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Big M's Unnamed Weekly Column

Hi there monkies and welcome to the first installment of my weekly game column. Most likely this will be my last update before I get my wisdom teeth cut out and I don't know when I'll be back to a state of undrugginess. First off I'd like for you guys to be sure and send in ideas for a name for this column, I really can't think of one. Insulting names, sick names, names that I may have to censor, send them all to me by clicking here.

Now maybe I shall hit some video game related material. Now is an exciting time for videogames. Sure the PS2 and the Dreamcast are coming, and I'm also sure we'll be hearing about the newest Nintendo system officially sometime in the coming months, but these events won't take place for awhile for a while. The real excitement is in the Nintendo 64 and the Playstation. They are getting old, but the games keep on getting better. Nintendo is finally getting thier act together and releasing some innovative titles. Mario Party looked lame, but it is of the best console multiplayer games ever. The secret is in the game's variety and its fiercly competitive nature. This game will cause many fights, it is easy to be winning one minute, but then screwed out of all your coins and stars by that d@mn Bowser. It's not the best game ever, but it may be the best boardgame ever, it's an evolution. Smash Brothers is soon to be released and will surely be multiplayer bliss. Don't forget about Rare and their impressive upcoming lineup. MMMM... Perfect Dark.... co-op mode.... MMMMM.... The Playstation's upcoming titles look great too, it looks like its true power is beginning to be tapped. I recently saw a video of Soul Reaver, it was incredible and will kick @ss if it plays as good as it looks. As I've constantly been raving lately, R4 is pure racing bliss. We also can't forget about FFVIII, Gran Turismo 2, and Umjammer Lammy. The distant future looks great, but the immediate future looks great too.

Picture of the Week

Everyweek I'm going to add a breathtaking photo like the one above to my column. Yes, your susupicions are correct Leonardo di Caprio is the Purple Teletubby. If you can create a shocking photo for the picture of the week, send it in. That's it for this week's column, I'll be back again after the anesthetic wears off and possibly if I can get ICQ to work in my druggyness some of the crew can put up some of my drug induced rantings. That could be really interesting.

-Big Miguel Sanchez

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