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This is a place for people who have no computer -- except at their library -- to pool info, to counsel and console one another. Frustrated by -No Downloads- -No DOS- -No command line- -No executables- -No CD ROM installations- ? This is just the place. Spread the word, we must not stop until all of us are so good at what we do in stand-alone app programming, Web-development, E-commerce, graphics, image creation and manipulation and on and on that we can afford the $7200 work stations in the new houses with the new cars, swell A.D. furniture, and text books. A bed too! Oh yah, software money by the bushel basket. No help here^*^; but start a thread at these boards. I'd do it but I'm wired. If it's not there in a day or two, I'll call it "The UnConsoled" just so you know. ^*^http://www.harshal.da.ru/ http://www.mnsi.net/~jhlavac/freeware/graphics.htm http://www.sulaco.co.za/downloads.htm http://www.paurex.com/ http://www.mnsi.net/~jhlavac/freeware/graphics.htm Wait, here are a graphics site or two we can use... (|8^)> http://www.gifworks.com [interesting has virtual desktop even and "trans- loader" --site to site(?)] http://sleepyoaks.com/HTML/graphics_tools.htm http://www.jpegwizard.com/ http://nbswebfx.com [TV done with -- more than a few other effects]
http://www.redimp.com/wv01522b.htm http://www.jakell.com/FoosLinks/tools.htm http://members.tripod.com/~blackat9/index.html http://www.webreference.com/services/graphics/jw/ http://groups.msn.com/WebDesign/graphictools.msnw http://reallybig.com/category.php3?catid=21&next=45 http://www.affordable-website-design.me.uk/graphics_manipulation.html http://rahcreative.com/freeinexpensiveresources/freegraphics.html#online
See the The UnConsoled for stand-alone -- and other Cert. Exam. programming-related thread(s) here at my message boards there. Anyone know a good virtual credit card bank processsing engine? "Wanna" start one? Seems like an idea... Open an account in [your town] or debit card mailed (after fee) to user -- and charge utility code and bank fees are amortized. Probably some second or third tier financial demimonde business type, rather than banks might listen to a proposal. "Well why DON'T you have a blah blah blah?..." <--BANK OK, I want Burt, Benn-E, and a sober, contrite you-just-now-you-can-looking- that-up?! return-spoon mdc077 to come into The Outreach Cab Project... email me -- but not Cigarman or Lance... unless you have transformed them -- that Afro-American gentleman who never says anything, (obviously well thought of both in and on the town), except once he said to me after I gave P-Man a special personal reading of the Riot Act: "...there's something to be said for the truth..." Very much a "tone-y" guy. Shall we ref. to him a Tony, then? In future core? Fine -- see, we can u(s)'all work together, when you lay off the sauce (completely) -- some people can drink -- most people would probably be better off, notwithstanding ([pun == i] feller say), if they dint -- you can not drink. Try in 2012, no sooner -- "No glot, clom Fliday." Clake will help y'all get back in my good graces but you must admit to taking my (stealing) swizzle spoon weapon and return it -- quite contrite. Now... "Don't be a fool, buy me a trink!" --HUGO, of "The Iceman Cometh" [E.O.] HEY!! Where do you -thinyouare-scollin'to with da-rbrbribone...? --> --> Word of the Day!! for Tuesday January 13, 2004 tergiversation \tuhr-jiv-uhr-SAY-shuhn\, noun: 1. The act of practicing evasion or of being deliberately ambiguous. 