Moses Neese
If you had been living some seventy-five years ago and had the misfortune to be bitten by an animal suspected of suffering from hydrophobia, you didn't subject yourself to a series of painful Pasteur inoculations, instead, you hurried to the nearest possessor of a "mad-stone", for treatment.
According to the Lebanon Patriot of February 14, 1889, this is precisely what Lewis Ullery, a Lebanon man did after being severely bitten by a dog believed to have been mad. Ullery took the next train to Whitestown where "Uncle Moses" Neese was the owner of a madstone, which had been found in the Gulf of Mexico and appeared to be a piece of petrified surf.
Detailing the treatment, the Patriot article said: "When Mr. Neese applied the madstone near the swollen wound, it seemed to draw to it like a magnet. At the first application the stone adhered two hours and twenty-one minutes, and the longest period it adhered at any one time was seven hours and forty minutes. The last time it was applied it adhered for thirty minutes after which it failed to adhere.
Moses Neese
Friendly Indians stopped often at the home of Moses Neese. Tradition has it that Indians had buried treasure on the land of Moses. No one could ever find any but each year an Indian would come and go to a high place on the land. He would stand shading his eyes and looking all around as if trying to sight something.
He purchased land in Section 11 and 12 increasing his land holdings to over a thousand acres.
PIONEER NEWSPAPER - February 11, 1897
(Whitestown)..Our town was the scene of quite a tragedy on last Sunday evening. Alonzo Nichols, of Northfield, has been a suitor of Miss Elsie Neese, of this place, but the young lady had for some time refused to allow his attentions. On last Sunday evening he came to town and again attempted to renew his suit. During a conversation with the young lady in the evening he vowed he would take his life, but she thought he was only in fun, and he left her home and coming down town wrote a note to the young lady and one to his parents. Then returning to the home of the young lady he asked to see her. On being told by her father he could not see her at that time in the evening, he renewed his vow to take his life. Mr. Neese tried to persuade him against this, but all in vain, and after bidding Mr. Neese good-bye he walked out on the street in front of the Neese hotel and there, drawing a twenty-two callibre revolver shot himself. The report of the shot brought Mr. Neese, the hotel proprietor and several boarders to his side. There they found him in an almost lifeless condition. He was carried to the office of Dr. T.W. Jorden, where on examination, it was found the ball had entered the thoracic cavity about one inch to the left of the heart, penetrating the lungs, and making its way to the muscles of the back, where it was found to have lodged. He suffered excessive hemmorage, but by morning had sufficiently recovered to be removed to his home. The doctor thinks the wound will prove fatal. Nichols is about nineteen years of age, and the son of one of Union township's most highly respected farmers. The young lady is the daughter of David Neese, and is also very highly respected.
(All's well that ends well)
Lon Nichols and Elsie Neese were licensed to marry yesterday. Nichols is the young fellow who attempted suicide last winter in front of Miss Neese's home, because she refused to accept his attentions. He recovered from the self-inflicted pistol wound, and renewed his suit with better success, it seems.
Crawfordsville, Indiana - March 1888
Alexander Maxwell and Minnie Stiffler, and Charles Stiffler and Amanda Maxwell were granted license to marry yesterday. It seemed to be quite a family affair.
Tyler County, West Virginia Clerks Order Book #3, page 345
Delilah Pipes, administrator of the estate of John B. Pipes relinquished to Benjamin Pipes. J.T. Hawkins was Bondsman for Fiduciary.
Tyler County, West Virginia Clerks Order Book #4, page 1
Dated March 8, 1897, Benjamin Pipes named Guardian of Joseph Pipes of Tyler Co., Ellen Pipes, Samuel Pipes, Cleveland Pipes, John Pipes, Oster Pipes, and Blanche Pipes, all of Indiana; minor, orphan children all under the age of 14 of Wm. H. Pipes, deceased. Simeon E. Pipes was Surety.
Clerks Order Book #4, page 4 Dated April 16, 1897, Delilah E. Pipes, named Guardian of Cassa M. Pipes and Laura Pipes, minor orphan children of John B. Pipes--she being the mother of these children. Surety was Seaton Ferrell.
