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Nintendo Releases Gaiden info

For hardcore Zelda fans, any new information on Zelda Gaiden, the highly anticipated sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, is cherished. We have recently received a batch of new screen shots from Japan, which reveal valuable clues about the upcoming epic adventure. Zelda Gaiden is scheduled to be released in Japan in March 2000, and as that date approaches we are beginning to learn more details about the game. Although Zelda Gaiden essentially uses the same gameplay mechanics as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, there are many new things to experience and explore in the legend's next chapter. Perhaps the key new element of gameplay will be Link's ability to actually transform into new characters by wearing the different masks. By donning these masks, Link can assume the form of a Goron, a Zora and even a Deku Scrub. Each of these fantastic forms has its own abilities, as you would expect. In Goron form, for example, Link can roll up into a ball for some wild Goron rolling. When it comes times to make music (again a key part of the game), the Goron Link whips out a set of bongos and starts to beat the heck out of them. As a Zora, Link gains fantastic swimming abilities, and in the musical department, he can play a mean aquatic guitar. Although becoming a Deku Scrub sounds rather pathetic, in this form Link can hover like a helicopter and play an quintet's share of horns. In these forms, Link will explore all-new worlds full of danger and wonder, making new friends and battling new enemies. Since Zelda Gaiden will require the use of the N64 Expansion Pak, Link will be able to battle whole rooms full of enemies without a hair of slow-down. Also, we've observed several racing sequences that move along at an impressive pace. New boss characters will challenge Link's bravery, including a tall, skinny dude named Odolf who wields a blade that makes the Biggoron Sword look like a toothpick. In addition to strange allies, Link will have his usual collection of items to help him along. Without a doubt, you can expect to discover some new tools to help Link complete his new adventure. Enjoy these screen shots of Zelda Gaiden, which is shaping up to be even bigger and better than The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

No, you're not looking at Navi. These two fairies are brother and sister. The white fairy on the left is Bell, the older sister, and the blue fairy on the right is her brother Mondo. Keep in mind that these names may change when the game is released in North America

Bell and Mondo warn Link of Stalkid's presence. It's currently unclear whether Stalkid is truly evil or just ill-tempered, but he is obviously a central figure in the storyline

Leading us to believe that he doesn't have a heart of gold, Stalkid kidnaps Epona. Hopefully Link's trusty steed will throw the creature off.