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There are some weapons that do not just penetrate and kill. Most weapons with other effect than the just described one, are used to disable or catch the target. Some stats or entire weapons in this list will be marked with a star (*). These stats have been made up by me since I haven´t found those stats or I have invented that weapon.

Ionization guns

Ionization guns comes in a variety of versions. Most known (to those who have seen the movies) are the Jawas ion blasters, that are cobbled together out of any available trash (mainly weapons components). They are built from blaster rifles that have been stripped from all internal parts except the power pack. The components are then replaced with a droid-restraining bolt and an accu-accelerator. When fired, the power pack activates the restraining bolt, which releases an ion stream that would normally send a halt-command to the droid upon which it is placed. However, the accu-accelerator dramatically amplifies this stream, giving it the power to overwhelm a machines circuitry. Since the ion stream is widely dispersed, the weapon is easy to aim, but the range is very limited as is the performance –and handling security…

Model: Scavenged ionization blaster
Scale: Character
Skill: Blasters. When using this weapon add +1D to the Blaster skill
Range: 3-4/8/12
Damage: 3D ionization damage
Ammo: 5*
Cost: about 100-300*

Note:* When hitting a droid or machine, the damage is used like stun damage. Disabled technology suffers no permanent damage unless it is clearly sensitive to ionization.
When hitting an organic target, the weapon has no effect on medium and long range. On short range the ion stream inflicts a painful sting. Roll 2D damage like usual. The victim takes no real damage. If the damage is “stunned”; no effect. “Wounded”: character suffers a –1D penalty on all his actions for the rest of the round. “Incapacitated”: character suffers a –2D penalty on all his actions for the rest of the round and –1D for next round. “Mortally wounded”: character suffers a –3D penalty on all his actions for the rest of the round, –2D for next round and –1D for the round after that. “Killed”: Character faints for 1D rounds.
When rolling a mishap roll 1D. If the result is 1-2 the weapon explodes and causes 2D damage to everyone within 1m range, and 1D to everyone within 2m range. If the result is 5-6 the weapon simply don´t work (to have it working again requires an easy Blaster Repair roll and takes 1D rounds).

Imperial soldiers have used a similar but much more powerful and reliable version of this weapon, for missions that require soldiers to capture rebel droids or disable security units. This weapon comes in both pistol and carbine form, and has several power settings. The most powerful setting can actually cause real damage to machinery.

Model: Merr-Sonn DEMP (Destructive ElectroMagnetic Pulse) Carbine
Scale: Character
Skill: Blasters
Range: 3-25/60/250
Damage: 3D, 4D or 5D ionization damage
Ammo: 10
Cost: 750

Note:* When hitting a droid or machine, the damage is used like stun damage. Disabled technology seldom suffers any permanent damage unless it is clearly sensitive to ionization. When set for 4D damage, the hit machine suffers 1D+1 real damage. When set for 5D damage, the hit machine suffers 2D+2 real damage.
When hitting an organic target, the weapon has no effect on medium and long range. On short range the ion stream inflicts a painful sting. Roll 2D, 3D or 4D damage (depending upon setting) like usual. The victim takes no real damage. If the damage is “stunned”; no effect. “Wounded”: character suffers a –1D penalty on all his actions for the rest of the round. “Incapacitated”: character suffers a –2D penalty on all his actions for the rest of the round and –1D for next round. “Mortally wounded”: character suffers a –3D penalty on all his actions for the rest of the round, –2D for next round and –1D for the round after that. “Killed”: Character faints for 1D rounds.

Hand Gun

Model:Merr-Sonn DEMP (Destructive ElectroMagnetic Pulse) Hand Gun
Scale: Character
Skill: Blasters
Range: 3-10/30/120
Damage: 2D, 3D or 4D ionization damage
Ammo: 10
Cost: 500

Note:* When hitting a droid or machine, the damage is used like stun damage. Disabled technology seldom suffers any permanent damage unless it is clearly sensitive to ionization. When set for 4D damage, the hit machine suffers 1D+1 real damage.
When hitting an organic target, the weapon has no effect on medium and long range. On short range the ion stream inflicts a painful sting. Roll 2D or 3D damage (depending upon setting) like usual. The outcome of this roll is the same as above.

