Scanner Terms/Definitions


BOLO       Be On the Look Out
CHRI         (kri)  Criminal History Record Information (nationwide/federal/IL)
DCI            Department of Criminal Investigations (Drug Task Force-ISP)
DNR          Department of Natural Rescources
FIRD         Federal Incedent Response Plan
FOID         Firearm Owner IDentifcation (Card)
FTA          Failure to appear (for court appearance)
ISP            Illinois State Police
LZ            Landing Zone (used by helicopters) (LifeFlight)
NCIC         National Crime Information Center
NTA         Notice To Appear (in court for traffic ticket)
TIPS         Traffic Information Planning System (ISP Codes)

"Channel" Abbreviations
HF             High Frequency (150 mhz)
I-REACH    Illinois Radio Emergency Aid CHannel
ISPERN      Illinois State Police Emergency Radio Network
LF              Low Frequency (42 mhz)
MERCI       Medical Emergency Radio Communications for Illinois
MERCI-1    155.340
MERCI-2    155.220
MERCI-3    155.160

Springfield City Police Department
"Dine-n-Dash"   -   Eating at a restaraunt and then not paying & leaving

Jersey County Sheriff's Department
"Dodging Whitetail" - Deer in the road

Terms used on-air by ISP DIstrict 11 (Dispositions)
3-I's-Intersection of Interstates 55, 70 and 270 near Troy, IL
EPV-Emergency Patrol Vehicle (IDOT) on road.... tow trucks with equipments for quick repairs, jump starts, tire repairs
East Scale-on I-64 near O'Fallon IL (exit 22) (eastbound lane, south side of road)
West Scale on I-55/65/70-a few miles west of Collinsville (westbound lane, north side of road)
Crash Report-Accident Report
Crash Number-Accident referral number
Special Detail
Fatal Detail-

Intransit-en route....10-76

Used Nationwide

A & B        Assault & Battery
ABC          Alcoholic Beverage Control
ADW          Assault with Deadly Weapon
Alert-1      Aircraft with trouble in flight
Alert-2      Aircraft possibly making belly landing
Alert-3      Aircraft crash has occured
AKA          Also Known As
APB          All Points Bulletin
B & E        Breaking & Entering
BOLO         Be On the Look Out
CD           Civil Defense
CI           Confidential Informant 
CP           Command Post
D&D          Drunk & Disorderly
DMV          Department of Motor Vehicles
DNR          Do Not Recesitate
DOA          Dead On Arrival
DOB          Date of Birth
DOT          Department of Transportation
DPS          Department of Public Safety
DPW          Department of Public Works
DUI          Driving Under the Influence
DWI          Driving While Intoxicated
EKG          Electrocardiogram
EMA          Emergency Management Agency
EMS          Emergency Medical Service
EOC          Emergency Operations Center
ETA          Estimated Time of Arrival
FI           Field Interview
FTA          Failure To Appear
GTA          Grand Theft Auto
HAZMAT       Hazardous Materials
MO           Modus Operandi - method of operation
PEARL        Pupils Equal and Reactive to Light
Priorty-0    No Life present
Priorty-1    Minor injuries
Priorty-2    Serious injuries - but not life threatening
Priorty-3    Life threatening injuries
SRT          Special Response Team
SWAT         Special Weapons and Tactics
VIN          Vehicle Identification Number 

Police Lingo  -  Cop Dictionary - definitions of the slang (May not be used in the IL area)

  Like any subculture in today's society, cops have their own lingo. We kinda figure that there will be people who want to know what we're saying (like you people with scanners). The TV shows are more than a little off base.

  Cop lingo will vary from agency to agency, so these examples may or may not be in use by the locals in your area.

  These examples should be taken at face value. The meanings and connotations can differ depending on the circumstances in which they're used. For instance, if a police officer has ever referred to you as "my chip" in your presence, while it is mildly irreverent, it would be understood by the other cops that you're more than a passing fad. This would be akin to someone saying "This is my main squeeze" or similar playful term.