2. The act of abandoning a party or cause. No doubt if I worked on it, I could evolve some kind of double-talk that would get around the offensive phrase, and make the, to me, face-saving implication; but to hell with that, I have too much respect for the English language, and for your understanding of it, to go in for tergiversation and weasely circumlocution. --Richard Gillman, "Standing Up to Ezra Pound," [1]New York Times, August 25, 1991 Like most writers, I have always championed thrift.... Not long ago, however, I experienced an extraordinary tergiversation. Now I'm an ally of excess, a proponent of redundancy. --Michael Norman, "When an Author's Words Are Sold by the Pound," [2]New York Times, September 15, 1991 Not long ago, during the Sturm und Drang of overloaded vir- tuous clouds of unlimited potentiality that is Sun Micro- systems's Java, I experienced an extraordinary brush with tergiversation. Now, by dint of Java Jenny, I'm back in bed with them to stay; and in toto too. --Wallace Brindle, "When Programmers Prefer Ezra Pound, 1.4" [3]The New Ilk, Crux, and Gist, September 15, 2012 _________________________________________________________ Tergiversation comes from Latin tergiversatus, past participle of tergiversari, "to turn one's back, to shift," from tergum, "back" + versare, frequentative of vertere, "to turn." The verb form is tergiversate. STOP ME BEFORE I SEE THIS Java Error Message Hate WORD AGAIN! --|> Deprecated <|-- If Java runs everywhere -- why the Bloody Hell don't they leave it alone -- for six years I have been getting The Ruined Life because they are so fabulous at Sun nobody can write a program 2 months after the last weekly IMPROVEMENT!! Is there a -- my wonderful wonderful GENTLE READER -- high-level language that compiles for more than 2 months?? Is there an Ancient.Greek.Sharp.Plus??!! Did Pythagoras write a computer programming language that a person can write them- selves into an Aston Martin & a Thunderbird or a Jaguar XK8 with and have enough money left over to make house payments and get a crummy scotch and soda at the Yacht Club with, or 5? Because I need to know it, what is it? Why aren't you tel- ling me? No you HAVE to tell me bcause I have the magic Fu! Oh yes I do!!! What about Borland Turbo C++ ? hm? ay? I'm going to all the high level comp lang corps offices with Deprecated tattooed on my knuckles. Then I'm going to shake my fist in the faces of those who are present when I arrive. And the first time I hear, because tranquility aliens in empirical work product lang.fact: "What does that mean what you're doing -- and please? What does the interesting word mean, fine sir?" THAT'S MY LANGUAGE, PEOPLE!@!# Somebody, meanwhile tell them at Sun -- their little carrot thing " ^ " doesn't ever make any sense where it sits itself. Please respond at forum you start now gentle reader. That's a six year niceness waiting for you good good goo goo goo -- doo doo doo goo doo... [R][U][E]=[R][U][E]=[R][U][E]=[R][U][E]=[R][U][E]=[R][U][E]=[R][U][E]=[R][U][E] What about cgic /-> c g i C ... do the free Web sites offering cgi-bin -ability make cgic a doable deal? Talk to me now. Come on.


To: forums.devshed.com Forum Posting Persons: Thanks for these; excellent! http://forums.devshed.com/t63422/s.html http://archives.java.sun.com/archives/jsp-interest.html http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/jsp-asp.html How often do you find yourself writing assembler code to talk with the network driver? http://univoltaire.cjb.net https://www.angelfire.com/in/KnightsTemplars/ This (particular) DevShed forum I find very helpful. Thanks for all involved's posts! Of interest / also see: http://www.boutell.com/cgic/ and Club Pi http://archives.java.sun.com/ http://www.apl.jhu.edu/~hall/java/Servlet-Tutorial/ -- Rue d'Auseil http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/ http://forums.java.sun.com/ http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/ http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/ http://java.sun.com/docs/ http://www.antlr.org http://java.oreilly.com/ http://ww.afu.com/javafaq.htm [R][U][E]=[R][U][E]=[R][U][E]=[R][U][E]=[R][U][E]=[R][U][E]=[R][U][E]=[R][U][E] Oh ~Gentle~Reader~ there is a beautiful lady that just sent me the most calming, spelled and mellow English reads-well helpful post at ... um the place... Someone has to know the beauty of bonhomie help nice people... I can't expose her name to you, because, I am too too just so much a Knight Templar -- but I'm code naming her Java.Jenny, is that not cute? "Yes, ohh! [he'll] be very discreet..." Annie in Ghostbusters. Ya, I call her Annie... she insists... once I called her Ms. Potts and she cried. Said I was being