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JJJ Feature 2

Sorry I didn't get to you guys again yesterday, I don't get much free time with this Wal-Mart job and all. I've got some bad news and good news for all of you guys today. The good news, FFVIII was recently released in Japan, the bad news, the mod chip detector rumors are true. No importing this title, and if you own a modded PSX, no FFVII for you at all!! Sucks hunh? The bad news, the new UGPO still sucks, (actually, that's kinda good news), the good news, Matt just told me that the new site will be up and running very soon. The bad news, I REALLY messed up on my Tekken anime joke. It was supposed to be Kazuya. ..Who the hell is Hiroshi? The good news, nobody semmed to notice, or commented on it. The bad news, my day at Wal-Mart kinda sucked. I had very little help in my area. and some of the customers were being real Jerks. I also had to take my lunch way too early. The good news....well, while on my brak, I went to the Toysa 'R Us next door and got some new WWF figures including the signature series Rock, and the corpoate Mankind, and Kane two pack. I had some real freak customers in my area tonight, here's a sample.

Fat-ass sleazy lady customer - Damn that line up front is way too F#@ing long, are you open?

JJJ - Yes, I'll take you over here.

(I go to my register, they go to the closed one next to me.)

JJJ - I'm open on this side.

Bitch customer - You mean I have to walk over there? You guys suck d*#k!!

JJJ - ???! Ummmm....okay.

(I ring up thier purchase.)

Beeotch - Hah, I'm suprised my credit card went through.

JJJ - Here's the bank statement sign here plaese.

(I hand her a pink pen. It's the only one my register has cuz the pens get stolen by other assoiciates.)

Bitch - You have a pink pen? Are you trying to say something with that, like you're gay or somewthing?

JJJ - ??!!! No. It's just a pen! (I'm starting to get pissed off now.)

Bitch - Why the long face? You must not like your job.

JJJ - I did till you got here.

Bitch - (Looks at her skany friend.) Tee-Hee! C'mon this place f#@king sucks!

It just goes to show you that my old motto holds true. The customer is always ......... asshole.

P.S. SNK vs. Capcom will be an actual game!! Whoo-hoo!!!

-Joey Jo Jo

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