a polly		upon a
armpegger	arm
arters		art

background	backgrove
bearloader	bear
beel		being
bicycole	bicycle
bloom		blue
blowit		blowing
boo		B
Britters	Britons
browm		brown

cabe		cave
camel-hoad	camel
childers	children
classicold	classical
colourbs	colours
composey	composition
contiload	continent
contino		continent
Copload		Copland
crabers		caves
creepy		creeps

deef		deep
deepy		deep
drenchy		drenched

egg		egger
embryo clurbers	yolk
emma		end
expressy	expression
eyebold		eyeball

falollop	fall, flop, slap, slop, spread
falolloper	something that goes up-and-down or in-and-out
for-de-form	form, style
fullfold folly	full
fundamoulds	fundamentals

garbage		garden
glisteny	glistening
Goggy		Gogh
grabbered	mixed
grurb		liberal application, apply liberally

hairbrushy	hair brush
heither		either
hin		in
hoff		up
hormone	horn
huff		up
huffalo-dowder	up and down
hupside-dowdle	upside down

idol		image
individulhold	individual
individuholder	individual
inkit		ink
interpretail	interpreted

loamantic	romantic

made		major
manipulade	manipulation
masterlode	master
Milobers	Milo
moath		both
mordee		morning
mouthorb	mouthorgan
musee		music

orchestrail	orchester

paintloaders	paint
petaloads	petals
plusty		putty-like, sticky, lump
poo-pom		bad smell

reachy		reached, reach, level
rebbers		red
remood		removed

sashel		easel
scailbes	scales
schoom		school
schooners	school
sclabbered	slapped, spread
scintillacres	bright colours, scintillation, sight
scrapey		scraping
scrittle	scribble, scratch, paint, scrub, apply small quantity or detail
scrurp		spread
severaloaders	several
sheebs		cheese
sigh		side
Stradivold	Stradivarius
sucker		sucking

teemy		rich, teeming
throoty		thirty
tie tode	time
Tinsel Manor	Isle of Man
tito		time
todail		today
togave		together
toman		tone
trittle how	skip, trip along
trittly-how	trill, high pitch voice

understab	understanding
underestimail	underestimate
univerbs	universe, words

vaselubrious	vaseline
Vincers		Vinci
violim		violin

warm		wall
whimsicold	whimsy, whimsical, whimsically
whiskerbs	whiskers
who's-a-scilly-islode	Scilly Isles
woady		woad
woodwilly	woodwind
worle		world