 klicks, and should allow you a kill shot on unshielded fighters, and a severe battering to shielded craft. To do this, you start by chopping your throttle and soft rolling out to one side. This will only work if they don't chop their own throttle. After you have held it for a moment, continue the roll around, and watch your sensors, as you return to your previous flight path, you should use your sensors to get the previously trailing fighter into your sights, and you know what to do from there.
Corellian Slip-The setup for this maneuver is 2 allied fighters, one being trailed by an enemy fighter. The allied fighters set up a head to head run on each other. As they approach, the ally with the fighter on it dives, and the other opens fire. This requires good skill on the part of both allied pilots. This is the maneuver Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles performed in SW IV: ANH, watch the movie for a demonstration.
Darklighter Spin- This is used mainly in head to head passes, on large groups of TIEs, but can be applied elsewhere. It is actually quite simple. Turn laser convergence off(Z key), and then hold a roll while firing single fire. It should cover the group in fire, killing or crippling multiple fighters while avoiding hits.
Wraith Maneuver-This maneuver should be used by two different craft, preferably one with weak or no shields and another with strong shields, and used on head to heads. The weaker shielded fighter should match speed and settle in behind the other. When the enemy(ies) come into range, the back fighter should bounce up(need to go high to clear the other fighter completely) and fire off a few shots, then bounce down below or to the side, using the other craft as a shield whenever it is shot at. For further advancement of this, you can have the lighter shielded craft fly ahead of the heavy shielded one after the head to head to protect from shots at its tail.

Vs. Starfighter Tactics

-Stay moving on head to heads, fire off a few shots then bounce around, line up another shot, and fire again, and repeat until you pass.
-Don't always lock on with warheads, that gives them warning that you are using them and they can plan accordingly. Try dumb-firing them on head to heads, or when on their tail.
-Don't stay deadlocked on a target when someone is targeting you, watch your indicators and when they light up, break hard away.
-Know your enemies. If you have a faster craft and are going heads up with a B-Wing, chances are you're gonna lose. Avoid the head to head and drop in on their tail.

Vs. Capital Ship Tactics

-Stay moving, flying in a straight line will get you killed rather quickly.
-Try to attack in groups, from different directions, that way the ship has to spread its fire.
-When strafing an undhielded cap ship, try to pick out gun turrets and take them out, look for shield generators on shielded ships.
-If you are in close, dumb fire your warheads so they have less chance of being shot down, but keep enough distance that you don't catch yourself in the blast.
-Try not to dogfight around capital ships, you will end up taking unnecessary hits.
That's all, if you employ these things you should live a lot longer. ~General Horn