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1958-1963 | Faculty of technical and nuclear physics, Czech Technical University, Prague. Diploma work : Determination of Co by neutron activation analysis and by isotopic dilution analysis M.S. Chem.Eng.(= Ing.) |
1967-1969 | Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague. Thesis: Extractive chelatometric titrations with spectrophotometric indication. Ph.D.(= CSc.). |
1963-1965 | Research Institute for Radio and Telecommunications of A.S.Popov, Prague. Development of trace analysis methods for semiconductor grade GaAs |
1965-1975 | Lachema, N.C., Kaznejov near Pilsen, development of analytical methods for Ge, citric acid and high purity inorganic salts. |
1975-1978 | Nuclear Research Institute, Rez at Prague, department of radiopharmaceuticals, development of 113Sn-113mIn sorption generator. |
1979-1984 | Institute of Nuclear Biology and Radiochemistry of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, study of the kinetics of Pd catalysed hydrogenative dehalogenation of organic compounds. |
1985-1990 | Research Institute of Metals at Panenske Brezany near Prague, development of plasma reactor and of processes for the production of low carbon vanadium and of vanadium nitride. |
1991-1993 | Czech Geological Institute, Prague, atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma source. |
1993- | Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic Experimental verification of dynamic models of catalytic and seaparation processes. |
Determination of Fe in high purity GaAs, Ga and As as the bathophenanthroline complex, Z. anal. Chem., 213 (1965)254.
Spectrophotometric extractive titrations for the determination of traces of metals, Talanta, 13(1966)109.
Spectrophotometric extractive titrations - II. Determination in GaAs of the sum of metals extractable with dithizone, Talanta, 13(1966)589.
Spectrophotometric extractive titrations - III. Simultaneous determination of Ag and Cu in high purity Pb, Talanta, 13(1966)1169.
Některé specifické problémy laboratoří pro stopovou analýzu, (Some specific problems of trace analysis laboratories.) Chem.listy 61(1967)476.
Spectrophotometric extractive titrations - IV. Determination of Zn in GeO2 and in GeCl4 Talanta, 14(1967)731.
Spectrophotometric extractive titrations - V. Theoretical approach to titration of a single cation, Talanta, 15(1968)771.
Spectrophotometric extractive titrations - VI. Titrations with 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol, Talanta, 16(1969)201.
Determination of Co, Cu, Ni and Fe by thin layer chromatography of their 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphtholates, Anal.Chim.Acta, 46(1969)113.
Spectrophotometric extractive titrations - VII. Titrations with di-2-naphthylthiocarbazone, Talanta, 17(1970)115.
Extractive titrations involving chelates and chelating agents, pp. 1-52 in: Chelates in analytical chemistry, Vol.3, ed. H.A.Flaschka, A.J.Barnard,Jr., publ. by M.Dekker, New York 1972.
The chromatographic behaviour and nature of metal chelates of 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol, Anal.Chim.Acta, 57(1971)399.
Correlations between TLC behaviour and stability of metal di-ethyldithiocarbamates and dithizonates, Anal.Chim.Acta, 67(1973)357.
The extraction of Prussian blue into chloroform in the presence of Ajatin, Talanta, 21(1974)307.
Studies on 113Sn - 113mIn generator, Radiochimica Acta 38(1985)149.
Galík A., Galíková A., Klusáèek K.: Gravimetric transient response study of adsorption and reaction of propylamines on alumina. Chem. Eng. Sci.(in print).
Způsob čištění gallitých solí , (The procedure for the purification of gallium salts), Czechosl.pat. No. 130 478, of 15.12.1968.
Způsob pouzdření zářivých polovodičových součástek, (The procedure for encapsulation of irradiating semiconductor components), Patent appl.No.6470-79 of 25.9.1979, Czechosl.pat. No. 208 908, patent of German democratic Republic No. WP 156.498.
Způsob pouzdření zářivých polovodičových součástek, (The procedure for encapsulation of irradiating semiconductor components). Patent appl.No.7166-83 of 30.9.1983, Czechosl.pat. No. 247 383.
Způsob výroby slitiny mědi s kovy o vysokém bodu tání,napr. s chromem. (The procedure for the production of copper alloys with the high melting point metals, e.g. chromium). Patent appl.No.03051-89 of 25.5.1989.
Determination of Se in PbSe. Res.rep. of The Research Institute of Radio and Telecommunications, Prague, 1965.
