After seeing that "psycho sid" or whatever it's called theme on the official fluxbox site, I tried to replicate it. If you use gray for the shade on the transparency in wterm, and have a fancy background, everything you see through the terminal will look 4-bit through it. So I'd use a basic colour if you don't want that, or just a solid or 2 color for the background/desktop.

Anyway, this howto will show you how to set up wterm with fluxbox with a keybind so it opens up wterm with a theme you specify.

This is how I got wterm (where you see the chat/IRC window [which I'm running the IRC client irssi-text]) to look the way it did(I'll post a screen shot later): I logged in as root, vim /etc/X11/fluxbox/keys enter

I added the line: Mod1 T :execCommand /usr/bin/wterm -tr -sh -bg grey -fg white -ls -sl 9999 +sb -vb -cr blue -title 'diggerbox'

Then I saved. (if you're in vim, you hit the escape key, and type: :wq! If you don't know how to use vim (a popular standard editor for configuration files et cetera with linux and unix), you can type 'info vim' in a terminal window. Or you can do a search on

You can cut and paste that line I made for wterm with those colours even if you'd like. You can also change the colours around to your liking. The files on your system you have to edit for fluxbox may be in different locations depending on your distribution of linux or unix than where they are located on mine. This was all done using Libranet 2.8 sarge. But it should be similar if you're using Debian woody or sarge, aka 'stable' and 'testing' respectively.

So if you put that line of code in, when you hit Alt+T a terminal pops up with those settings. You have to restart fluxbox for the changes to take effect. Oooo pretty.

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