Shoulder-launched ion cannon
There is an even more powerful alternative for the purpose of disabling machinery; the SoroSuub Equalizer, which is a shoulder-launched ion cannon. This is a one-time-use weapon that is made out of four 2-meter tubes with one ion bolt each. They are fired one at a time, and once all four bolts have been fired, the weapon is discarded. Even though it wont be used again, the weapon is fitted with a quite advanced targeting system that computes the target´s range, speed and angle of deflection. Despite its size, the weapon weighs no more than 12 kilograms, and can easily be carried and used by one soldier.

Model: SoroSuub Equalizer
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Blaster artillery: Equalizer
Range: 3-50/120/300
Damage: 3D ionization damage
Ammo: 4
Cost: 5000

Note: When hitting a vehicle, use normal rules for vehicles and ion-cannons.

The rest of the "note" is my addition.
When hitting a droid or small machine, the damage is used like stun damage, and the target will take 4D real damage as well.
When hitting an organic target, the weapon has no effect on long range. On medium range the ion stream inflicts a painful sting. Roll 4D damage (character scale) like usual. The outcome of this roll is the same as above. On short range the ion stream inflicts a painful sting, and can actually cause injuries. Roll 6D damage. The outcome of this roll is the same as above. However, if the "pain-damage" is "killed", the victim takes the described effect and is "wounded" (real damage). If the "pain-damage" is 6 above "killed", the victim is "incapacitated".

I have designed some alternative stats for this cannon, since I have found a few flaws in the real ones; 3D speeder scale damage is comparable to 6D character scale damage. Let´s compare the weapon to the DEMP Carbine. Why pay 4250 creds extra to receive 1D extra damage, and a weapon with only 4 shots that can´t be reloaded?... The range is just 50 above the DEMP Carbine. Another miss is that Equalizer has no Fire Control, even though the info clearly tells about an advanced targeting system...
I guess I´ve made my point. Here are the stats:

Model: SoroSuub Equalizer
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Blaster artillery: Equalizer
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 3-50/120/300
Damage: 4D ionization damage
Ammo: 4
Cost: 3000

Note: Se above. Except:
When hitting a droid or small machine, the real damage is 6D+2.
When hitting an organic target on medium range the pain-damage is 5D (character scale). On short range, the pain-damage is 8D. If the "pain-damage" is "killed", the victim takes the described effect and is "wounded" (real damage). If the "pain-damage" is 6 above "killed", the victim is "incapacitated". 12 above "killed": the victim is "mortally wounded". 18: "killed".

Ion Paddle Beamer

This is an extremely uncommon weapon, designed and used by the lizard species known as Ssi-ruuvi. It is used to incapacitate subjects that are to undergo "entechment". "Entechment" is a technology invented by the Ssi-ruuvi. When a person undergoes "entechment", his life power is pulled out of his body and turned into what could be compared to electricity. All Ssi-ruuvi technology, including this paddle beamer is run on this type of energy. This technology is totally incompatible with standard power configurations. If a standard blaster power pack is connected to the paddle, the weapon immediately burns out.
The paddle beamer fires a thin silver beam that disrupt nervous systems of its target. If fired on point blank range, the weapon causes serious damage. These beams goes right through armor and even shielding. Even Jedis using lightsabers experience trouble when trying to deflect them. The lightsaber seems to bend the beam rather than deflect it.
As the name implies, the paddle beamer is paddle-shaped, with a cylindrical discharge nozzle at one end, and a control stick with a trigger mechanism on the underside of the paddle. It has several claw guards enabling it to be used one-handed by a Ssi-ruu. The shape of the handle is perfect for Ssi-ruuk and other three-fingered species with the same hand configuration, but catastrophic for others.

