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REX ROSWELL.............ALIEN ABDUCTEE.........

.....Go DALE!!!!!!!......or else your boy's gonna WHUP your Ass!!!!.....
I HATE PLAYING IN A BAND........YEAH RIGHT....Dave...Thanks for the SHOTS!!

Howdy........Rex Roswell.....Alien Abductee.....damn glad to meet ya.......actually I'm just an average horny hoosier drummer scum type that likes to hang out at BUTTERFLY'S MANSION....please drop by and ask for me...Rex Roswell.....or better than that....ask for Butterfly herself.....just don't talk to Cheech or Raoul Duke...they are pure assholes. I play drums and congas for rest and relaxation. I like to call it "Agression Therapy". I'm pleased to announce that the Riddlers are finally going into the studio to record some original music and as in our live shows, the music is varied in many different styles. We hope to make it available by the end of the year, along with our two Demo cd's "Big as a Barn" and "It Takes a lot of Guts" (aka: The Possinelli Live Unplugged Show + some Live Gems). I like to personally thank all the Twisted Fans that have followed us for the last 5 years ...YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!!...and always remember to "PARTY WITH FARTY"
@@@@@@@CLICK HERE for Top Secret Studio Pics!!!!! @@@@@@@
Taken during a Demo recording session at the Moose
Moose Pics and More!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Look..The Riddlers are Coming!!!
Beer and Beefaroni...Breakfast of Champions
Riddler's on the Road

The Link Below takes you to the Riddler Pic page...please check often for new pics

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Rex Roswell.

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The Riddlers Rock The Roof Gardens

Ted drunk on his ass ....AGAIN!!!

Johnny the Wick .....Soundman in training....and moral booster

Ravishing Rick ...What's that blue alien thing coming out of your head??

$$$$ Riddler MP3's available for free download $$$
go to FreeDrive and login as "user name" =RexRoswell ..."password"= on the RexRoswell file folder and enjoy.....please email your reviews or sign in the guestbook above input is needed!!
$$$$ Riddler MP3's available for free download $$$


  • 1) Shania Twain........lift that skirt a little more so I can get a good look at your talent!!!
  • 2) Metallica.......I hear Lars sucks donkey dicks!!!!!!.......greedy bastards
  • 3) I think Cub Fans deserve a special box on their tax forms for a Stupidity Exemption
  • 4) Rolling Stone......Maybe Hunter S. Thompson will buy the rag and turn it back into the fun we all remember
  • 5) Anyone who line dances....without having a gun pointed at their head
  • 6) The Music Industry.......MP3...take me away
  • 7) Neil Reed is the ANTI-CHRIST!!!!!!!!!
  • 8) VH-1.........if Leann Rhimes classifies as a DIVA......I'l l kiss your ass!!!!
  • 9) That weasel Jeff Gordon and his trophy freakin' wife......go chase that Pepsi can some more..CRASH!!
  • 10) I'd like to take this space to thank the Spice Girls for breaking up........What's that you say?
  • 11) The Atlanta a plane crash too much to ask for?
  • 12) The Clarke-ist and the Odomet-ist that argue whether this New Year is the Millenium or the next
  • 13) Matt Geiger needs to be banished to the WWF where he can excell at his craft
  • 14) Maybe we should put little Elian Gonzalez back in the water and let Flipper raise him
  • 15) Did i mention Shania Twain has no talent????????


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Creamy Carbunkle.....god she gives me a chubby!!!
SnakesWorld.....looks like a pretty nice place to live
Simply put...THE BEST CHAT IN TOWN!!!
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