mean. mm hmm...tz'true. Nonono, I"m fine! 100 % <-- Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder in that prison movie apres-anxiety attack. Look at this -- no look at this -- you see...you see: Subject: Re: deprecated code for password protection jsp In Reply To: Re: deprecated code for password protection jsp Date: 2012-09-09 09:09:09 Author: JavaJenny (jjenny) Project Contributor Read Count: 1 Hi, you just have a bunch of little bugs, it looks like. For example, in your first post, the compiler thinks you're closing the string and gets confused. You need to escape the quotes or use single quotes inside your string instead: out.println("Correct -- Thank you! Click on <a href=\"index.jsp\">ENTER</a>."); or out.println("Correct -- Thank you! Click on <a href='index.jsp'>ENTER</a>."); In your third post, you just have a misspelling of the method getParameter. It should read: password = request.getParameter("password"); Also, when comparing for equality, you need to use a double equals sign (==) since single equals (=) is for assignment. In this case, though, you're comparing objects (specifically Strings), so you need to use object comparison instead (== only works on primitives like ints). Try: if ("bluesboy".equals(password)) Notice I put "bluesboy" first instead of password. This is just a trick I use so I don't have to check that password != null. out.printline should be out.println: out.println(" -- password incorrect -- try again... "); Basically, just get to know the error messages. They're usually pretty good about telling you what you've done wrong. If the compiler says a method isn't found, make sure you didn't make a typo. java.sun.com is an excellent resource. I find it essential to have the JDK API bookmarked, myself (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/). The developer forums can also be useful (http://forums.java.sun.com/). Q: WHAT IF THIS JAQUELINE KENNEDY + CAMILLE PAGLIA + DONNA E. KNUTH LADY IS ALREADY MARRIED! CAN'T YOU SEE HOW PSCILO-WILDLY MARS ASYLUM UNINSURABLE INSANE YOU ALL ARE TO EVEN SUGGEST THAT! WHY ARE THE GOOD ONES ALWAYS TAKEN!! INSANE RED FOOLS! I'm fine. Feel great. "We want a sample of your brain tissue" -- "Ok..." <-- Rick Moranis in GB. Sun, don't hate me; I could have erased my stuff -- but I wanted you to know how churlish and neurotic I am -- because that's the way she expects me to be: continuity and accountable. Good. I'll learn my lesson, pay my debts to sunciety... Find a way to make this person, at least, allow me to pick her up for -- no for just, see: coffee in the XK8 once-in-awhile. I am fine, just the basic nice and good fine "hello Dr. Yes-thanks..."
fr. The Soft Machine, by William S. Burroughs, Grove Press, NY; WSB @ 1961 Cross the Wounded Galaxies The penny arcade peep show long process in different forms. In the pass the muttering sickness leaped into our throats, coughing and spitting in the silver morning. frost on our bones. Most of the ape forms died there on the treeless slopes. dumb animal eyes on "me" brought the sick- ness from white time caves frozen in my throat to hatch in the warm streamlands spitting song of scarlet bursts in egg flesh. beyond the pass, limestone slopes down into a high green savanna and the grass-wind on our gen__als. came to a swamp fed by hot springs and mountain ice. and fell in flesh heaps. sick apes spitting blood laugh. sound bubbling in throats torn with the talk sickness. faces and bodies covered with _us foam. animal hair thru the purple s_x-flesh. sick sound twisted thru body. underwater music bubbling in blood beds. human faces tentative flicker in and out of focus. We waded into the warm mud-water. hair and ape flesh off in screaming strips. stood naked human bodies covered with phosphorescent green jelly. soft tentative flesh cut with ape wounds. peeling other gen__als. fingers and tongues rubbing off the jelly-cover. body melting pleaure-sounds in the warm mud. till the sun went and a blue wind of silence touched human faces and hair. When we came out of the mud we had names. Hey! is Altered States film part rip-off of Burroughs, L.A.?? J'accuse! Respond!
