1. You must have a cool and well obtained homepage with no bad stuff like nasty porn or anything else nasty.
2. You must sign my guestbook.
3. You must e-mail me the following info:
I will not be adding anyone else to the members page. You can still join, but you don't have to send me the info anymore.
Once I get all that you can place the following graphic on your page by cuting and pasting the code. Make sure you change the ( to <. Don't take the graphic and put it on your page without joining unless you have my permission.
Here is the graphic and here is the code.
(a href="https://www.angelfire.com/in/prettyinpink/cheer.html")
(img src="https://www.angelfire.com/in/prettyinpink/images/cheerleading.gif" border=0 alt="Proud 2 B a *CHEERLEADER*!!!!!") (/a)