  33 - (slang) - To respond high priority, specifically to use lights and sirens.
  Dispatch dropped a burglary in progress and I had to run 33 all the way across town. 
  Assist - (slang) - A call from another officer who is in trouble, extreme priority. Not to be confused with a back-up or check-by, which is lower priority. Assist intones life or physical well-being of officer is being threatened.
  11X15, assist call, officer involved fight in progress, unknown weapons. 
  Back-up - (slang) - A call to stop by another officer's location or to aid another officer as secondary unit.
  Why does dispatch always send me as back-up on barking dog calls? 
  BOLO - (slang, acronym) - Pronounced "bo-lo", acronym for "Be On the Look Out", an alert to watch out for something or someone. Typically used in general broadcast messages. General public thinks "APB" is usually used to describe this, which is not accurate, although some agencies may use it.
  Dispatch to all units, get ready to copy a BOLO. 
  Check-by - (slang) - Like back-up, is properly used as an action but is frequently used as a noun to define the person acting. Lower priority aid of another officer, usually for safety purposes.
  11X15, this big guy is pretty upset about getting stopped, can you send me a check-by? 
  Chip - (slang) - or Chippie - Girlfriend or mistress of a police officer. This term has lightly sleazy overtones, generally meaning sexual activity is involved, frequently an extra-marital affair. Sometimes is used irreverently to simply describe a girlfriend.
  I went and saw my chip yesterday. 
  Choir practice - (slang) - Party, specifically one involving police. Usually used to describe a gathering of officers and mistresses for alcohol consumption and general hell-raising. Frequently held in a remote location.
  We went out for choir practice last night, and I have one helluva hangover. 
  Direct - (proper) - Radio mode in which the repeater does not engage, very short range. Radios in this mode transmit from car to car but not to base, even on same frequency. Involves inverting the send/receive frequencies? Can be engaged on many radio brands with a radio-face control button.
  11X15 calling 20S22 on direct. 
  Dog Call - (slang) - Ridiculous request for police action. Coined from "barking dog call", means any call in which the complainant could have / should have resolved it without requiring police. A distasteful, boring assignment.
  I've had nothing but dog calls for the last two nights. 
  DWHUA - (slang, acronym) - Short version of "Driving With Head Up Ass".
  The guy wasn't drunk, just severely DWHUA. 
  Gangbanger - (slang) - Formerly used to describe group sexual activity, now typically means a person involved in criminally oriented street gangs.
  I found out where those gangbangers are hanging out. 
  GB - (slang, acronym) - General broadcast, to use the radio to make a frequency-wide inquisition or request for something.
  11X15 to dispatch, can you GB a wrecker for me? 
  Hit - (slang) - Active warrant. Meaning the person is wanted, can also mean a stolen item. Implies that a police computer response has shown an alert on the item or person involved.
  Dispatch to 11X15, return on your DL shows 3 TCIC hits out of Dallas, confirming now. 
  Hook - (slang) - an auto wrecker, vehicle designed for towing other vehicles, or a wrecker driver.
  11X15 arriving on the accident scene, send me two hooks. 
  Jaws - (slang) - "Jaws of Life", heavy rescue item used to pry open vehicles. Similar in shape to a pair of pliers only much larger and driven off of hydraulics or air pressure. Is fully capable of cutting a car in half.
  11X15 to dispatch, I've got one trapped, send me jaws. 
  OD - (slang, acronym) - Where this typically means "overdose" to the public at large, in cop lingo it means to go "off duty", off the air and done for the day.
  11X15 to dispatch, show me OD. 
  PC - (slang, acronym) - Probable Cause. Evidence sufficient to effect an arrest or search, where a reasonable and prudent person would believe that a crime has been / is being committed or was imminent.
  When I saw that crack pipe, that was all the PC I needed. 
  Pop - (slang) - To arrest, or the act of effecting legal charges on a person.
  When are you going to pop that turd? 
  PR-24 - (proper) - The actual nomenclature for an L-shaped style of police baton. The acronym stands for "Public Relations - 24 Inch".
  The turd wanted to fight, so I just whacked him a couple of times with my PR-24. 
  Rabbit - (slang) - Used to describe fleeing or subject who flees, to run from the law.
  When I told him to place his hands behind his back, he went rabbit on me. 
  Run hot - (slang) - To respond high priority. See 33. 
  Scrote - (slang) - Criminal type. See Turd. Short for 'scrotum'.
  That kid you bagged yesterday is a real scrote. 
  Shop - (slang) - A police officer's place of business, meaning his/her patrol car.
  They just put a new radar in my shop. 
  SO - (slang, acronym) - Several meanings, the two most common - 1) Sheriff's Office - The local county level law enforcement agency 2) Sign on duty, to go in service. Combined with a numerical value to indicate how many officers are assigned to that patrol car.
  Dispatch to 11X15, I just got the hit confirmed through the SO.
  11X15 hold me SO one time. 
  The Rule - (slang) - Also frequently used by attorneys, this term means court action to not allow witnesses to hear other witness testimony, in an effort to insure truthfulness. Commonly used with "invoke" leading.
  I don't know what all was said, they invoked the rule. 
  Turd - (slang) - A criminal type, not necessarily a convicted one. Someone perceived to be a potential or ongoing problem child. Frequently associated with grungy types.
  I ID'ed a couple of turds last night hanging around the parking lot.

Tow Package--- Report Number  and tow truck being sent to a traffic stop for impounding vehicles.
Airship-- Police Helicopter  also known as bird, air unit, helo, king etc.
"FI"---Field Interview on a suspect
Knock and Talk--- to knock on a suspects door at his place of residence and attempt to gather info on a particular crime or call
RP--- Reporting Party on a call
backed-up--- units are all tied up on calls at the moment
Smoking H & S--- suspect is using some sort of narcotic  *H&S actually stands for      Health and Safety which is usually followed by a code such as H&S
Subject is being 415 verbal-- means causing a disturbance and being lewd and 
Out for code--- Officer is on a lunchbreak
Suspect is 5149 and a half---- the "unofficial" code for not quite 5150 which 
is a mental case.