If you wish to swap links, please use this address to size that graphic topping this page to your specified size == and send me your own innaresting conditions and img and URL -- or "spell it all out" if you think I'm that inept. (|8^)> You seek img: https://www.angelfire.com/in/KnightsTemplars/hillzbillburroughz.gif Hoo Wha?! Hey Now! REMEMBER ALWAYS inter(n)FOLKS, www.brinkster.com is going to be one of the, if not THE Best!, Internet Hosting Provider, now and in the future. Tell your associates! "If you like to do that.**" **[ Per Brevig, Metropolitan Opera Co-principal Danish-American (a trusted guest, in a sense?) Trombone and, briefly with [sardonics ahead! CAUTION!] "interruptions" (eg. phone call to some bearded bass trombonist politico during my rather expensive lesson), teacher to both Michael Levin and Wallace Brindle [he who knew/knows his harmonic minor; @Aspen -- @ Aspen -- even! -- though intention- ally? used in humiliating ways v. David Langlitz -- what? even Gerard Schwartz! "No French Horns? -- F____ it!" *walks out on $100 seminar cold -- then they make him Seattle Symphony Orchestra Music Director ... more musical politics and perfidy and odious machiavellianism gets ahead -- not on my watch it doesn't! -- the Salus populi suprema lex esti! -- as above and below ... "...Gotcha!", 'Maestro' *] !!!! ] Nemo me impune lacessit! -- WDB ( voltuniv ) 10 JAN 04, Sat. Dateline, Memphis verdant@rednova.com [E probe 2] If you stay 'round har for the weekend, you just might find some innaresting (same-in-manuscript -- Daphne) passages from W.S. Burrouughs The Soft Machine ! (Piviliged Message: HNCD-TLLT-CPA) Please, Have No Computer Developers, Thinking Learners and Learning Thinkers Club Pi Annex, see: http://www.boutell.com/cgic/ And also: "~"MYNEWSOL"~" /~voltuniv/helloworld.jsp !! People, it wouldn't kill you to leave a message at Your Club Pi Message Boards (now and again) Even If You Are Not Currently an Official Member -- we don't carry exclusivity or affirmative action to the point of evincing an op def hate crime, ay? same link as above, ([ibidem] if you must have your Latin)... Please mdc077 read They Walked a Crooked Mile by Charles Franklin "An Account of the Greatest Scandals, Swindlers, and Outrages of All Time" Hart Publishing Company 1969 New York ...and please don't read it like it's a textbook! ~ By the way, heard S. Brown on Art Bell's coasttocoastam.com and MAN what a cigar-voiced carny BS girl that one is -- are you kidding? You are kidding, ay? It's a joke? With your brains?!! What a waste. What a waste. How did this happen to you. I'll help you, and "I've got it to give... but if you're not receiving..." -- quote from W. S. Burroughs Junkie Here, dig, BIG GUY, go and ask your latest v____ to get you these two books: algorithms by Anthony Ralston & Hugh Neill Teach Yourself Books, NTC Publishing Group 1997 From Calculus to Chaos An Introduction to Dynamics by David Acheson, Oxford University Press, 1997 Also see mdc077, various other forums at the main, this one's inyrftrthgh...ay?: -----Original Message----- From: john zalewski Sent: 2003-12-09 03:46:00 To: Wallace Darwen Brindle Cc: Subject: kellie waymire
hello wallace i saw your post on some-damn blog. i knew kellie waymire for three months before she died. your intuition is correct. she was truely one in millions. she was very nice. she was very sweet. she was very charming. she was very talented. and none of that mattered. she rested on none of that. she worked hard for all her success. she never coasted on her ample natural talent. she gave to every aspect of the thankless job of making art in this land. she would help make sets, paint them, make costumes, buy things that were needed out of her own pockets with great inspiration. she made AMAZING presents for cast and crew and no one knew where she found the time, much less the energy. she would fly herself in from shooting in Toronto to be in Kate Crackernuts on the weekends she could. i was on the design team for the show she was in when she died, Kate Crackernuts... she always gave you what you needed to work, plus more to make it even better. always a good idea. never thoughtless. never selfserving. and she would leave you alone when that was what you needed. she knew. i just came back from her memorial at ucla. and it's amazing to hear from so many different people so many aspects of these same 24karat traits of her personality. i'm sorry you never met her. because to me and to so many others she is the highest inspiration. this is all VERY MUCH beyond eulogy talk. she is truly someone to think about when you COULD be doing something beautiful with your life, but are feeling lazy. Kellie Waymire is the saint those poor shmoes, me certainly included, need to pray to. thanks for your intuition about kellie. you were right. go make beauty. YOU'RE WASTING TIME! sincerely, john zalewski [this was in response to:] If there are any people from 24th Street, or Star Trek, who knew this unusually beautiful looking person well, please post something about her or email me -- I mean to say, if you were lucky enough to know her as a friend or as someone you worked with. I would like to know what she was like to be around. I feel strongly she must have been a very rare bird on Earth, it's just a very unique, nice, feeling I get from her photos. Wallace Darwen Brindle verdant@rednova.com Posted at November 24, 2003 12:21 PM And you can join the company after you've gotten half way through them... You can become a real honest man contributing to society and Western Civilisation. Yes, mdc077, as a fully vested member of my company. Now go and get at it! There, really, now, go on! NEW APB c l i c k -- HERE NEW MAJOR BREAK THROUGH LEARNING/DEV RESOURCES WISE Hello World! "Love, work, and knowledge are the wellsprings of our life. They should also govern it." WILHELM REICH hillsborough@w3source.net
[JoAnn, FYI: FBI Interstate Internet Asset-Theft-Related Fraud Link One of Ten -- keep checking back, I shan't fail you: http://fbilibrary.fbiacademy.edu/Templates/Bibliographies.htm

--Wallace Darwen Brindle, Sud-Deutsch Town Lad (NOT A SOT!)]

