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The Final Chapter

I would like to thank a few people out there. First of all my wife and best friend anyone could ask for. I owe you everything plus more. If it wasn't for you I would have ended my life. You really don't know how close I was. I didn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. You turned on not that light but all the lights in the tunnel. You didn't stop at just one Thank-you! To my boys I love you and thank-you for being a big part of my life. I know you didn't know it but you helped Mommy turn on those lights too. I would have been lost if it wasn't for the 4 of you. Chris we know each other better then anyone else. You knew I wasn't telling you everything. You never stopped looking either. You found my message and responded to it. Why you bothered to do it I dont know and I dont care. The thing is you didn't quit or give up on me. Thanks for giving me back something i thought I lost. My life and my family and my friend!
