Another thing it affects is my ability to deal with emotions. In the "normal" human brain, one finds that the cells that link the cerebrum (i.e., the "thinky" bit of the brain) to the limbic system (the "feely" bit) tend to develop in quite an organised manner. In my brain, they probably don't! Instead, they're likely to be like those of the "Type II" schizophrenic (who is basically autistic, really...)... totally disorganised - as if they'd developed their links whilst on the piss!!! This means I can't easily control my emotions, and this is why I still have tantrums at the age of 35.
I also have difficulties understanding what people say to me. That's not to say I'm stupid, but rather that I have a pragmatic-semantic language problem (this is where the sufferer has difficulty in extracting the meaning from what is said to him - or, of course, her!!!). Taking turns in conversation is something I've learned a little bit about, but I still feel that I never get to say what I really mean. Along with this, I have a dyslexic-dyspraxic syndrome, which is part of Asperger Syndrome (the posh name for my kind of autism)... I have serious difficulties in reading and writing, and these do not clear up with practice. This means that when I get stressed, I can hardly co-ordinate planned movement to do anything. This is a distressing problem, and for those who have it, few people have any sympathy... The language difficulties (not fully understanding what is being said to me, and not being able to instantly give replies because of not having the mind that can ... perhaps a bit of explanation could be useful here, yes?
The thinking bit of the brain is actually two very separate structures, which only "talk" to each other via this thing called the corpus callosum (almost literally, the hard bit!). On the whole, it is the right side structure that thinks in pictures, and the left side one that tries to describe these pictures. For me, this right side one is rather active - the left side bit is largely buggered, and so describing the right side pictures is difficult.
What my autism does to me is to make me vulnerable to being abused, and this has happened to me all my life. Most autistic people are emotionally capable of loving, but the expression of emotions is very difficult for us. And here also is the autistic person likely to be abused. It has taken me ages to actually come round to accepting that I was sexually and psychologically abused by a couple of people I became involved with. One of these was a high status nurse. I don't get the gist of a lot of things that are said to me, including things said in jest. This is a nasty situation to be in, because it is easy to end up getting paranoid about people in general. I hate being paranoid about people, because it detracts from what little real affective contact I can actually make with people.
It sometimes occurs, though, that an autistic person can come into contact with someone via the Internet, and find that there is a lot of emotional/affective contact can be made... probably more so at first than could otherwise be made in the initial stages of relating to someone... it's just one channel of communication to worry about!!!! This is a recent finding... someone really nice has come into my life via the mailing list we're both on. She's cautious, and I am too... we've both had weird shit happen to us in our lives, but we get on very well... well enough to have fallen in love with one another... e-mail, snail-mail and phone calls occasionally... she's absolutely gorgeous! In fact, she visited me recently, and our gut feelings about each other proved right... and it would be very true to say that we're in love...(it's actually neuro-typicals who get sensory hysteria....!!!! Most psychiatrists can't understand this, but they understand precious little anyway... look at what they do the schizophrenics and manic-depressives!)... Love does happen for autistic people. I know of two people who came together via the net, and they're now engaged... Hmm... interesting! Heta and I are not particularly into this "marriage" thing, but we do want a serious long term/permanent relationship. And marriage has been discussed. She has a page of her own on my site, which eventually will link to her own site, if she can get one going - it's a time thing. She works in research.
Following the success of my thesis at University, I am going to be changing a lot of what you see in these pages. I believe in differences in autism, rather than disability in autism (what disables me is the negative attitude of the general populace towards those who are different, the prejudices that those people have against those who are different and the refusal by "normals" generally to accommodate such differences as may be see in autistic people and schizophrenic people. In the end, people are individuals, and the true psychopathology is the one that makes people want to be all the same as each other!
My Autism Links
This is how Dr.Temple Grandin describes her experience of emotions...
I'm trying to find a link to Donna Williams to go here...
This link will take you to a link about David Miedzianik, whose not far from where I currently live...
Hmmm.. another link to David Miedzianik pages... this guy's a bit of a legend... he started off the ball rolling that became an LP about autism and autistm awareness.