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I pray to you Grandfather
When you take me from this place
I may stand before you
With no shame upon my face.

I pray to remember
Each morning as I awake
To give you thanks and honor
With each breath I may take.

I pray for your guidance
Your help throughout the day
To overcome the obstacles
You have placed along the way.

Grant me the wisdom
To learn from the past
Give me faith and courage
To accomplish what You ask.

When I've learned all the lessons
And counted my last coup
I pray for the honor
To stand in front of You.

For in Your land there dwells
More than those with skin of red
You wove us from the same cloth
Just with different colored thread.
Cloud Dancing1998

Walk in Peace

We Are The World

Created with Durango, a True artist and Friend.

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Since October 20, 1998