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Some admiral, after years of faithful service to some kingdom, decides to rebel and leads his army to the capitol, capturing it and slaying some king. This act begins an all-encompassing war in some country between the seven rival factions, six of which you can take control of.

When this game was shown back in the '98 E3, it showed great promise. The game developers themselves stated it was to be a mix of the best of Dragon Force and Ogre Battle, two of the best strategy/RPG games EVER! Little did we know the game shown at E3 was almost finished, when much more work could have, and should have, been done...

GRAPHICS: The storyline scenes are bland with your standard un-animated talking heads DISCUSSING what is HAPPENING. The whole siege of the palace at the beginning of the game could have looked real cool. Instead we get a picture of a burning castle wall and a bunch of, you guessed it, still talking heads doing commentary on what's happening. When the actual 'game' begins you start in your home castle and move your troops from castle to castle ala Dragon Force. Battle involve large, bland-looking hex grids. Fight scenes are terrible, with the hideously slow animation matched only by equally bad 1st generation polygon graphics. This is barely 16-bit standard folks, not befitting of what, a 4th or 5th generation Playstation game? Even the game's only female main character looks more like a boy. Now thats just plain sad...

SOUND: Weak sound effects and your standard adventure flair, which doesn't grind on you despite the game's insanely slow pace. A feat in and of itself and the game's ONLY redeeming feature.

CONTROL: T-h-e h-e-x i-s m-o-v-i-n-g v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. Slowing down the game even furthur, if thats possible

GAMEPLAY: Weak graphics, barely-average sound, and unresponsive control. But is the game fun? The answer is a resounding NO! Even the storyline is generic and poorly written, completely devoid of drama. The characters are equally shallow and uninteresting. Given the rarity of strategy/RPG hybrids, I am usually not as critical of this type of game; but this is just plain unforgiveable.






If you can enjoy ANY aspect of this game then you are either one of the most patient people on this Earth, or just plain nutz, and not the good kind either.

-Ragnarok the Red

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