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The city of Florianopolis is:

Kathy Greene is a missionary with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention in the state of Santa Catarina, which is located in South Brazil. She serves as the Director of Music for the Brazilian Baptist Convention in this state and as such, she trains church leaders in music theory, conducting and keyboard classes. Her work also involves using music as a tool for evangelism as she includes Bible Studies in the keyboard classes for non-Christians and encourages choirs to witness beyond the four walls of the church building by singing in town squares, shopping malls and other public locations. The Lord is working in the state of Santa Catarina and music has been a powerful instrument in the growth of His kingdom there.

Thank you for your interest in reading this home-page and please pray that: 1) God would provide housing and financial support for a Brazilian (Andre Francisco do Nascimento) who is being trained to work with Kathy in this music ministry, 2) God would provide safety on the roads, as this work requires much traveling, 3) God would sustain and give strength to Kathy's parents and other family members who live in the USA.

Will you pledge to pray for Kathy and her work?

Please click on the notes to sign Kathy's guestbook:

My Favorite Links

Kathy Greene's address and picture
International Mission Board, SBC
Woman's Missionary Union
Southern Baptist Convention information
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages

Email: behopeful@hotmail.com