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Resources from Visions of Adonai Designs


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Subject Resources

Visions of Adonai Designs

University and College Educators Subject Resources

Advanced Liberal Learning
A national association dedicated to the promotion of liberal learning for all students.

Ancient Egypt and Egyptology
A collection of stunning web links for graphics, archeology, and history of Ancient Egypt.

Artserve - Australian National University
The Department of Art History & Visual Studies at ANU present over 80,000 images related to the history of art and architecture.

Classic and Mediterranean Archaeology
Extensive site with journal articles, displays, projects, bibliographies, course materials and links.

Classic Texts in Ethics
Links to major works in the history of ethics available on-line. From Plato and Kant to contemporary scholars.

Educational Psychology Interactive
Resources, course materials and links on various educational psychology topics.

Language across the Curriculum
A clearinghouse of on-line language resources for learners, educators, and other professionals.

Louvre Museum
An on-line tour of the famous Louvre in Paris. Beautifully designed site.

MIT's Earth Resources Laboratory
Resources, papers, theses and directory on Earth Sciences and Geophysics.

National Museum of Women's History
Images, collections, and topical presentations on women and history.

Philosophy in Cyberspace
An amazing resource on ancient to contemporary philosophy from Monash University.

Media and Communication Studies site offers course materials, papers, resources, and links related to Semiotics.

The Perseus Project
A multimedia interactive database on Archaic and Classical Greece including literature, history, art and archaeology from Tufts University.

Web Stars: Astrophysics in Cyberspace
NASA's extensive site dedicated to space exploration, astrophysics, astronomy and astrobiology.