Lebanon Pioneer - June 6, 1901
Aged 14 and 10, who for two months past have been living at the Boone County Orphans Home, have, together with their four brothers and sister fallen heir to a good sized fortune consisting of a farm in Virginia, on which are located several oil and gas wells, besides the sum of $3,000 each. The property was left to these children by their grandfather Pipes some time ago. A guardian was appointed to manage their estate, but he appropriated a large share to his own use. Lately an uncle of the children took the matter into his own hands, ascertained the doings of the guardian, who was soon afterwards discharged and was himself appointed guardian of the property. The father of the children is dead, and their mother is now Mrs. Charley Hoskins and resides at Zionsville. One of the children lives with her and the remaining three live with other relatives in the vicinity of Zionsville. Samuel and Johnnie will remain at the orphanage until the first of August, when they will go to their mother's home.
Lebanon Pioneer - August 28, 1902
About a year ago it was reported through these columns that the five Pipes children brought to the county orphan's home from Eagle township has a prospect of realizing upon some supposedly West Virginia land, under which oil had been discovered. The matter has gone through the courts, and Supt. Whitehead received word Monday that a decision had been given in favor of the children, who have been placed in private homes, four in this county and one in Franklin county. There is now about $4,500 on hand for the children, and they will receive futher royalties from the oil taken from the land.
Lebanon Pioneer - March 12, 1903
Mrs. Charles Hoskins of Jennings County, mother of the Pipes children, who were recently inmates of the Boone County orphan's home, and who received word that they were heirs to a small fortune from West Virginia oil lands, from the estate of their grandfather, John B. Pipes, was in this city Monday inquiring into the matter. She was of the opinion that she was entitled to one third of the estate which would have been left to her first husband, had he lived. But in this she was mistaken, for her first husband passed away before the death of his father, John B. Pipes, and the 5 children are the sole heirs. Had the elder Pipes died before his son Mrs. Hoskins would get her one third. Two of the children are with their mother, and the other three are in private homes. Cleveland, aged 13 and Blanche, aged 7 are living with their mother and step father in Jennings County. Samuel, aged 15 is with Walter St. Clair, near Zionsville, Johnnie, aged 11 is with William E. Walker near Advance and Austin, aged 9 is with James Walker near Advance.
John Neese, Solomon Neese, Moses Neese, Abraham Neese and John Peters were some of the early settlers in Worth Township.
James W. Peters, farmer, born in North Carolina in 1849, settled in Boone County in 1869. Lived 2 miles North East of Whitestown. Democrat. M. Baptist.
Pioneer Newspaper - December 16, 1909
The Whitestown Dispatch is responsible for the story that Miss Hazel Neese, daughter of the late Riley Neese, of that place, vomited up a lizard a few days ago. Miss Neese it is said, had suffered frequent attacts of severe pain in the stomach, accompanied by vomiting, and the physicians diagnosed the trouble as acute indigestion. A few days ago, at the Indiana Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, at Indianapolis, where she is employed, Miss Neese suffered an attack of the old trouble, during which she threw up a dark colored reptile resembling a lizard. The reptile lived until the next morning. The physician pronounced it a specimen of lizard, and gave the opinion that it was taken into the stomach while quite small, in drinking water.
Abraham Neese, farmer 1 mile North West of Whitestown, born in Tennessee in 1804, settled in Boone County in 1857. Luthern.
James W. Peters, farmer, born in North Carolina in 1849, settled in Boone County in 1869. Lived 2 miles North East of Whitestown. Democrat. M. Baptist.
John Neese, Solomon Neese, Moses Neese, Abraham Neese and John Peters were some of the early settlers in Worth Township.
Whitestown was laid out in the year 1851, or about the time the railroad was built. The first plat was on the land of Abraham Neese.
Abraham Neese, one mile south, is well located, and has been here some forty years.
Prairie Farmers Reliable Directory
Alex Maxwell - Minnie Steffler
Children: Amy, Fred, Carrie, Elmer, Ralph, Clarence, Lawrence, Byrl, Austin, Walter, Alice.
"Valley Farm" R.R.1 Union Twp., Darlington, Indiana
Section 18-19 80 acres.
Washington County, Indiana Commisioners Book "B"
Caswell Maxwell p. 95
Monday September 7, 1835
Hinkle & Myers for making coffin for Caswell Maxwell.
Hiram Maxwell p. 32
Monday March 3, 1828
Hiram Maxwell 50 cents for assault.
