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  Inter Islamic Network on Space Sciences and Technology

Isnet founded in 1986, in order to promote the advancement of Space sciences and Technology in the OIC Member countries. A decision to establish the Inter-Islamic Network On Space Sciences and Technology was taken at the Third Meeting of the OIC Ministerial Standing Committee on Sciences and Technology (COMSTECH) held at Islamabad , Pakistan in November 1986 which was endorsed in the 5th Islamic Summit held in Kuwait in January 1987. It was brought into existence with help and assisstance from the leading scientists of the Islamic World and has come a long way since its inception.

Headquartered in Suparco headquarters, Karachi, it has been responsible directly and indirectly in the fabrication, processing and launch of Muslim Ummah's First Experimental Satellite , BADAR-1. This satellite was launched as a piggyback payload on 16th July, 1990 aboard the Chinese Long March 2-E Launch Vehicle.

The member countries include Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Jordan, Syria, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Brunei, Kuwait, Senegal and Cameroon. It is headed by a President, who has assumed as Chairman, Suparco and assissted by Executive Director. Dr. Abdul Majid was its founding Executive Director. Currently, he also heads the Organisation after assuming the charge of Chairman, Suparco.




The Vice Presidents are nominated from 2 different Islamic Countries for a certain tenure. The organisation is further divided into different departments, with specified groups performing their respective functions. For more details click here

Isnet has also been involved in developing a number of databases. Initially, 3 Databases were developed

  • Organizations
  • Personnel
  • Publications

A list of other databases concerning Environmental Pollution Monitoring, Monitoring Stations, Geomagnetic changes and their application, and Remote sensing e.t.c. have also been developed.

Isnet is also involved in publishing Isnet News , the quarterly journal of Isnet. It contains relevant articles and publications of the recent developments in the field of Space Sciences and Technology in the Muslim World. The Malaysian telecom Scenario, Report on the 1st Governing body Meeting and Introduction to the New President of Isnet are the key topics in the latest Isnet News issue.

Isnet News is subscribed by imminent scientists of the Islamic world like Dr. Ata-ur-rahman, and is read by the relevant states of heads of the member states and connected agencies.

To subscribe to Isnet Databases and/or Isnet News and to get further information visit this link

Cosmic Query

This is a latest addition to different strategies developed by Isnet to attract as much participants as possible. A certain topic is assigned on a monthly basis.

Pros and cons of the debatable topic have to be addressed to Isnet Headquarters, Education Department, where expert Geologists, Astronomers, Physicists and Electronic Engineers and programmers access the contents and feasiblity of the given articles to practical situations. The best ones are then selected for publishing in the coming Isnet News. Not to forget this publication is accessed by leading technologists and scientists of the muslim world.

Rules for submitting your essay:

  • This contest is Free of charge and any person regardless of sex, religion, and race can participate
  • The article has to be typewritten in plain, simple English.
  • The participant's name, address, daytime phone number, email address, fax number ( if possible) and job place must be clearly and neatly written.
  • The essay is to be signed by the participant or else it would be rejected
  • No offensive language or discriminatory remark about any person or organisation should be entered. Remember, this is a research organisation, not a political one.
  • All essays should be written on A4 papers, and the text should be doubly spaced. Preferably, one side is to be used.
  • No employees or family members of employees of Isnet are eligible for participation
  • Isnet reserves the right to reject or accept any article without requiring any reason whatsoever.
  • After submission, the essay becomes Isnet property and any RELEVANT changes which do not conflict Isnet Charter can be made.

Proceed further only after you have agreed to the above terms and conditions!!


This month's topic

Space Technology in the new millenium???

Deadline : 30th December 1998



Rush in your entries to:

Isnet Headquartes

Gulzar-e-Hijri, Off University Road,

Sector #28, P.O. Box 8402,

Karachi - 75270


Fax: 92-21-4960553

This is the Official Website of Inter Islamic Network on Space Sciences & Technology. Any comments and suggestions for improvement are most welcome



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