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Street Fighter Alpha 3

  • Publisher: Capcom
  • Developer: Capcom
  • Format: PSX, Dreamcast coming soon
  • Genre: Fighting
  • Players: 2
  • Peripherals: Dual Shock Compatible, Memory Card
  • Graphics: 8/10
  • Sound: 6/10
  • Control: 7/10
  • Gameplay: 8/10
  • Overall: 7/10
  • Reviewer: Kambei
  • Reviewed On: 5.21.99


Well, the latest incarnation in Capcom's beloved Street Fighter Series is upon us, and surprisingly, Alpha 3 was not all that crappy. Now I'm sure most of you know that the Playstation was not designed to handle 2-D games, which is clearly evident in the ports of most of Capcom's other fighting games. The PSX version of X-men vs. Street Fighter turned out to be complete crap even after the developers took out extra frames of animation and the tag team option to comply with the limitations of the Playstation. Let me be the first to tell you that Street Fighter Alpha 3 suffers from none of the problems experienced in earlier Capcom PSX fighters. At this point in the series, you are probably one of two types of fans: either you love each new incarnation and adore Capcom's continuing support of 2-D gaming, or you have taken to the likes of Tekken and Virtua Fighter and really could care less about a rehash of the same old game. Personally, I love 2-D games to no end, so you should have some idea of how this review is going to sound.


As in all Street Fighter games, the graphics engine relies on the lightning fast gameplay and animation coupled with detailed characters and backgrounds. While it does not have the stunning visuals of Tekken or Soul Blade, Alpha 3 manages to hold its own. However, this is the first Capcom 2-D fighter that does not suffer from frequent slowdown and a drop in the quality of the animation. Quite honestly, aside from the much smoother frame rate, there is very little difference between Alpha 3 and the Capcom fighters that preceded it.


The sound in the Street Fighter series was never its high point, and Alpha 3 is no different. Do not pop the game into your Playstation expecting a stunning FMV intro accompanied by a killer title song(ala Soul Blade or Tekken). After all, this is a Street Fighter game, and the only real advancements in the series have been minimal at best. If you liked the classic Street Fighter tunes of old, you should have no problems with the latest incarnation.


Normally in this category, a Street Fighter game would easily garner a ten out of ten rating from me, but sadly, the standard Playstation controller falls woefully short in providing the precise control of your character necessary in a game such as this. The D-pad does not allow for easy quarter and half circle motions that are vital to nearly every single character in the game. It truly becomes frustrating when you lose a match because pretty boy Ken did not respond with a fireball when you wanted him to. Also, the Playstation controller only has four buttons on the front, which, as you all know, is two buttons short of the standard Street Fighter configuration. I want all six buttons together dammit! Although functional, in the end, the shoulder buttons just do not cut it. If you can find yourself a PSX controller similar to that of the Saturn, by all means pick it up and have a ball.


This is precisely the reason the Street Fighter series can be rehashed so many times, and gamers will still flock to play its newest incarnation. The gameplay in this series is and always will be rock solid. There is very little to complain about when playing a Street Fighter game, and the vs. mode will keep you and a friend occupied for hours. In Alpha 3, Capcom has expanded the cast of characters, and they even brought back Blanka(finally). All of the features in the game are standard for a Street Fighter title but with a little extra thrown in. Gameplay is where the series shines, and Alpha 3 does not disappoint. Differing fighting styles called "isms" are incorporated into the fights, and they really do have a large effect on the outcome of the match.


So should you buy it? If you do not own any of the previous incarnations and you absolutely can't wait for Capcom's Dreamcast fighters, it is a very good purchase. However, there may not be enough new stuff in Alpha 3 to attract Street Fighter veterans. Personally, I don't particularly like the Street Fighter characters. I prefer Marvel vs. Capcom or X-men vs. Street Fighter. In my opinion, being a character such as Spiderman or Captain America is much cooler than being Ken or Ryu.

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