Model: Ssi-ruuvi Paddle Beamer
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: Ion beamer
Range: 3-4/8/12
Damage: 4D+2/5D/4D/2D depending upon range (4D+2 is damage for point blank range. This damage is real. All others are stun damage)
Ammo: 25
Cost: ???? perhaps 1000... Mainly collectors item

Note: Any character struck by the beam (not point blank range) takes stun damage. Roll damage like a normal stun hit. If the result is "stunned", treat it like a normal hit. If the result is "wounded" or higher, the stricken portion of the body goes numb for 1-3 hours (1D/2). If the head or torso is struck, the target is completely immobile, but still conscious.

Characters with another hand structure than that of the Ssi-ruuk, adds +2D to difficulty when using the weapon. If they have the specialized skill "Blasters: Ion beamer", they add only 1D to difficulty.

Tag gun*

This is a nice little gadget that I invented when I GM´d my friend Jesper. His character Heqle Razzie had the doubtable pleasure of being pursued by Coruscants military police for the minor offense of falsifying authority ID, infiltrating the military research department and stealing highly sensitive military information… When fleeing into a subway train he was hit by their fire. Once aboard he noticed that the wound was not burnt or blown, which is the normal look of an injury caused by laser. He had nearly got off the train when he saw guards that obviously headed towards him. He didn´t bother to ask. He flew aboard another train, just to find more guards at the next stop… Eventually he left the subway, and went into the air vents. After some wandering about he met police men in the air vents! And they chased him. It continued like this until the police men had chased him to the lower levels of Coruscant where a criminal with some medic skills could get the projectile, that he had been shot with, out of him (for a “few” credits). Once the projectile was out they lost him…

As you have probably figured out, Heqle was shot with a projectile containing a homing beacon. This gun is off course used to tag the target so that the user don´t have to keep him in line of sight to get him. The gun uses air to send away the projectiles, that are electronically activated just before they are fired. The projectiles are technologically very advanced, using very minimized components and special materials. The caliber is 7mm and the length of the projectile is 15mm. The tip is made of a softer material that flattens and widens when the projectile hits something, so that it stops before it gets to deep. When the tip meets resistance eight needles protrudes in all directions. These needles also makes the projectile stop before it gets to deep into the target (to avoid killing it) and makes it get stuck (to hinder handy targets from getting it out) and they also serve as antennas. The projectiles built in beacon has a range of 500-5000 meters, depending upon its price. Sometimes the projectiles are prepared with paralyzing poison. A slight drawback with this weapon is that the projectiles minimized technology makes them both expensive and fragile.

Model: Prax Arms SYV-66 Tag Rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Missile weapons
Range: 3-10/35/125
Damage: 3D+2 Se "Note"
Ammo: 15
Cost: 450. Projectiles: 75-200 each. Receiver: 75-150.

Note: The projectiles are made to penetrate enough to get stuck. When rolling damage use this chart instead of the normal:

Damage beats      Effect on
strength with:    character:
0-4               Stunned
5-15              Wounded
16-22             Incapacitated
23-26             Mortally wounded
27+               Killed

When damage is rolled, roll 2D to see if the projectile gets stuck in or on the target. 5 or less indicates that it passed through or bounced off. 6 or higher indicates that it got stuck. For each degree of injury beyond "stunned", add +1 to this roll.
Since the projectile is quite fragile, a roll is made to see if it breaks when it hits. Roll 2D. 2-11 indicates that it does not break. 12 or higher indicates that it breaks, and will not send any signals. For each degree of injury beyond "stunned", add +1 to this roll. If the target is armored with scales, add +2 to this roll.
If the projectile got stuck, but the damage it caused was only "stunned", the projectile is considered to be stuck in the clothes, and will easily be removed when discovered. If the damage was "wounded", a First Aid roll of 15 or a Medicine roll of 5 is required to remove it. If the damage was "incapacitated", a First Aid roll of 25 or a Medicine roll of 10 is required. "Mortally wounded": a First Aid roll of 35 or a Medicine roll of 15. "Killed": What´s the point?

