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Little Prudy

Little Prudy

Little Prudy was first published in 1863. It is Sophie May's first book, and the first in the "Little Prudy" series. The main character of these six books is Prudy Parlin, who lives in Portland, Maine, with her father, mother, older sister Susy, and baby sister Alice "Dotty Dimple". It is just after the New Year at the beginning of the book. Prudy is three years old and Susy is six. Alice is mentioned as a baby, but she is too young to participate in any of the "adventures". This book ends at Christmas time.

“I have been wanting to say a word about a book for children, perfect of its kind-I mean LITTLE PRUDY. It seems to me the greatest book of the season for children. The authoress has a genius for story-telling. Prudy’s letter to Mr. ‘Gustus Somebody must be genuine; if an invention, it shows a genius akin to that of the great masters. It is a positive kindness to the little ones to remind their parents that there is such a book as LITTLE PRUDY.”-‘Springfield Republican.’

Little Prudy's Sister Susy

Sister Susy was first published in 1864. It is the second book in the "Little Prudy" series. It is dedicated to "My little niece, Katie Clarke". Quoting the author, "Here is a story about the oldest of the three little Parlin girls, 'Sister Susy', though so many things are always happening to Prudy that it is not possible to keep her out of the book." The book begins at Christmas with 'Dotty Dimple' said to be nearly three, which should make Prudy about five, and Susy around eight. The book concentrates on the trials that Susy goes through during that winter and ends on the last day of May.

“Every little girl and boy who has made the acquaintance of that funny ‘Little Prudy’ will be eager to read this book, in which she figures quite as largely as her bigger sister, though the joys and troubles of poor Susie make a very interesting story.”-‘Portland Transcript.’
“Certainly one of the most cunning, natural, and witty books we ever read.”-‘Hartford Press.’

Little Prudy's Captain Horace

Captain Horace was first published in 1864. It is the third book in the “Little Prudy” series. It is dedicated to “My little nephew, Willy Wheeler”. This book concentrates on Prudy’s cousin Horace Clifford, who lives in Indiana (Sophie May’s sister’s family lived in Evansville, IN), with his father, mother, sister Grace, and baby sister Katie. It begins in May and is set during the civil war. Mr. Clifford goes to war and the rest of the family travel to Maine for the summer. Horace is around age nine in the story, and it tells of the events of that summer.

“These are such as none but SOPHIE MAY can write, and we know not where to look for two more choice and beautiful volumes-SUSIE for girls and HORACE for boys. They are not only amusing and wonderfully entertaining, but teach most effective lessons of patience, kindness, and truthfulness. Our readers will find a good deal in them about Prudy, for so many things are always happening to her that the author finds it impossible to keep her out.”

Little Prudy's Cousin Grace

Cousin Grace was first published in 1865. It is the fourth book in the “Little Prudy” series. This book concentrates on Prudy’s cousin Grace Clifford (Horace’s sister), who lives in Indiana, and takes place entirely in Indiana. It tells of her adventures with her best friend Cassy. They are “nearly twelve years old” at the start of the story, which begins in March, and is set during the civil war. Their adventures include a visit from little Prudy and go until that summer.

“An exquisite picture of little-girl life at school and at home, and gives an entertaining account of a secret society which originated in the fertile brain of Grace, passed some comical resolutions at first, but was finally converted into a Soldier’s Aid Society. Full of life, and fire, and good advice; the latter sugar-coated, of course, to suit the taste of little folks.”-‘Press.’

Little Prudy's Fairy (Story) Book

Little Prudy’s Story Book, which is also sometimes called Fairy Book, was first published in 1865. It is the fifth book in the “Little Prudy” series. It is dedicated to “Little Bessie”. This book is unique from all the others Sophie May has written. It takes place during Prudy’s visit with the Cliffords in Indiana (in Little Prudy’s Cousin Grace). The first chapter tells of Prudy’s trials while there, and then the rest of the chapters are fairy tales told to Prudy to make her happy.

“This story book is a great favorite with the little folks, for it contains just such stories as they like to hear their aunt and older sister tell; and learn them by heart and tell them over to one another as they set out the best infant tea-set, or piece a baby-quilt, or dress dolls, or roll marbles. A book to put on the book-shelf in the play-room where Susie and Prudy, Captain Horace, Cousin Grace, and all the rest of the ‘Little Prudy’ folks are kept.”-‘Vermont Record.’

Little Prudy's Dotty Dimple

Dotty Dimple was first published in 1865. It is the sixth (last) book in the “Little Prudy” series. It is dedicated to “Little Nelly Clarke”. It tells of the Parlin’s youngest child, Alice “Dotty Dimple”, the main subject of Sophie May’s next series. It starts at her birth, with Prudy at age three and Susy age six, and quickly jumps to Dotty being three. At the end of the delightful story, Dotty Dimple is four, and ready for her own set of six books.

“Dotty Dimple is the plague of Prudy’s life, and yet she loves her dearly. Both are rare articles in juvenile literature, as real as Eva and Topsy of ‘Uncle Tom’ fame. Witty and wise, full of sport and study, sometimes mixing the two in a confusing way, they run bubbling through many volumes, and make everyone wish they could never grow up or change, they are so bright and cute.”

Little Prudy Publications

Cover Height Width Year Published Publisher Illustrator
6" 4" 1876 Lee &

Boston N.Y.


Th Nast

Kilburn & Mallory

6 1/4" 4 1/2" 1883 Lee &


Th Nast

Kilburn & Mallory


6 1/4" 4 1/2" 1893 Lee &


6 1/2" 5" Approx. 1896 Lee &


Th. Nast

N. Brown

6 1/2" 5" 1901 or 1902 Lee &


Amy Brooks

Bertha G. Davidson

6 1/2" 5" Approx. 1904 Lothrop, Lee &
Shepard Co.
Amy Brooks

Bertha G. Davidson

6 1/2" 5" Approx. 1905 Lothop, Lee
& Shepard Co.
Amy Brooks

Bertha G. Davidson

6 5/8" 5" Approx. 1908 M.A.Donohue
& Co.


6 5/8" 5" Approx. 1908 M.A.Donohue
& Co.


6 1/4" 4 1/2" 1912 Hurst & Co.


6 1/8" 4 1/4" 1913 Hurst & Co.


7 5/8" 5 1/4" Mid to late


Hurst & Co.


7 3/8" 5" ? H.M.
Caldwell Co.

Boston, N.Y.

Amy Brooks

Bertha G. Davidson


6 3/8" 4 5/8" 1920's Cupples &
Leon Co.


7 1/4" 5 1/4" 1920's Cupples &
Leon Co.


6 1/4" 4 1/2" 1920's The Saalfield
Publishing Co.


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