Arwyddlun Crefydd

Pwy ydwyt ti sy'n teithio'n wael dy lun?

(Arwyddlun Crefydd)
Pwy ydwyt ti,
    sy'n teithio'n wael dy lun?
Gwir grefydd wyf,
    yn hanu o Dduw ei hun.
  Paham mae'th wedd
      i'w wel'd mor ryfedd wael?
  Trysorau'r byd i gyd
      nid wyf am gael.
Pa lyfr, O! d'wed,
    'rwy'n weled yn dy law?
Pur ddeddfau 'Nhad,
    a barchaf yma a thraw.

Paham mae'th fron
    yn noeth ac amlyg im'?
Gwel, mwynder 'rwy'n
    ei hoffi'n fwy na dim,
  Paham mae'th fraich
      yn pwyso ar y groes?
  Hi'n unig yw 'ngorphwysfa wiw
      drwy f'oes.
Beth wnai â'th gain
   adenydd llydain, têr?
I ddysgu dyn gwan
   'hedeg uwch y sêr.

Pa'm mae o'th gylch
    ogoniant dysglaer, cu?
I wasgar gwyll
    y meddwl tywyll du.
  Pa ddyben sydd i'th ffrwyn,
      mae'n harddwech un?
  I gadw'n glau
      holl nwydau enaid dyn.
Paham 'rwyt ti
    yn sathru angau du?
O! wele'n siwr,
    ei faeddwr ydwyf fi.

John William Hughes (Edeyrn ap Nudd) 1817-49
Y Lloffyn 1842

(Emblem of Faith)
Who art thou,
    who dost travel in poor appearance?
A true believer I am,
    I hail from God himself.
  Why is thy countenance
      to be seen so amazingly poor?
  All the treasures of the world
      I do not want to get.
What book, oh tell,
    do I see in thy hand?
The pure laws of my Father,
    which I revere here and there.

Why is thy breast
    bare and visible to me?
See, meekness, I am
    loving it more than anything,
  Why is thy arm
      leaning on the cross?
  It alone is my worthy resting-place
      throughout my life.
What wilt thou do with thy fine,
    wide, pure wings?
Teach weak man
    to fly above the stars.

Why is there around thee
    dear, shining glory?
To scatter the darkness
    of the dark, black thought.
  What intent is to thy reins,
      it is just as beautiful?
  To keep true
      all the desires of man's soul.
Why art thou
    trampling black death?
Oh, see surely,
    its conqueror am I!

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion


Theodore Beza 1519-1605

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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