] Whether this is good news or not, face it -- you are at: https://www.angelfire.com/in/KnightsTemplars/wagohi.html

Please note the click-O-the-day to update yourself on my current, like, status & scenario in situ [students of V.U. N.B. Not real Latin, merely punned Latin WB.MSTR.ED], friends and CabVolteers and others, HERE. (Please.) If you would, see... Tuition-free MIT "An exploration of some ideas by Philip Greenspun." My gals and fellows -- gallows...? [duno...?] Camille Paglia get me out of this, I charge thee! (or would do if weren't maxed-out), or Joyce C.O. --k, my Blue Stockinged dream persons? English spoken here: Antworten Allen antworten Weiterleiten Umleiten Löschen Hey Hoo! I am up in my room at Bellevue Hosp. I have always hated ftp. I remember, even now after the treatments, how I used to open my windows -- this was before THE LONG TIME -- and shout incomprehensible things making almost_sounds that, by comparison, coloured H.P. Love- craft's Cthulhu Mythos' protagonist's histrionics to merely a dull droning like a person on too much Thor- azine reading a 1975 Reader's Digest, maybe to a friendly bug ...named “Dr. Wuggles”. You see, my best friends are file managers and HTTP Upload utilities. [*dissolve to Leaky's weekly Rentals TRAILER PARK of (W)HORRORS here* continue Voice Over] ...when my landlord took my $6k computer, illegally, and under duress with lots of smoke and CYA coming out... I had to start working at my [a. Web and E-commerce design projects at the Memphis Public Library] and [b. Stand alone applications Java (and others ????) programming Exam Cram(s) hands-on-ness so I can get out of poverty via JSP and Servlet (and ????) practice at the: ...Memphis P.L.] and [c. figuring out how to "find things" for complicated computer-generated and otherwise manipulated graphics arts images, etc. that can also mostly really only be done -- *jump cut to A Man Named Horse hazing ritual scenes that did not get past the censors* -- with unparalleled hurdle hopping without being able to avail DOS, downloads, CD-ROMS, or command line (“The Gimp” I dig special, or did…) – e.g.: like ftp -- which I have always hated, remem- ber? -- "Web Sciences" super advanced studies with freesites is not all that free, you know? (When I get out of here, I'll pay later, a great deal!, to all of Them who have helped me to become the psychic train wreck I am today – oh! and contribute! Bonaparte Phooey, Jose!! I shall make good – MAKE good! --; after I eat my clipped-pictures-of- food soup for the week; after I get out -- ...) should have file managers (text editors up there at the server, uno?) It *sobs here inconsolably, finally, as whitecoats take him to KRA: “Kratchet’s Restricted Area”*] *now alone w/ wires all over scalp, Kratchet hums in background* [close up, a smile you never want to dream of – much less actually see:] Today I finally -- FINALLY -- found a free JSP and Servlet Web host weghqaea.com after 10 days of dark dark dark dark moments and not a few insults from various citizen capitalists. Of course, the first thing I discovered after I got regis- tered at weghqaea.com -- and as I was picking out the Lam- borghini I want to order’s color and interior leathers and built-in lap top and special passenger side place for the real life photo of Jodie Foster (I mean, uno, after I pass the Java Exam, ... see-what-Imsane?, the Fountain-O-Corn- ucopia nice nice; and also buy myself 4 T-1 connections and 4 >= $6,000 (Dell, Compaq, Gateway, and a build-my-own) com- puters to be placed on marble pedestals with NASA-JPL-built USPs in the live guard x 2 MIT STANFORD LAN LAB enabled Bunker: “Area Omega One”), ...resuming: first thing I noticed was the only way to get 'Hello World' into a file at weghqaea.com was ... are you ready? FTP I thought it was nice when my Girlfriend, Daphne Irene Amarita, had a flower delivery service deliver the nas- turchuns (sp?) -- at least, all the Nurses -- even Kra- tchet said it was... *long pause, downward look, cataton- ically sad* she DID say ...herself even -- mmm...they were scared, though, when I read the card n' where at the top it said: "FTP" / Can you tell me how to get the HTTransferProtocol Browser Fair-E to visit me here? I have to pass the Java Cert Exam, can’t you see that? -- so as to pay for the plate glass window I jumped through with the flowers in my mouth, yelling, and screeching, but not too loudly, cause of the acoustical effects of the flowers, can’t y'all see that? The nice man at an electronique mail address who left this message at the MCS forums (quod vide): "For all