This site is dedicated to All Monarch Park Alums and students. Here you will find announcements and links of interest to x and current students. Check out this Drop Down section and visit these sites.
Please sign the guestbook before you leave :) AND Check out our new Blog in the left hand menu.
MONARCH PARK 40th Reunion of May 29th, 2004 apparently was successful for those who paid their money and attended. Congratulations to the organizers.
The 35th Reunion came and went with great success. Due partly to, where we rediscovered each other and made new friends via their message board.
This site was put together by myself as a way to assist people in search of classmates and to announce any unofficial get togethers. We also have a Private Chat Room here sponsored by BRAVENET. In the links column see the Guestbook Signee List.
Since the reunion we have formed an e-mail group in Yahoo Groups and Classmates to keep in touch. We also now have a Monarch Park Web Ring linking Alums personal sites, thanks to one of our x classmates (Thanks Richard K.)
This Monarch Park
Collegiate (formerly MPSS) site owned by Jennifer.
5 Sites
5 Sites
Pass this site on to friends and family.

The Yahoo Group is very active. I highly recommend this e-mail group. You have the option of receiving e-mails or just checking out the new messages in the Yahoo Group. Once again, this group is very active and spans a number of years.
We have many, many ways to communicate On Line as a group. Yet another way of getting in touch is by clicking on the cute little guy below & if I'm on Line we can instantly chat.
Post a Link..your HomePage for example, or a page of interest.
Announce an Event
Upcoming Events: Click to View or Add Event. 
If you need help and can't seem to find us go to Classmates and leave a message in the Forum. If that's too much e-mail myself at or follow the links in the Monarch Web Ring. Above all before leaving here Please Sign the Guestbook & view it. You may just find someone you know in there & can e-mail them.. Take Care & cya at the next reunion.
Have a laugh with The Daily Cartoon :)and send one to someone.
Here is the Guestbook--Hint! Hint!
Click Enter Chat for Real Time Chat. Its not real voice unfortunately, but it is a Private Chat Room courtesy of BRAVENET. Its hit and miss if you don't arrange to meet someone. Hopefully it will become a place to meet On Line :) I've used the chat forum myself and it works. All you have to do is give your friends the Monarch link and have them click on Chat...enter their name and GO! You will then be in a chat format that is private unless of course some other person decides to use it too LOL! No downloads and no memberships involved.
Send a card to a friend, a loved one or an ex classmate.Click on Send a card NOT on the Bravenet logo.
The above banner were made using BannerzRus! Great FREE resource
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Last updated May 31,2009
This many people have visited this site! Thankyou all for your support!