For poisons, see "Needle guns" below.

Stun glove*

This is no new idea. It is widely used in most Sci-Fi RPG´s and is probably represented somewhere in the Star Wars RPG sources as well. I have however not found any stats for it, so I have made some of my own;
The name implies most of the info about this weapon; A glove with a built in tazer. At the tip of the thumb and the index finger, or the little finger, are metal poles; one for positive electricity and one for negative. To trigger a charge works different from model to model. Most common is that when the glove is turned on, a charge will race between the poles as fast as they make contact with each other or the same object. Some have triggers placed in the palm at the base of the little finger, so that the user can use the turned on glove for other purposes than just shocking people, and trigger it by twisting his little finger. The strength varies from a few tickling volts up to 1 million volts, but there are extreme versions that can deliver a 5 million volts kiss -for those who can pay... Some have adjustable power settings.
Most stun gloves are discretely colored, like gray or black.

When wearing a stun glove, user may try to conceal it so that people won´t notice it as anything else than a glove. Difficulty for this is normally 15. Since there is a bigger risk that people will notice a glove if the user wears only one, most models offer a "dummy" glove for the other hand. If the user don´t use two stun gloves or one stun glove and a dummy glove, difficulty to conceal is increased with +5.

Merr-Sonn I-15 Stun glove
The Merr-Sonn I-15 glove is slightly bigger than a common glove. It reaches little longer than half-way towards the elbow.

Model: Merr-Sonn I-15 Stun glove
Scale: Character
Skill: Brawling
Damage: 1D to 5D (step-less setting) stun damage
Ammo: 100
Cost: 400. Dummy: 50.

Note: When someone is parrying a stun glove attack the difficulty is +5. If the Parrying roll beats the normal difficulty but not the modified, the attack hits one of the defenders arms. Roll 1D 1-3: left. 4-6: right.
The Merr-Sonn I-15 has no trigger. The poles are placed on the tip of the thumb and the little finger. When turned on, the glove will electrify anything that ends up between the poles. To use the hand without electrifying what it touches has a difficulty modifier of +7 for the attempted action.

I have designed another alternative, for those who desire a more powerful version. The DieTunn FR-4 reaches almost up to the users shoulder. The technology has been slimmed along with it, making it easy to hide under the sleeve, giving it the look of an ordinary glove. It is fitted with a little-finger-trigger, but has no power adjust control.

Model: DieTunn FR-4 Stun glove
Scale: Character
Skill: Brawling
Damage: 6D stun damage
Ammo: 60
Protection: +1 to Energy and Physical.
Cost: 750. Dummy: 65.

Note: Se "Merr-Sonn I-15 Stun glove". No difficulty modifier when using the hand for other purposes.
Difficulty to conceal is 17 if there is no sleeve or the like to hide it under. 12 if there are.

For those who can pay there is a model that is very well camouflaged. The Felìsia Body Guard II is popular among people who of some reason are constantly risking to become subjects for assassins. It reaches up to the elbow and is extremely slimmed. It is available in many different colors and patterns and is designed to look like an exclusive glove. As a matter of fact, it is an exclusive glove, with incorporated advanced defense technology. The poles are placed in the palm and reacts when the palm is pressed inwards. The settings are limited to two levels; one light that has a repelling effect rather than stunning (although a charge through the assailants neck seldom require more power than this), and one more powerful setting.

Model: Felìsia Body Guard II
Scale: Character
Skill: Brawling
Damage: 3D or 5D stun damage
Ammo: 40
Protection: +1 to Energy.
Cost: 900. Dummy: 220.

