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Spencer Chase Curtis



This is Spencer....this is Spencer Chase Curtis. He was born in New Castle, In. on Feb 2, 1999 (ground hog day) at 3:15 a.m. He weighed 6lbs 13.5oz and was 19 inches long. Spencer I love you. You have been my brut you never took anything from anyone. You have always stood up for yourself and not let anyone walk on you. Sortof like your Mommy. You have this thing for big muscles. Hey listen to me ok. I'm sorry that I couldn't be there for you like I always told you. Things just dont work out the way we want them to all the time. I wish I could make them but I cant. I know that you wanted a family and you have one! dont forget that. Its just a special kind. Look sometimes people do things that are really bad. Things that hurt other people. They dont mean to but they just happen. Thats what happen with me. I did some stuff that just couldn't be repaired. I tried to fix them but when a bomb explodes it destroys everything. You see I was that bomb. Your Mommy was the building. Icame in and exploded and destoryed that building. We tried to repair it but there was too many missing peices. It was unfixable. Dont blame yourself or Mommy (it happen to her too) I did it to us and now i regret it. I'm sorry. I love you and I'll always be there with you. LOVE YOU ALWAYS YOU DADDY Robert Charles Curtis 4/6/03 9:15 a.m.