Determination of S in GaAs. Res.rep. of The Research Institute of Radio and Telecommunications, Prague, 1965.
Determination of Zn, Pb, Cl, NO3 and of Mn in nickel salts and determination of NO3 in Li2SO4. Res.rep. No. Z-112-68, Lachema, 1968.
Determination of traces of Co, Cu, Ni, Fe, Mn and of Pb in auxilliary compounds for the production of luminophores. Res.rep. No. Z-140-69, Lachema, 1969.
Extrakční chelatometrické titrace se spektrofotometrickou indikací. Kandidátská disertační práce, PF UK Praha 1969.
Determination of traces of P in GeO2 . Simultaneous Determination of traces of Co, Cu, Ni and of Fe in GeO2 . Res.rep. No. Z-168-71, Lachema 1971.
Determination of ferrocyanide in bewerage solutions .Res.rep. No. Z-180-72, Lachema, 1972.
Study of transformationms of ferrocyanide during the preparation of bewerage solutions. Res.rep. No. Z-209-74, Lachema, 1974.
Study of relationships among ferrocyanide and nitrogen-containing organic comnpounds present in molasses. Res.rep. No. Z-213-74, Lachema, 1974. Res.rep. No. 59/1/5/4a, Lachema, 1975.
Determination of citric acid in bewerage molasses solutions. Solution of the themat. task No. 2/75 n.p. Lachema, accepted4.5.1976.
Development of the sorption generator 113mIn. Res.rep. No. 01-01-T2-PZ1, ÚJV Řež, 1976. Res.rep. No., ÚJV Řež, 1977.
Study of possibilities of the production of FeV with low carbon content in an electric oven. VÚK Res.rep. No. 67/85 (1985).
Development of the facility nad an introductory research of the technology of labor. production of FeV with low carbon content. VÚK Res.rep. No. 29/86 (1986).
Laboratory research of the technology of production of FeV in plasma oven. VÚK Res.rep. No. 39/87 (1987).
Laboratory research of the technology of production of casted ferroalloys of vanadium rich in nitrogen using the plasma oven. VÚK Res.rep. No. 46/88 (1988).
Plasma oven for the production of CuCr10 pre-alloy. VÚK Test reps.No. 001/1990), No. 012/90 (1990).
Determination of SiO2 in silicates by ICP atomic emission spectroskopy, pp. 11-27 in the Res.Report: Development of modern analytical methods for analysis of geological materials, ed. T.Paukert, Czech geological survey , Prague 1991.
Vliv objemu detektoru a objemu smyčky na zkreslení pravoúhlého impulsu. (Effect of the volume of the detector and of the loop on the distortion of the rectangular pulse.) Laborat.rep. ICPF No. 5/96.
A.Galíková, A. Galík : Studium adsorpce propylaminů na alumině pomocí mikrovah CAHN D200, (Study of the adsorption of propylamines on alumina using Cahn D200 microbalances). Proc. of the 24th Confer. of Slovak Society of Chem. Engng.(SSCHI), pp.161 - 164, Častá - Papiernička ,Slovakia, June 15-19, ( 1997), poster.
Galíková A, Galík A.: Vliv difúze na měření kinetiky adsorpce na mikrovahách CAHN D-200. ( The influence of diffusion on the measurement of kinetics od adsorption using microbalances Cahn D-200. ) Proc. of the 25th confer. of SSCHI, p.107, Jasná, Slovakia, May 25-29 (1998), poster V17.
A. Galík, A. Galíková and K. Klusácek "Gravimetric Transient Response Study of Adsorption and Reaction of Propylamines on Alumina," poster P-29 na 15th International symposium onchemical reaction engineering, California, USA ,September 13.-16. 1998.
