'Does eisiau'n bod nac ofn na chlais na chlwy'

(Jesu dulcis memoria)

(Digon yn yr Iesu)
'Does eisiau'n bod, nac ofn,
    na chlais, na chlwy',
Ar f'enaid tlawd,
    heb fod gan Iesu fwy;
  Anfeidrol fwy o werth
     sydd yn ei waed;
  Os trengu wnaf,
     mi drengaf wrth ei draed.

O Iesu gwiw,
    gwyn fyd a brofo'th Ddawn,
A'th gariad pur,
    yn felys nerthol iawn;
  Digonedd wyt i hwn,
      tra ynddo chwŷth,
  Nid oes i'w gael,
      na'i geisio'n rhagor byth.

Fy Iesu hardd,
    hyfrydwch nefol lu;
Mor bêr i'r glust
    yw sain dy enw cu!
  I'r genau mae fel mêl,
      yn felys bur,
  Fel nefol wîn
      i'r galon dan ei chur.

Am danat, Iesu,
    yn fynych mae fy nghŵyn!
Pa bryd y câf
    dy lon ymweliad mwyn?
  Pa bryd y gwnai fi'n
      llawen â dy wedd?
  Pa bryd y câf
      fy llenwi o dy hedd?
Fy Iesu hardd, :: Hardd Iesu! wyt

cyf. Thomas Jones 1756-1820

Tonau []:
Clod (hen garol Gymreig)
Coburg (alaw Ellmynig)
Dalkeith (Thomas Hewlett 1845-74)
Holly (George Hews 1806-73)

Gwaith gruddfan sydd gan bwys euogrwydd du
Meddwl am danat Iesu da
O Iesu gwiw gwyn fyd a brofo'th Ddawn

(Sufficiency in Jesus)
There is no want, nor fear,
    nor bruise, nor disease,
For my poor soul,
    that Jesus has not had more;
  Immeasurably more worth
     is in his blood;
  If I shall perish,
     I shall perish at his feet.

O worthy Jesus,
    blessed is one who tastes thy Power,
And thy pure love,
    very sweetly strongly;
  Sufficient art thou to this one,
      while there is breath in him,
  There is nothing for him to have,
      nor seek any more ever.

My beautiful Jesus,
    delight of a heavenly host;
How sweet to the ear
    is the sound of thy dear name!
  To the mouth it is like honey,
      purely sweet,
  Like heavenly wine
      to the heart under its stoke.

For thee, Jesus,
    often is my cry!
When may I get
    thy cheering, tender visit?
  When wilt thou make me
      joyful with thy countenance?
  When may I get
      filled with thy peace?
My beautiful Jesus, :: Beautiful Jesus, thou art the

tr. 2012 Richard B Gillion

Jesu dulcis memoria
Bernard of Clairvaux 1091-1153

    Jesu the very thought is sweet!
      (tr. John M Neale 1818-66)

    Jesu thy mercies are untold
      (tr. Edward Caswall 1814-78)

    Jesus the very thought of thee
      (tr. Edward Caswall 1814-78)

    Jesus thou joy of loving hearts
      (tr. Ray Palmer 1808-87)

    O Hope of every contrite heart
      (tr. Edward Caswall 1814-78)

    Of him who did salvation bring
      (tr. Anthony W Boehm 1673-1722)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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