Note: Se "Merr-Sonn I-15 Stun glove". Difficulty modifier for actions involving the hand, when the glove is turned on, is +2.
Difficulty to conceal is 5.

Needle guns*

Shoots small very sharp needles. The needles seldom cause any damage. The damage, if any, is caused by the poison that they practically always brings with them... The exact effect of the poison varies dramatically, depending upon the user´s desires. Stunning poison is very common.

If the penetration damage is "stunned", the poison will not have effect.

Poisons and prices:

Killing poison

Effect     Price
  3D       5-10 credits/needle
  4D       10-20 credits/needle
  5D       20-40 credits/needle
  6D       40-80 credits/needle
  7D       80-160 credits/needle
And so on, and so on...

Stunning poison

Effect     Price
  3D       5-10 credits/needle
  4D       10-15 credits/needle
  5D       15-25 credits/needle
  6D       25-50 credits/needle
  7D       50-110 credits/needle

Most types of poisons start having effect after 5D rounds. But for the ones
willing to pay, there are always alternatives:

Required time                    Add to price
  4D                             5-10 credits/needle
  3D                             10-20 credits/needle
  2D                             20-40 credits/needle
  1D                             40-80 credits/needle
  1D-1 (never less than 1 round) 80-160 credits/needle
  1D-2 (never less than 1 round) 160-320 credits/needle
  2 rounds                       320-640 credits/needle
  1 round                        640-1280 credits /needle

When the poisons effect starts, roll its damage versus the victims Strength.
Armor is off course useless -even natural armor. The damage will then
increase one level at the time until the rolled damage have been reached.
Each degree of damage will take 1D rounds to take effect. Example: A
character has been poisoned to the level of "incapacitated". When
the poison starts taking effect he is "stunned". He then roll 1D. He rolls
3. This means that he will be "stunned" until the third round from now,
during which he will be "wounded". He then roll 1D to
se how long time it
will take for him to become "incapacitated". If it is stun-poison the victim
will become unconscious when the damage reaches "wounded". But then
again, some guys are always in a rush...

Time taken to work               Add to price
  1D-1 (never less than 1 round) 5-15 credits/needle
  1D-2 (never less than 1 round) 10-30 credits/needle
  2 rounds                       30-90 credits/needle
  1 round                        120-360 credits/needle

And finally; the guns!

Needle pistols

Model: Kelvarek Consolidated Arms DA28 Pen-pistol, MA18 "Stealth" Light Needle Pistol, and MA11 Needle Pistol
Scale: Character
Skill: Blasters: Needle guns
Range: DA28: 1/2/3 MA18: 1/3/8. MA11: 1-2/5/10
Damage: DA28 and MA18: 3D. MA11: 4D Penetration damage.
Ammo: DA28: 1. MA18: 20. MA11: 15
Cost: DA28:120. MA18: 200. MA11: 400. Ammo: 25/mag. DA28: 5.

Note: The heavier MA11 causes 1D real damage as well. However the real damage can not be higher than the penetration damage.

Needle rifle

Model: Kelvarek Consolidated Arms ACJ8 Light Needle Rifle, and ACJ13 "Sniper" Needle Rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Blasters: Needle guns
Range: ACJ8: 5-10/20/40. ACJ13: 5-15/30/60
Damage: ACJ8: 4D. ACJ13: 5D Penetration damage.
Ammo: ACJ8: 30. ACJ13: 20
Cost: ACJ8: 600. ACJ13: 800. Ammo: 35/mag

Note: The ACJ8 causes 1D real damage and the ACJ13 causes 1D+2 real damage. However the real damage can not be higher than the penetration damage.