A.Galíková and A. Galík , Gravimetric Study of the Dynamics of Adsorption and Desorption of Ammonia on - Alumina Chem. Papers 54 (4) 210-214 (2000)
A.Galíková, A. Galík, J. Pola The comparative study of the thermal decomposition of Si- containing polymers in 27 th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, May 22-26, 2000, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia
J. Pola, A. Ouchi, J. Subrt, Z. Bastl, M. Sakuragi, A. Galíková, A. Galík, UV laser photo- deposition of nano- textured poly(hydridomethylsiloxane) powder from gaseous 1,3 -dimethyldisiloxane,.Chem.Vap. Depos., in press
J. Pola, A. Galíková, A. Galík, Z. Bastl, J. .Šubrt, M. Sakuragi and A. Ouchi, UV laser photolysis of disiloxanes for chemical vapor deposition of nano - textured silicones, Chem. Mater., submitted
Pola J., Urbanová, M.- Galíková, A.- Galík ,A.-,Bastl ,Z.-Šubrt, J.- Ouchi, A.- Papagiannakopoulos, P.- Beckers, H. Laser Photo- Deposition of Nano-Textured Poly( hydridosiloxanes) from Gaseous Disiloxanes. Memoirs of the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research , 57, 205-206 (2000) [Osaka (JP), 00.03.14--00.03.15]
Pola J., Urbanová, M.- Galík ,A- Galíková, A.- Bastl ,Z.-Šubrt, Beckers, H.- Papagiannakopoulos, P.- IR Laser- Induced Decomposition of hydridosiloxanes for Chemical Vapour Deposition of Nanostructured Hydridosilicone phases In: 3rd NIMC International Symposium on Photoreaction Control and Photofunctional Materials. --,- 2000. - S. 174-175 [ NIMC International Symposium on Photoreaction Control and Photofunctional Materials /3/ . Tsukuba [ (JP), 00.03.15-00.03.17]
A.Galíková, A. Galík, Gravimetric study of Adsorption, Desorption and of Polymerization of Propene on Alumina, in 28 th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, May 21-25, 2001, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia
Very recent activities will be described later.
Born in 1941 at Peretchin, Ukraine, in farmer's family of ukraininan nationality. In 1947, family moved to Czechoslovakia and I attended the school until 1958, when I graduated on Eleven Year High School. Then I started to study on the Faculty of technical and nuclear physics of Czech Techniccal University in Prague. In 1963, I finished the studies and obtained the diploma ing. of technical physics, specialisation nuclear and physical chemistry. In 1969, I received CSc-degree on Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague.
In 1963-65, I was employed at The Research Institute for Radio and Telecommunications, Prague, as research chemist- analyst. There I developed several analytical methods for the analysis of semiconductory materials, e.g. gallium arsenide. The methods were based on spectrophotometry of extractable metal chelates.
In 1965-75, I was employed at Lachema,N.C., Kaznejov, district Pilsen North. Initially, I was engaged in the development of analytical methods for the determination of trace impurities in semiconductory grade germanium. The methods were again based mainly on spectrophotometry. Later on, I developed the analytical methods for the determination of traces of impurities in pure nickel and cobalt salts and in TV-luminophores. The methods emplyed extraction of metal chelates, spectrophotometry, ion exchange and thin-layer chromatography. Even later, I developed analytical methods for the research of the citric acid production from molasses. For the purpose, I used (among other methods) ion selective electrodes then becoming popular.
In 1975-78, at Nuclear Research Institute , üe§ near Prague, I studied the spiking of Bengal Red by 131I first, then I participated on the development of 113Sn-113mIn sorption type generator for medical use.
In 1979-84, at Institute of Nuclear Biology and Radiochemistry of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, I investigated experimentally and theoretically the reaction kinetics of palladium catalysed hydrogenative dehalogenation of model organic compounds, using electrochemical methods.
In 1985-90, I was employed at The Research Institute for Metals, Panensk‚ Býe§any, near Prague. My task there was the development of the facility and of the technology for the carbothermic production of ferrovanadium low in carbon. During the solution of this research task I developed laboratory scale plasma reactor using graphite plasmatrons. Then, I harnessed this facility also for the development of technology of production of vanadium nitride. The knowledges so obtained I then used in the construction of medium-scale (100 kVA) plasma reactor for the production of CuCr10 alloy. In connection with the development of metallurgical technologies, I became familiar with the methods of numerical mathematics, especially those of optimalisation techniques, with the algorhytmisation and programming. I developed a set of programs for thermodynamic calculations of equilibria of complex heterogeneous chemical systems.
From November, 1990, I was employed at Czech Geological Survey, Prague, working as analyst on atomic emission spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma source.
Being unsatisfied by the service kind of the work there required, I changed my employerin October, 1993. At present, I am working at The Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, Prague. There I am the member of the group studying the transient phenomena during the adsorption and reaction on catalysts. More details are given under Recent Activities.
My special skills worth mention are the use of PC, english, russian and partly german language.
I am married and I have two daughters.