O deued pob Cristion i Fethlem yr awron

O deued pob Cristion
    i Fethlem yr awron
  I weled mor dirion yw'n Duw;
O ddyfnder rhyfeddod,
    fe drefnodd y Duwdod
  Dragwyddol gyfamod i fyw:

Daeth Brenin yr hollfyd
    i oedfa ein hadfyd
  Er symud ein
      penyd a'n pwn;
Heb le yn y llety,
    heb aelwyd, heb wely,
  Nadolig fel hynny gadd hwn.

Rhown glod i'r Mab bychan,
    ar liniau Mair wiwlan,
  Daeth Duwdod mewn baban i'n byd:
Ei ras O derbyniwn,
    ei haeddiant cyhoeddwn
  A throsto ef gweithiwn i gyd.

Tywysog tangnefedd
    wna'n daear o'r diwedd
  Yn aelwyd gyfannedd i fyw;
Ni fegir cenfigen
    na chynnwrf na chynnen,
  Dan goron bydd
      diben ein Duw.

Yn frodyr i'n gilydd,
    drigolion y gwledydd,
  Cawn rodio
      yn hafddydd y nef;
Ein disgwyl yn Salem
    i ganu yr anthem
  Ddechreuwyd ym Methlem, mae Ef.

Rhown glod i'r Mab bychan,
    ar liniau Mair wiwlan,
  Daeth Duwdod mewn baban i'n byd:
Ei ras O derbyniwn,
    ei haeddiant cyhoeddwn
  A throsto ef gweithiwn i gyd.
1840 Jane Ellis
(addas. 1921 Y Caniedydd Cynulleidfaol Newydd)

Tonau []:
  O deued pob Cristion (alaw Gymreig,
    trefn. Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)
  Olwen (hen garol,
    trefn. John Thomas Rees 1857-1949)

O let every Christian come
    to Bethlehem now
  To see how gentle is our God;
O depth of wonder,
    the Godhead arranged
  An eternal covenant to live:

The King of the universe came
    to meet our adversity
  In order to remove our
      penalty and our load;
Without a place in the lodgings,
    without homestead, without a bed,
  A Christmas like this he got.

Render praise to the little Son,
    on the knees of worthy Mary,
  The Godhead came in a baby to our world:
His grace O let us receive,
    his merit let us publish
  And for him let us all work.

The Prince of peace
    will make our earth at last
  A habitable home to live;
Jealousy is not to be nurtured
    nor agitation nor strife,
  Under a crown which will be
      the intent of our God.

As brothers to each other,
    inhabitants of the lands,
  We will get to roam in
      the heyday of heaven;
Our expectation in Salem
    to sing the anthem
  Begun in Bethlehem, He is.
Render praise to the little Son,
    on the knees of worthy Mary,
  The Godhead came in a baby to our world:
His grace O let us receive,
    his merit let us publish
  And for him let us all work.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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