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You are at the helm of the starship Christa on watch duty. It is late at night, and you are getting VERY sleepy, standing there with nothing to do. The Christa is in orbit over a small planet that Harlan discovered yesterday. Commander Goddard says that tomorrow everyone will go down and explore it, but you know you'll probably be too tired to enjoy the trip, confound it all!!! You fiddle with the controls a little, wishing something would happen. And then it does...

A loud beep announces an incoming message. Excited, you run over to the communications station and try to figure out how it works. You're not used to it, seeing as it's Rosie's job usually. After a few seconds of pushing controls around, an audio message comes in through the speakers:

Help me... (static) ...taken... (more static) ...of planet below y... (bzzt) ...Shank... (crackle) ...destr...

The message fades out, and your best efforts to bring it back fail. Reviewing the message in your mind, you realize that that voice sounded a lot like Elmira! And that part about "planet below" and "Shank"...a chill creeps up your spine as it dawns on you that this is a genuine distress call! And Starcademy regulations demand that something be done about it right away...

Go down to the planet and try to help Elmira

Wait until morning and go with the others