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Top 15 Horror Films of the 1980's

15.CREEPERS(1984) D-Dario Argento ST-Jennifer Connelly.Young girls uses psychic power to communicate with insects to track down a serial killer.Features excellent Dario Argento shock camerawork,and seething masses of every insect immaginable.Great fun from one of the greats. Also features a terrific heavy metal soundtrack!

14.AMERICAN GOTHIC(1987) D-John Hough ST-Yvonne de Carlo. Very scary yarn about a group of absolute crazies terrorizing a woman on a getaway trip to recover from a breakdown.The film really focuses on her reaction to the madness she is seeing. Really graphically realistic and creepy.Also stars that kid from the Star Trek episode"Miri".

13.THE HOWLING(1980) D-Joe Dante ST-Dee Wallace. A reporter is terrorized by a werewolf cult. Campy,lots of marvelous effects, and lots of in jokes for horror fans. Joe Dante's love of the genre comes through.The werewolf transformation is incredible.

12.LAIR OF THE WHITE WORM(1988) D-Ken Russell ST-Amanda Donohoe. British horror lives! Snake cult priestess sacrifices unsuspecting virgins.Russell's films are always full of bizarre,perverse,imagery and this one is no different.It's fun, fast paced and different enough to stand out as excellent.

11.COMPANY OF WOLVES(1984) D-Neil Jordan ST-Angela Lansbury.Very literary horror with one foot on the side of fantasy.Story involves a young girl's granny recounting tales of werewolves invading her small mythical village.Very intelligent updating of old children's stories adding large doses of sex and violence.Great artsy sets.

10.AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON(1981) D-John Landis ST- David McNaughton. Great black comedy. Humor lightens graphically violent film.Lots of fun in-references to old werewolf movies.Story follows McNaughton who is repeatedly visited by the spectre of his dead friend trying to warn him of the werewolf curse.Rick Baker's transformation sequence revolutionized horror movies forever.

9.NEAR DARK(1987) D-Kathryn Bigelow ST-Jenny Wright. Vampires in the southwest! Jenny plays a reluctant vampire in a migratory vampire gang terrorizing a small town.Lance Henrikson in great as their leader. Very quirky and well directed(by a woman!) This film very much captures the essence of the vampire/style movement which began around this time. Highly recommended!

8.DEMONS(1985)D-Lambert o Bava. Franticly paced with lots of nasty gore. Demons take over a movie theater trapping the movie goers inside. Really wild stuff from Mario Bava's son.The scenes of the horror movie showing on the screen while a real life horror movie goes on in the theater is particulary memorable.

7.THE SHINING(1980) D-Stanley Kubrick ST-Jack Nicolson. Typical Kubrick. He pulls off everything he wants to achieve. Story,of course, concerns an hotel caretaker snowed in for the winter, going insane though his own feelings of personal failure. Very complex images of hotel corridors and the maze of shrubbery.Nicolson is great, giving perhaps his greatest performance. The best Stephen King film,yet often overlooked for not being completely true to the book.

6.RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD(1985)D-Dan O'Bannon ST-Clu Gulager.Terrific second look at George Romero's dead series by his ex-partner John Russo.Story is caused by cannisters being reopened that supposedly contained the chemical that caused the big disaster in Pittsburgh,see Night of the Living Dead. Less for gore but a lot more creepy and fun than Romero's.And lots more humor.I laughed out load in spots. Featuring a great soundtrack and a great performance by scream queen Linnea Quigley as a punk girl.

5.NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET(1984)D-Wes Craven ST-Robert Englund. The original of the series that did for sleep what Jaws did for water.Not a favorite of mine but still a classic. You know the movie.

4.HELLRAISER(1987)D-Clive Barker ST-Ashley Lawrence. Clive Barker brought new territory to horror,no mean feat.Here darkness and perversion mix with hell's minions. The effects are great and the monsters are unique enough to carry the story about a woman's love for a man who died by looking a little too hard for the ultimate combination of pleasure and pain.

3.FRIDAY THE 13TH(1980)D-Sean Cunningham ST-Adrienne King. Another movie I dislike, yet it is on the list because of its historical role. A clone of Halloween but became twice the success,starting a whole series of films and ripoff movies,the biggest wave of the 80's. Here dumb teenagers are killed after or during sex. Wow, complex allegory! The clever way these deserving kids are killed is the real fun. This is what kept the series going.

2.REANIMATOR(1985)D-Stuart Gorden ST-Jeffrey Combs.Terrific,gory, film based on the works of H.P.Lovecraft. Mad doctor reanimates the dead with a serum. Great make up effects.Cool story.Fun characters and best of all no punches pulled.The dark humor helps lighten the load. You will love the scene where the disenbodied head makes love to Barbara Crampton strapped to a table. Highly recommended!

1.THE EVIL DEAD(1982) D-Sam Raimi ST-Bruce Campbell. Made by a group of suburban school buddies, financed by themselves,this incredibly gross,immaginative,brilliantly directed masterpiece, launched them all to stardom.The story of how this film was made is great story itself! But the film is terrific. The story involves friends who spend the night in cabin in the woods and find a book called The Book of the Dead and end up summoning demons and evil forces which take over their bodies. Then the madness begins.The camera angles are unique. New technologies were rigged,by Sam Raimi, to film this stuff.Really gross effects make this one a classic to freak out your unprepared friends. Led to two sequels. Highest rating!