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Earth Astrology: Native and Celtic Traditions
Native American Earth Astrology
The Native American Astrological System has existed for many centuries, and recently made
more popular by SunBear and Wabun Wind in their book, The Medicine Wheel: Earth
Astrology You can read more about this system, by buying their book from Here!
Below is a brief overview of your totem and moon, based on your date of birth. Each totem
corresponds to a specific animal, element, plant, stone, clan, and color.
Dates | Moon/Element | Animal | Plant |
Stone | Clan | Color |
Dec 22-Jan 19 | Earth Renewal | Snow Goose |
Birch Tree | Quartz | Turtle | White |
Jan 20-Feb 18 | Rest & Cleansing | Otter | Aspen
| Silver | Butterfly | Silver |
Feb 19-Mar 20 | Big Winds | Cougar | Plantain
| Turquoise | Frog | Blue-Green |
Mar 21-Apr 19 | Budding Trees | Red Hawk |
Dandelion | Fire Opal | Thunderbird | Yellow |
Apr 20-May 20 | Frogs Return | Beaver | Blue
Camas | Chrysocolla | Turtle | Blue |
May 21-Jun 20 | Cornplanting | Deer | Yarrow
| Moss Agate | Butterfly | White, Green |
Jun 21-Jul 22 | Strong Sun | Flicker | Wild Rose
| Carnelian | Frog | Pink |
Jul 23-Aug 22 | Ripe Berries | Sturgeon |
Raspberry | Garnet | Thunderbird | Red |
Aug 23-Sep 22 | Harvest | Brown Bear |
Violet | Amethyst | Turtle | Purple |
Sep 23-Oct 23 | Ducks Fly | Raven | Mullein
| Jasper | Butterfly | Brown |
Oct 24-Nov 21 | Freeze Up | Snake | Thistle
| Malachite | Frog | Orange |
Nov 22-Dec 21 | Long Snows | Elk | Spruce |
Obsidian | Thunderbird | Black |