Claim for Mother's Pension
Brief in the case of Abigail Rodgers. Mother of Silas Maxwell, Priv. Co. "G" 13th Indiana Vols., resident of Washington County and state of Indiana.
Declaration and Identification is due form.
Proof Exhibited
AdjGeneral reported Silas Maxwell enrolled June 12, 1861 and died at hospital at Hilton Head, S.C. Feb. 1864.
AdjGeneral reports to have January 28, 1864
Proved by credible witnesses.
Relationship: Established as above.
Abandonment proved by credible witnesses 23 years ago. No property or income left or possessions by husband or claimant then or since.
Dependence: He worked on farm with proceeds supported claimant by paying her rent, board, clothing. Proved by affidavit of credible witnesses.
AB Wilson, President
Admitted: January 20, 1868 to a Pension of $8.00 per month, commencing February 3, 1864.
T.C. Clark Examining Clerk
Tyler County Star - Tyler County, West Virginia
Family Reunion
On the 19th of January, Mrs. Jane H. Smith celebrathed her ninety-fifth birthday, at her home, the residence of Jackson Smith, on the farm on which she has lived ever since moving to this county in 1825. All her children who are living were present except one daughter. Those present were, Margaret age 72; John B. age 71; Ambrose age 66; Agnes age 62; Catharine age 60; Jackson age 58. The daughter not present was Mrs. Sarah Bond of Huntington age 64. The sum of the ages of those present amounted to 391 years, 2 months and 2 days.
Mrs. Smith is the mother of twelve children, of whom seven are living as above. She has 25 grand children, 42 great grandchild and 4 great, great grand children. Seventeen of her grand children and four of her great grand children are married.
Mrs. Smith was born in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. Her maiden name was Boreman. Her brother Kenner was the father of the Boreman family of this state. Her parents died while she was but a girl. Her father was Clerk of the Court at Waynesburg for many years. Shortly after the war of 1812, she married Gilbert Smith a soldier in that war and in a few years later emigrated to this county. She draws a pension on account of the services of her husband in the war. Gilbert Smith was killed by the falling of a tree on the Friday after the presidential election, 1860. She has one sister living, Mrs. Anna Pipes age 92. Both are enjoying good health, considering their advanced age. (Jan. 1889)
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy - H.R. Logan - Notary Public, Commission expires Dec. 30, 1930.
Ritchie County, West Virginia History
After the death of his third wife, William Sharpnack married Miss Eleanor Pipes, of Tyler county, who still
survives. He lived a long and useful life, dying on July 8, 1890, at the age of eighty years. He was a leader in
the Methodist Episcopal church, and was Captain of the Militia before the Civil war. His sons Elias and
Anthony, were soldiers of the Union army for three years.
Source:The History of Boone County, Indiana, Volume 1, by Hon. L. M. Crist.
This town is the capital of little Worth, the baby township of the county. It is situated near the middle of the
township on the Chicago division of the Big Four, midway between Zionsville and Lebanon, about seven miles
from each. It is the center of trade of the best agricultural districts in the county. It was laid out in 1851 at the time
the railroad was built, on the land of Abram NEESE. Harrison SPENCER is said to be the first man to sell
goods in the town. He was soon followed by Henry LUCUS and William LAUGHNER. Isaac DYE and Alfred
OSBORN were the first to venture to build a grist mill to manufacture breadstuff for the people. The milling
privileges at Whitestown were poor. They would have to go to Zionsville, Mechanicsburg or Thorntown to have
grain made into flour or meal. There was no water power in Worth township so the early citizen had to depend
upon steam. The first mill was in a few years burned and Henry LUCUS rebuilt it. The third mill was built by J.W.
BOWSER and was the most improved pattern. It gained a reputation throughout the county and other counties
for good work and was patronized from near and far.
Among other early business men may be mentioned F.M. & Caesar ECHMAN, NEESE & KEEFE, Drs. I.T.
ROSS, STARKEY, LARIMORE and HARDY. The early school houses and churches were up-to-date, and
every interest of the community was looked after with great care and earnestness. The village soon rose to be
an important trading center for the township and from other townships and has held the position to the present
time. Worth township could not do without Whitestown. There, all elections are held, and all the business of the
township is transacted. It is the center of trade, of politics, of social interests and of every other interest of the
people. It is near the highest point in the county and is trying to conduct itself so as to be worthy of the respect of
all its neighbors and hold a high place in the estimation of its neighbors.