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We invite you to participate in the Indianapolis Feis sponsored by the Indiana Irish Cultural Society.  Below you will find information on the Indianapolis Feis, information on Indianapolis, what to do when you are in town and some fun links to pages related to Irish step dancing and Irish things in general.  If this is one of your first feiseanna, be sure to check out the "If You are New to Feising" link.
Stage Assignments
Paper Entry Forms
Figure Entries (for Teachers)
Adjudicator and Musician Listing
The 2006 Indianapolis Feis will be held Saturday, June 10, at the Indianapolis Convention Center.
Friday night check-in is from 6-9 on the second floor of the Westin hotel.  There is not a welcome session this year due to lack of attendance in the past.  Check-in will open again at 7:30am on Saturday morning.

Coolers are not allowed in the Indiana Convention Center.  Please do not make us ask you to return these to your room or vehicle.  This is part of the Indiana Convention Center rules - not ours.

Indianapolis Feis Links
Irish Dance Links
Fun Links
Feis Contacts If You are New to "Feising" What to do in Indy
Hotels Close to the Feis
Directions to the Feis North American Feis Schedule Lyrics to Irish Folk Songs
Parking North American Feis Commission Irish Resources on the Internet