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BMS's Column: Morons That Work in Game Stores

No offense to any that work in them, I'm just taking a jab at the morons

Today I was looking around in the local games store. A new guy was working there and he seemed normal enough. While I was looking through the used Playstation games a kid my age walked into the store and the first thing he asked was if Fighting Force 64 was any good. The employee said that it was just came in and was supposed to be pretty good. Alright, that maybe was just his opinion, I mean, Fighting Force on the Playstation was semi-decent, of course that was two years ago. We all have different tastes. I went back to looking for games. As the kid walked to over the area that has systems set up to try used games I was relieved, the kid would see Pod Racer, a licensed game that is actually quite good, and buy it instead of some garbage. He was about to start playing and the employee said "Wait a minute, I've got a used copy of Superman 64 and although it just came out someone has already returned it." The kid instantly looked away from Episode 1 Racer and the employee put in Superman 64. I walked over too to see the game in it's pure crappiness. Superman flew around like he was on drugs, he had to go through some dumb rings, fog was everywhere, clipping ran rampant, two sound samples were used over and over, and well even after watching for minutes I could just pick out problem after problem. Watching these two guys drool over this crappy game was bad enough, but as people came in the store they all surrounded the TV and watched the crappy game in amazement. Did the kid or anyone else buy the game? I don't know. I couldn't handle their amazement with crap so I quickly left the store.

-Big Miguel Sanchez

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