Show details:
Attended With: Rob. I found out about this show the day of, and desperately tried to get people to go with me, and he was the one who gamely volunteered, since it was cheap.
Venue: The Jewish Mother, Virginia Beach, VA.
Opening Act: None. It's a bar show.
Highlights: Seeing Rob dance, even slightly, was a definite highlight. This was before college, when alcohol loosened him up a ton. Get Me There as the opener was hot, because I've always loved that one on the live release. I Shot the Sheriff was cool, as were the doo wop vocals on Digital Kids. I remember JC going nuts with effects on 'Vibe, and that being a cool first set closer. Code of Silence still had the clapping/Andrew makes funny faces intro, that was hot. Hearing Stew sing the ladies parts on Upspin, and on the Paul Simon show closer was a definite highlight too.
Lowlights: I've never really liked Turtle Dove, other then that, it's hard to even find a lowlight to seeing your favorite band for 7 dollars.