(These were obtained from, Vic Healy and

In Oklahoma it's E.P.O. - Emergency Protective Order

C.D.S. - Controlled Dangerous Substance
C.P.L. - Current Point Level (Driver's License - in Okla. 10 points gets you
a D.I. Flag)
D.I. (as in D.I. Flag - Suspension) - Driver Improvement
D.L. - Driver's License
D.R.E. - Drug Recognition Expert
E.O.D. - Emergency Order to Detain (Mental Detention)
F.I. - Field Interrogation (Card)
F.R. (as in F.R. Flag - Suspension) - Financial Responsibility (No Auto
O.L.N. - Operator's License Number
P.O.C. - Possession of Open Container
S O C - SOCial security number
S.S.N. - Social Security Number
T.O.C. - Transporting Open Container
T.B.O.H. - Taken By Own Hand

Bio-Hazard - Subject is known HIV-positive

A.I.      Accident Investigator
A.L.S.     Advanced Life Support (ALPHA)
A.C.F.A.   Attempt to Commit Felonious Assault
A.D.W.     Assault with a Deadly Weapon
A.R.T.C.C. Air Route Traffic Control Center
A.T.I.S.   Automatic Terminal Information Service (Airports)
A.T.L.     Attempt To Locate
B.C.J.     Bay County Jail
B.L.S.     Basic Life Support (BRAVO)
B.M.C.     Bay Medical Center
B.O.L.     Be On the Lookout
C.C.W.     Carrying Concealed Weapon
C.H.F.     Congestive Heart Failure
C.L.N.C.   Clearance (Airports)
C.M.I.S.   Criminal Management Information System
C.S.C.     Criminal Sexual Conduct
D.W.I.     Driving While Intoxicated 
D.W.L.S.   Driving While License Suspended
E.T.O.H.   Alcohol
F.A.C.     Failed to Appear in Court
F.C.J.     Failure to Comply with Judgment
F.T.A.     Failure To Appear (in court)
F.T.C.     Failure To Comply (with court judgment)
G.O.A.     Gone On Arrival
H & R      Hit & Run
H.E.A.R.N. Hospital Emergency Administrative Radio Network
HOOK       Towtruck
K          Killed
KEYHOLDER  Someone who has keys to get into the place
L.E.I.N.   Law Enforcement Information Network
L.Z.       Landing Zone (helicopters)
M.E.       Medical Examiner
M.I.P.     Minors In Possession of alcohol
M.D.O.P.   Malicious Destruction Of Property
M.D.T.     Mobile Data Terminal
M.S.O.     Marine Safety Officer (Coast Guard)
N.C.I.C.   National Crime Information Center
O.D.       Officer of the Day (Coast Guard)
O.T.L.     Out To Lunch
O.U.I.L.   Operating Under the Influence of Liquor (or O.U.)
P&L        Prostitution & Loitering
PAT.COMM.  PATrol COMMander (Coast Guard)
P.B.T.     Portable Breathalyzer Test
P.D.A.     Property Damage Accident
P.I.       Personal Injury accident
P.I.W.     Person(s) In Water
P.O.B.     Persons On Board
P.P.O.     Personal Protection Order
R.A.       Robbery Armed
R.T.D.     Return To Department
RUNNER     Someone who is responsible at the place
RVR     Runway Visual Range
S.A.R.     Search And Rescue
S.O.S.     Secretary Of State
T.X.       Telephone call
U.C.       Under Cover
U.D.A.A.   Unauthorized Driving Away of Auto
U.T.L.     Unable To Locate
V.C.S.A.   Violation of Chemical Substance Act
V.F.R.     Visual Flight Rules (Airplanes)
V.O.R.     VHF Omni-flight Range (Airplanes)

C.W.I.-- Close Without Incident
D.R.O.-- Domestic Restraining Order
G.O.A.--  Gone On Arrival (they were gone when unit got there)

D.R.T.-Dead Right There
A.L.P.-Acute Lead Poisoning (Gunshot wound)



AIRWAY:         Sustained Respirations of > 30               Active Airway Assistance
CIRCULATION: Sustained Heart Rate > 120                   No Radial Pulse w/ HR > 
                                                                                  120 OR Blood Pressure <
                                                                                   90 Systolic  
RESPONSE:    BMR = 5                                              BMR < 4 OR
                                                                                  PARALYSIS OR
                                                                                  Suspected Spinal Injury OR
                                                                                  Loss of Sensation
CUTANEOUS:  Major Tissue Loss: > 5" Avulsion OR      Amputation OR
                       GSW to extremity                                 2nd / 3rd Degree Burns to
                                                                                  > 15% Body Surface OR
                                                                                  ANY penetrating injury to
                                                                                  head, neck, or torso
FRACTURE:   Single FX site due to MVA OR                Multiple FX sites
                     Fall from > 10 ft.
AGE:              > 55
OF INJURY:    Ejection from vehicle OR
                      Deformed steering wheel