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poetry, prose and fiction
resources for writers
short bio
family photographs
in memory of my sister
LilyNBlue: My Poetry and Other Passions (Graphic by Julie Remke, 2001)
Last Update: January 1st, 2008

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© 1998-2008, Julie Remke. All Rights Reserved. All text, graphics, HTML and contents
of this website are protected by US and International copyright laws.

I'm a member of
The HTML Writers Guild

Sites of Family Members:

Grammie's Dollhouse
my grandmother's dolls and family

my uncle's place in wyoming

Other Stuff

The Weather Where I Am
Click for Avilla, Indiana Forecast

Ride "The Rail" Below!
Travel West The Rail Travel East

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© 1998-2008, Julie Remke. All Rights Reserved. All text, graphics, HTML and contents of this website
are protected by US and International copyright laws and may not be reproduced or distributed
in any manner without the explicit permission of Julie Remke.