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Command and Conquer: Red Alert

The original C&C on the PSX sucked, as did Warcraft 2. So what is a RTS fan to do? Buy RED ALERT of course! The prequel to C&C is a real time strategy game from Westwood, and its a fine example of the genre. The background story is that Einstein invented time travel, then went back and killed Hitler. This stopped WW2, but the Stalin went and took over Europe instead. D'Oh! Don't you just hate it when that happens? And so instead of offing Stalin too, Einstein just dangles loose while the pinko commies kick the %^&@ out of Eastern Europe. Insensitive jerk.

Okay, this area will be a dissapointment to anyone who has even seen RED ALERT on the PC. The graphics here are dull, hazy and very very low res, so moving little soldiers that are vital is a real pain in the @ss. Luckily, as the units get larger, like with tanks and planes, there are no problems with visiblity. The core builidings are very similar in appearance for both the Russians and the Europeans, but each side will have their own advanced specific buildings as you progress in the game. And, in between the missions the plot is advanced by real time cinemas, which are well acted. Sadly, after drooling over the female head of Russian intelligence, you may not be ready to go back into the game...

Well, if the graphics are lacking, the sound more than makes up for it. The explosions are deep and rumbling, you can hear the differences in the weapons of the tanks and artillery, and the soldiers cry and scream when they are hit. Once you build a flame tower, it will fry any soldier that gets near it. You will laugh your ass off when the puny opposition goes "HEP!" Yeah the death cry of a burning man in this game is "HEP"! For some reason that never fails to make me laugh! And to top it all off, the music during the introduction deserves a grammy. Its a very hard heavy metal piece with Russian voices and marching in the background. Trust me, you will NEED to kick ass after hearing this tune. The name of the song, HELLMARCH, says it all..

Despite the fact that I don't have a mouse for my PSX, control was amazingly smooth. A streamlined control bar on the side of your screen tells you everything you need to know with just a push of the button. Troop groupings, supplies, building ques, are all right at your fingertips. The good interface is really useful during the all out assaults that take place latter in the game.If you have a mouse, I would think that things would be even easier to control, but either way there is never any problem.

Ah, sweet real time combat, how I love thee. AHEM! Sorry about that. The real core of any strategy game is the amount of tactics involved, and this game delivers in spades. You will have to deal with resource managment, power supplies, harvesting ore, buildings and their upgrades, troop command, and combined arms combat. Anyone can win a game against a CPU by using a tank rush, but the real fun is too take your time and be imaginative. Build a base with pillboxes, tesla coils, flame towers and SAM[surface to Air missles}. Get all of the advanced options like the Gap generator, nuke silos, and chronosphere[ in two player mode, you will come to fear the sound that it makes]. Don't just use one unit, combine your forces for an all out air land and sea assualt. You have a Navy and Air Force, use them! Each side has their own units for each grouping, so you will have to alter your strategy during each conflict. You can play a two player game via the link cable, and this option never gets old. Crushing your opponents dull tank rush with Apache Helicopters, crusiers and rocket soldiers never gets old. Then warp into his base with YOUR tanks, and listen to the delightful screams. If you have a hankerin for a good tactical game with lots and lots of depth, then look no further! Plus, after you play this game, you can go out and buy the much more difficult expansion disk: RED ALERT: RETALIATION, which has new units, new maps, and increased difficulty.

Graphics 7/10

Sound 10/10

Control 9/10

Gamplay 9/10

Overall 9 Mmmmm..Tanya...mmmmm


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