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Hi, welcome to my home page. I am David Nicholas Andrews, and I am autistic (Asperger Syndrome... hence the title of my page). I hope that I can help people to understand a little more about autism and what it is like to be autistic.
I have included some links which will hopefully point you in the right direction. There are pages on my thoughts about some of the mathematical topics I like, and the psychological topics I find fascinating. I always tried hard to do well for myself, despite the (hitherto unknown about) autism and, now that I am getting somewhere, my family are quite proud of me for achieving these goals - not despite, but maybe because of my autism.
Some thing I did was to qualify as a Certificated Social Psychologist, which means I am able to make elementary referrals ("concerned friend" type) for people. I stayed on at University to study the psychology of health, because I had a research interest in mental health issues for people with high-functioning autistic conditions. My theory is still under development... there will be a sub-page when I have sorted it out!
I actually have the study equivalent of a degree, but - because it's from different universities and is in different subjects, I can't get a degree for it despite having worked my arse off for ten or more years for this amount of credit! To be honest, it really pisses me off that education systems are so inflexible. Think about this: if the education system really did work, there would be no such thing as learning difficulties/disabilities!

In November 2000, Professor Timo Järvilehto of the University of Oulu, Finland, supported my application to get into that university... which makes him a really worthy man, in my opinion... he has a webpage too..... lots of very interesting and very radical stuff!!!!!!

I am not a fan of psychiatrists, and I believe that most mental illness is caused by society insisting too much on conformity to stupid rules.
I include a link here to my case history, in which I am dishing the dirt on all those whose negligence lead to my being placed in a situation which most people would have hated to be in if they were me!

Englanninkielellä tietoa Aspergerin syndroomasta voi saada Suomessa puhelimella - 040 581 7323. For those outside Finland, the number gets a bit complicated, but it is possible! Finland's international code is +358 (+ is your country's access code to international trunk system, and then the first "0" of the inland dialing code is dropped....)


For the past few years, since 1997 in fact, I have making myself available to many (including professionals) as someone to advise on matters concerning autism issues. This has always been on a free availability basis. I have - as at May 2001 - the equivalent studies to that involved in a BA (Hons) in psychology, with minors in mathematics, archaeology, physics, adult education and even Finnish language! In Finland, it would be HuK vastaavat opinnot. In order to move on with my life, and support my family (and do the job of helping people to understand autism properly), I need to get onto a Master's degree.

I have, for some time, been trying to get into the University of Oulu, so as to train up as a professional psychologist and be able to advise on matters dealing with autism generally, and Asperger Syndrome in particular. The Finnish universities are generally NOT very well disposed to letting foreigners in to take their degrees, and so the university is doing its damnedest to not let me in, despite my excellent track record with my studies at Leeds, and the studies I did at the Open University, and at the Sheffield ones.

One of the course directors at the University of Birmingham suggested I put up a note on this website in order to alert possible sponsors. So, I am doing that. If anyone is interested in sponsoring me to do TWO courses, I would be willing to discuss the appropriate terms and conditions of such a sponsorship.

The courses are the MSc in Psychology and Health at the University of Stirling, and the MEd in Autism Studies at the University of Birmingham. Go here for the Birmingham details, and here for the Stirling details.

Sponsorships should ideally come from organisations only; and if they are autism-friendly, then all the better! A formal agreement/contract should be drawn up that favours neither party above the other: we should both get the things from this that we need. Ways to do this would need to be discussed. But these are the two courses I need to do in order to be an effective psychologist and autism issues advisor in Finland. The Finnish Autism Society is too poor to be able to help (it can not afford to employ most of its workers - autistic people are held in serious contempt by the authorities in Finland, and so we get no support, especially as adults!)....

The chances of getting any other funding from Finland are also virtually non-existent, since foreigners rarely get consideration for anything. I feel rather antipathic towards Finland for this.

Private sponsorships are not ruled out, but I would need to be clear over terms and conditions involved in them. More details from here.

Thank you for reading this bit....

Check out these links

Angelfire's homepage (natch!!!)...
National Autistic Society link...
Where I qualified in psychology from...
Another place I studied at...
An Asperger Syndrome link....
This is my Oulu University page...
This one's for behavioural sciences...
This is my personal autism page...
This is a gateway to other parts of my life!
Step this way to find out how best you can help an autistic person...
This is where you'll find Gemma Whitwell's articles about me...
This link takes you to this really well set out neuropsychology site - probably the best one on the net!
I am Chairperson for this very worthy pressure group called APANA... Autistic People Against Neuroleptic Abuse.
