And for all the officers I work with and all fellow officers across the country
and around the world, always remember:
For more information about the departments I dispatch,
click here. I'm mighty proud to work with everyone in these departments. They
do a fantastic job!!
I have a daughter who has just made Tech Sgt. in the United States Air Force (congratulations !!!)
presently stationed at Ellsworth AFB. She is the joy of my life and I am so
very proud of her !!! I remember the day she came home from school and told
me she wanted to join the Air Force ... I nearly had apoplexy ... I asked her
if that was truly what she wanted to do .. she said yes. I signed the papers
and neither she nor I have ever regretted the decision.
The second love of my life is Arizona ... I lived there for 6 years and
hope to return there one day. I miss the mountains and the blue skies and the
high desert in all its glory. During my years in that wonderful
state, I worked at many jobs but the one I loved the most
was my time working on a 164,000 acre cattle ranch !! Yes,
you may find this hard to believe, especially those of you who
know me, I worked as a ranch hand/horse trainer. I mended
fence, moved/checked livestock, assisted in branding,
vacinating and castrating calves as well as training horses.
During my years in Arizona, I came to realize that my
soul is only completely at peace when I am there. My home
reflects this love ... it is decorated with Indian statues,
paintings, mandellas and cacti. I even have a .50 caliber
Hawkin Rifle and, naturally, the Duke has a prominent
place on one wall !!!
I am also an animal lover. I have 2 dogs ...a Pit Bull and a Bull Mastiff
... my beloved Rottador was laid to rest on August the 9th, 1999 after ill health
took its toll. ( Rest well my friend, you were the best of the best and
I shall miss you always. ) I also have a 125 gallon aquarium and a cockatiel
named Maggie.
Speaking of Chatting...if you've never tried it, I would strongly
urge you to do so. But BE WARNED it is highly addictive ! If you should
decide to enter the world of chatting, be sure to visit Chathouse and
look for my dear and wonderful chat friends, such as ....
Take a Look at These
My Special Friend in Oz
Chocked Full of Interesting Things
A Special Hoosier Cop
A Great Firefighter's Page
My Wild & Crazy Friend in WV
Hoosier Hunk's Page