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Wacky Women of the Web Webring

This webring (a collection of pages, that have something in common, connected together in a ring) is for sites created by women, or about women. Other than the subject matter, there are a few guidelines to follow if you would like to be added to the ring:
  1. No pornographic sites of any kind
  2. No link only pages
  3. All sites should have an overall PG-13 rating. This means no excessive sexual annuendo or offensive language.
  4. This is a webring for women. The pages can be funny, serioius, sentimental, whatever! A few small exceptions: NO racist,hate or lewd content.
  5. If you fit these guidelines, please follow the simple steps below to add yourself to the ring.

  1. Download the Wacky Women Of The Web graphics to your own server.
  2. This can be done with most browsers by right-clicking on the image below and then selecting save as. WARNING:linking without permission is Bandwidth stealing!"
  3. Add yourself to the queue.
  4. Please do this by filling out the below form COMPLETELY. You are not quite part of the ring yet, even after submission. You will be added as soon as you add the HTML fragment to your page and are approved by me.
  5. Make the Webring clearly visible either on the front page or on a webrings page that is clearly marked. If I have to search for it, I won't add you.

download this to your site!download this to your site!

Submit a site to Wacky Women of the Web Net Ring
Site Title:
Site URL:
Site Owner:
EMail Address:
Site Description:

Add the HTML fragment to your page. You will soon recieve an e-mail welcoming to the ring, which includes a completely customized HTML fragment. Please cut and paste this to your page. If you have uploaded the graphics and filled out the form completely, there should be no problems. However, if you need help, just e-mail me. When you're finished, it should look something like this:

Wacky Women of the Web Site
is owned by
Candace's Offbeat Universe.

Do you love to laugh?
Have a great webpage?
Want to Join a Ring
with a sense of humor?
Then come join the
Wacky Women of the Web!
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Site ID #

Candace's Offbeat Universe Cats and More Cats!! Offbeat Webrings 1
Tickle Me Elmo Consumer Alerts! Caffiene Prayer
A Prayer for
The Stressed
Cuckoo Clock Pop-N-Fresh
Cat Commandments Cat Quotes Why Cats are
Better than Men
Cat Food Excerpts from the
Cat's Diary
The Cat Said...
Important Cat Info Signs Your Cat is
Using Your Computer
The Case Of The
Creeping Cat
How To Give
A Cat A Pill
Fairy Godmother Why A Kitten Is
Better Than A Baby
Cat Funnies Cat Movies Cat to English
Why A Puppies Are
Better Than Boyfriends
Things I Have Learned
From The Movies
Everything I Need
To Know In Life
I Learned From My Cat
Wacky Women
Of The Web
coming soon coming soon
coming soon coming soon coming soon