having the same problem, I have now a solution (without applett). If you want know more, email me to FJ_Thuringia@web.de [it's not real, I tried]" has not answered me... yet. He's FTPing, of course. Would you like to help me? Your site (http://www.unlimitedftp.ca/) also requires DOS / Command Line / Downloads / Librarian bribes in the tens of thousands of dollars range – clearly a Pyrrhic victory – but worth every peer to avoid FTP, which I hate Tesla dint invent it YOU KNOW, it was Edison all the time because of the Fossil Fuel Guys! – anyways, I have to go now, it is what the Chief Other Bad Nurse Warden calls "Cocktail Time" I love you all. Nobody knows how much I love you all. Please help me before … before… *looks hideously like Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard, distant, away* I have to do my close-up now Mr. DeMille… I’m ready Nurse KraMille… my upload --- Nurse DeChat… “m’ready – mm hmm… m'hmm: Say – 'f t pee' (!) *fade to black* --Rue d'Auseil https://www.angelfire.com/in/KnightsTemplars http://univoltaire.cjb.net http://www.tbns.net/vu/cv.html [% <------ Resume %] (the firmer former flamer Rod & Maddie Usher (band) Art Farmer C. Wallace D. Brindle likes to help, cause it never hurtsta -- paraphrased from the Great: Eek, the Cat so won't you please copy and paste and enjoy playing with graphics using DHTML and drop a message on the boards [below link] a message board/forums looks so DUH with no messages -- start a DHTML and other program- ming when you're stuck with only library computers thread -- even if you are a WEALTHY ONE -- oh my!!! .... look@yewww --oh, sorry.) [forums link] Graphics without my precious Gimp that shall return! http://www.w3schools.com/dhtml/dhtml_examples.asp https://www.angelfire.com/ab/cba/dhtml.html http://www.scriptfx.com/transitions/lighting/spotlights.htm http://www.talkfrontpage.com http://5url.com/dhtml.html http://msdn.microsoft.com/~~~~....reference/filters/dropshadow.asp http://www.rentadabo.nl/~english/h-dhtml.htm I will be rehearsing leggy data bytes at: verdant@rednova.com or the BerlinShare Mental Health Bellevue East BS-MHBE Wing: ctord110ctct4bdn@turboprinz.de PS: Naturally my $15,000 in default (because lousy 3rd and 5th rate "schools/+ one college, A_______ in Mpls" with Fed and other Gov Imprimatur and Cachet -- I don't care what they say -- beguiled me but did not educate much, interview people sold me, that they did...) student loan problem can't be solved.... can it -- I'll do WORK WORK if I can solve by STU-Deeeee at __Your University or ComColl's Name Here__... even windows -- anything you like, Madam Demille... anything at all -- except ftp... vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Special thanks to my Producer Albert_Nermelk_25, and the good sports at http://www.woowootime.com/ tech-school.shtml#foo [F.T.P. DeMille & others: "file mgrs, incl. browser goods / HTTP pleasant-trees." @ The Cabaret Voltaire Group 2004 all rights reserved, but we are quite venal.] vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv +++ GMX - die erste Adresse für Mail, Message, More +++ Neu: Preissenkung für MMS und FreeMMS! http://www.ftp.net Hm! Oh, I think I understand this... [no responses...] Therefore, one shall be rewarded by the new poem (click all Hillsborough) HERE. This way, see, one will be able to bring caution back in from the wind by taking the prudence-pregnant precaution of not investing one's past, present, and future in useless cosmetic perceptions, see. In vino veritas - shoe-ah -- but: "In deconstruction there is safety". [quoted passage, attrib. Brindle] What one really needs sometimes is the rare, and vaunted, Arts-ist Stockbroker Philosopher Scientist King. But try and find one -- whhooooo! one tries, but... "There's one mark you can't beat: the mark inside..." : "Jerk the handle inside, sir..." [both are W. S. Burroughs', "ground" worker supreme!... Makes Iceberg Slims look like "Bluff City" Goofies with mere "inneresting (sic) conditions"! Why don't people who should take time to know, know?] --> [carriage return much?] --> http://www.selfknowledge.com/347au.htm "Sud-Deutschland Man"

This site is for the interests of decent, informed, chatty persons and messaging newsgroup communities as a gathering place and information sharing site for Hillsborough, NC and also for people interested in the area; people who need more eye-pieces for their ambitious but puzzling scope of discovering an acurate, encyclopedic, and panoptic worldview, including the universe, history, and everything (also comparing) from/with Apples to Zebras.