Needle carbine

Model: Oriolanis Needle Carbine
Scale: Character
Skill: Blasters: Needle guns
Range: ACJ8: 3-12/25/50
Damage: 4D
Ammo: 50
Cost: 1200 Ammo: 55

Note: The carbine causes 1D real damage. However the real damage can not be higher than the penetration damage. When firing the carbine, roll 2D. The higher of the two numbers shows the amount of needles that leaves the carbine and that are to be excluded from the magazine. The lower number shows the amount of needles that hits the target, if the skill roll succeeded. If the skill roll failed, ignore the lower number. Roll separate penetration and damage for each needle that hits. If you use hit location, roll separate hit locations as well.
The carbine can be set for triple-round shots. In that case, the number of needles that leaves the weapon is always 3. If the skill roll succeeded, roll 1D each time it is fired on this mode. 1: 1 needle hit the target. 2-4: 2 needles hit the target. 5-6: 3 needles hit the target. Roll separate hit location and damage.

Armor disruptor

This gun is used to destroy scaled armor. It fires quite big canisters (caliber 10x40mm caseless) that produce a wide but not deep explosion, that tears and scatters the armor apart. The person inside the armor seldom takes any serious damage.

Model: NeuroSaav 2d-75 Armor Disruptor Rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Blasters: Armor disruptor
Range: 5-10/30/110
Damage: Se “Note”
Ammo: 20
Cost: 400. Ammo: 100/mag

Note: When hitting a target that has no scaled armor, roll 3D+1 damage versus targets strength just like a normal hit.
When hitting a target that has scaled armor Roll 2D damage versus targets strength just like a normal hit. Then roll 4D and add the result to the just rolled damage. The new result is the damage caused to the armor.
Weather the target has scaled armor or not, the canisters comes in quite high velocity and causes an explosion upon impact. This produces a powerful recoil. The target must make a Dexterity roll to avoid falling to the ground. If the damage was "stunned" or less, the difficulty is 6. If damage was "wounded" or higher, the difficulty is 12.

Projectile Launcher

The projectile launcher described here has no penetration effect. It´s used to send away canisters containing a load of gas, smoke or chemicals depending upon the purpose of the use. The BlasTech CSPL-12, or "Caspel" as it is often called, is sometimes used by the Empires forces. Its popularity however varies, since it is more sensitive to dirt than blasters. If it is not kept clean, the canisters tend to jam and ignite while they are still in the launcher. Another drawback is that it wont take any other projectiles than those designed for it. But there is an adapter for launching standard grenades available, the PL/1G.

Model: BlasTech CSPL-12 "Caspel"
Scale: Character
Skill: Missile weapons: CSPL
Range: 5-50/100/250
Damage: Se "Note"
Ammo: 4
Cost: 3000. PL/1G (adapter for standard grenades): 350*.

Note: The effect of the Caspel depends upon the chosen type of canisters. The area covered by whatever load delivered (except grenades) is normally about 60 meters wide (blast radius: 30 m).
Standard canister effects:

Load       Effects             Damage   Cost/Canister*
Dye        Marks terrain          
           10 meter radius     -        70
Smoke      Marks terrain,      
           obscures vision     -        50
T-238      Nausea, incapacity  1D       100
CryoBan    Freeze damage,
           incapacity          2D       150
Plank Gas  Corrosive,
           incapacity          3D       200
Spore/B    Bothan stun spores,
           unconsciousness     4D(stun) 250
Fex-M3     Nerve gas, death    5D       300

Stokhli Spray Sticks

This is a long range stun weapon, developed by the Stokhli people of the planet Manress. It work by shooting a spraynet mist up to two hundred meters. The spray nets are charged with a chockstun juice that delivers a huge stun to the target. The sticks are thumb triggered. When fired, a fine spray mist shoots from the nozzle. This mist is thin and looks a bit semisolid and translucent. When exposed to air the spray hardens around its target. Once hardened, it becomes nearly unbreakable, and the target is effectively wrapped in.

Model: Stokhli Spray Stick
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: Stokhli spray stick
Range: 50/100/200
Damage: 6D stun damage
Ammo: 10
Cost: 14.000

Note: A hit character must make a strength roll to break free. Difficulty is 6D.
