Music: Lakes of Pontchatrain |
Tafil, Matloka, Grzymala
Family Site
Party of Stephen and Anthonette Matloka Grzymalski (Grzymala), Standing; John
Jamrosziak, Stephen Grzymalski, Anthonette Matloka Grzymalski, Helen Matloka,
Peter Kuczynski. Sitting; Carrie Jamrosziak, Jean Grzymalski, Marie Bartula,
and Stella Matloka. June 22,1927
Searching for your family’s history is rather like solving a mystery.
About 23 years ago my sister and I began a quest to find information
about our grandparents and great-grandparents.
We began our search with the family documents, trips to the National
Archives for census and Naturalization records, and some family stories.
Over the years more and more family members became involved.
Thanks to them, we able to
gather photos, documents and more family information.
My list of people to thank is growing, so here are some I would
especially thank.
Glor, my sister and partner, my cousins, Sandy and Shirley for their information and photos, my niece, Sheryl, for her encouragement and astute questions, my niece, Jill, for gathering and editing the family album, Jerry Tafil for Tafil photos, Art Tafil for his family photos, the late Bonnie Tafil Jordan for vital documents of family information, and Lesczek Matloka for supplying Matloka documents I never thought we would find and Art Simieon for a history of the Krolak family that saved time and research that made my job so much easier.
If this site can help anyone in the search for their family, I am pleased I can help. If you recognize a name or photo, please send me an e-mail. Maybe we can find links that will complete your family tree and ours.