Zebras--FAQ: Why "WE" Are Moving Help (For the mod. lit. crowd, only, please.) Apples--FAQ: Move To Help (For the forensic &tc, info-challenged, only, please.) Kiwi Tyne Raspberry & Lav: Typical Hillsborough Folks To Get To Know! {you wanna get your picture inna [World! Wide! Web!] site? FREE!? wyncha email [incl pic(s)] your WB.MSTR NOW! Yes, NOW! -- or you'll get reduce to 'not got yourself hid good' stage-fright scratch-nerves!}

Hand coded, of course -- for we are "WB.MSTR" -- we do not have to resort to "Basic" templates, MS Publisher, or the other WYSIWYG shortcuts. We are magical. 1: "Programming is understanding." 2: "Imagine there's no Wall-ry...it is very hard to do..." [Kaff!] Yes. (Well, OK not magical, but engaging & certainly a nice guy though...a part of the Solution type...honestly...we don't even play pool -- squash and sailing*, and that's it...--OK, chess: but not for money; ...almost never.)

*Helsman's Log/Destination: 36.1° N 79.1° W /note: required - extremely low draft!

Some Hillsborough, NC friendly links! [If you'd like me to add your site, don't be a stranger (so to speak.) Send me an email with text link for approval; short short description, please -- small banners are OK too. Hey, "who loves ya baby...?" No, besides Telly Savalas...] www.ci.hillsborough.nc.us/index.asp http://hillsborough.nc-city.com/ http://www.kci.com/tech/offices/hillsborough.html http://www.searbrown.com/employment/employment_hillsborough.htm == Weather and Meet Locals or Vice Versa! [?]
Personal Interest Links (know thy WB.MSTR): Blue Water Sailing Photos Java Applets For EE Education Java Learn Math Visual (SUPER BIG-TIME!) Aid Applets Nuclear Physics DONUT Home Institutue For Partical Physics Phenomenology {University of Durham, |U.K.| [photo: glass bldg (below)]} Citing Electronic Sources Umberto Eco [cult?!?] Ralph Gibson Genius Photos [also cf. Brindle-Borges ("sidewalk") below] No Racism Either Way (anyway) Odd & Fascinating Message BullBoard Groups Pat's Glasgow's West End site (major excellent pics / fascinating people & comments. -Ed.)        I like architecture...you have any?                           Here is a man. Let us observe him together. Come along, won't you, how fun! Hmmm... fascinating, see him keyboarding there? Nice appearing intellectual but professional and anti-strident like an extremely young Orson Wells smashed together with Richard Dreyfus and Kenny Rogers... Now, look--> THERE! The tell-tale beard touch mark of intense "thoughtiness" -- ah a rare bird on Earth, you say... Yes, we agree on that, but so, mmmm, interestingly intense -- THERE! again the beard touch with the arched eyebrow -- this man is very open, readable -- ahh, when he wants to be -- giving too -- SEE NOW! how he helps those Kampuchian orphans with their computer skills issues... Oh...a nice man, this one -- yet bold, decisive, a 'food latch,' -- is that what you - oh, sorry, a 'Good Catch,' sorry, misundersttod you there... I think we want you to look more and more into this one -- a singular man; yes, quite, rather indeed: singular. A Peter Sellers of a man ... humor is no stranger to this hombre -- and -- SEE LOOK the creative gesture of raking the fingers through the lush hair -- no no not hair 'of' a lush ---=... ah, I see you have a sense of humor, hm. that could work well for you and he it seems to us, doesn't it? WOW!! look how honest, that businessman there drinking Jimmy Hendrix' wine dropped a $100 and CabVolt turned around and swept it up and returned it with grace and a plumb. No clue where the plumb originated. A man of fruity mystery, you are thinking...Can we but concur?                                        Main site link convenience page #2                                                                                                                              Main site link convenience page #1                             Résumé
