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Welcome to the New Impy's playground featuring pictures, jokes, Rants, Games, and the ocasional reviews for movies and such. Please left me know if you have any advice for the website, complaints or such by emailing me at If I get enough ill post a hatemail and fan mail section in my rants area.


P.S. To to fix some uncertainties, this is Ashton's site. I have many people send me things they want posted, various rants and such, but Impy is Ashton...its a nickname for the slower crowd out there.



Right now you are looking at the new design to my website (hopefully). I hope and tried to eliminate the stuff nooone looked at and make the site more accessable and visually appealing (sorry i still cant spell). This new site is jumped up with more of everything you like to look at, and nothing you dont. I may be making some movies soemtime soon for this site too...some hard core jackass style. Who knows. I need all the ideas I can get so email me and link to me in your aim profile or on your site! Thanks


Contact Information:


AIM: whiteboyonastick






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