FYI: Orange County Domestic Violence Project      P.O. Box 8181      Hillsborough, NC 27278      Business Phone: 919-732-8181      Hotline/Crisis: 919-942-0479 CVG7 - Mnemonic (Emergency) Device For Phone Number Above Brooks Brothers was founded in 1818 -- by definition, a gentle - man (Brooks Brothers is a traditional man's haven for fine clothing) would never strike a woman, or abuse her in passive-agressive ways, etc...; so turn 1818 around -- you have 8181 . Now, 7/32 would be July 32nd -- a very unseemly thing. So 732-8181 We do know this is a little bit gratutitous, but maybe it will help someone, when help is very much needed, you see? Clearly, we also are determinedly against violence done by people of either sex to people of either sex, including that which is done by women against men. "The devil you don't know is more dangerous than the devil you know." Criminology Links [my only hobby is Criminology, otherwise (motto on the Brindle escutcheon:) "Never a Dilettante!"] A special respectful hello to Hillsborough's Finest, needless to say. A CVG7 Links Special Feature: Salus populi suprema lex esti* * "The safety of the people is the highest law." Another important, while relatively fragmentary, portion of my hobby is radio communication emergency skills... No principals hereto can convinc- ingly remonstrate that Wallace Brindle did not try to warn y'all - using CB! Very Gray Dogging Malady...NCPD http://www.crimelibrary.com/criminal_mind/index.html http://web.uct.ac.za/depts/criminology/ajap/otherlink.htm Columbia University studies relating to Anti-Semitism Anti-Defemation League [Note; Available Now: ADL's Definitive Guide to Extremism in America Now on CD-ROM. Resource Will Be Widely Distributed to Law Enforcement Agencies Nationwide. We mean real ones.] http://www.columbia.edu/cu/ssw/faculty/profiles/ivanoff.html http://www.vuw.ac.nz/cjrc/staff.html http://bjc.oupjournals.org/ http://www.leeds.ac.uk/law/staff/lawdw/cyberpolice/pol6out.htm http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/~llou/guns.html http://www.drugarm.org.au/general/devil.htm
Hey, Hillsborough! -- Congrats! Because I know "You're ready to believe me..." Allow me to introduce myself, please click HERE Wonderful Hillsborough Promotional Content Here! [Commercially and so Socially Appeal- ing!] Free Wallace-Provided Private Chat Room! You won't believe what happens in the next 5 days, Hillsborough, NC says: Hey, "we love you man!" Hillsborough, NC is the Official Cabaret Voltaire Group's Adopted City! a/o Saturday, 09/13/03 ! North Carolina is the Future State of The Art ! [...well... what do you think it means?]
Chat Cam City: Chat & Webcam Sites
Chat Cam City Preferred Site

              EZ Free Java Chat Now Below OK? (No Gimmicks, No "Strings", So be nice to people [the Rule])
This application requires Java suport.
This server also available via IRC at:
               PLEASE, Prof. Wallomahnn, HELP ME use 
               Hillsborough Chat Central!
          OK!   :-> 
               Suggested Room name (as it appears): #voltuniv 
               as in voltaire university, D. L.: 2004 

         /nick newname -- Change your nickname
         /join #newroom -- Create a new room or join an existing room
         /action message -- Sends an action (red) message
         /whois nick -- Shows you information about this nickname
         /topic new topic -- Changes the topic (if allowed)
         /list -- Updates the room list
         /quit -- Leave the chat and disconnect from the server
         /sound sound message Sends a sound and a message
         The sound will only be heard by others using the java client. 
         Some common sounds are: bell, laugh, gong, moo, crash, flush, 
         knock and whistle.  

"Always expect more from
The Cabaret Voltaire Group!"
and please do visit again!
No Gimmicks, no strings;
Just me. [Yeah, I know...]

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Travelers Aid - Mid-South Red Cross Chapter