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HOLDEN: Describe in single words. Only the good things that come into your mind. About your mother.

LEON: My...

Leon looks shocked, surprised. But the needles in the computer barely move. Holden goes for the in- side of his coat. But big Leon is faster. His laser burns a hole the size of a nickel through Holden's stomach. Unlike a bullet, a laser causes no impact. It goes through Holden's shoulder and comes out his back, clean as a whistle. Like a rag doll he falls back into the seat. Big slow Leon is already walking away, but he stops, turns, and with a little smile of satisfaction fires through the back of the seat.

As Leon walks out of the room the Voight-Kampff begins to blink, faint but steady.

Remember this movie? If you do, think about the overall atmosphere it had: a dark dismal future where hope was just another extinct species. People packed in cities too small to contain them, and crime was rampant. If you can remember that overall feeling, you will be right at home in G-Police. G-Police is a dark[literally and figuratively] shooter from Psygnosis set a few hundred years in the future.[editor's note: Why is it that all future shooters are dark? Can't one take place in braod daylight in a happy place?]The premise is you are a member of the police force, and in your helicopter, you are supposed to uphold the law. My ass. The first time you get a weapons upgrade your gonna be raining death down on all around you and enjoying it. KILL! KILL! MASSIVE DESTRUCTION! INNOCENTS WILL PERISH! THE GULITY WILL BE PUNISHED! Sorry, DEATHLORD snuck in and I didn't see him.

Well, this is the second most beautifull game that I have ever seen on the PSX, the first being Colony Wars[also by Psygnosis]. The levels take place in real cities, complete with skyscrapers of varying heights, billboards, warehouses, and actual moving cars. The streets crawl with cars, trucks, vans, etc, and these become important later. You fly a helicopter type spinner thingamajig, which has over a dozen kick ass weapons. You start off with a basic cannon and missle combo, but as you advance, you will get heat based lasers[that make whatever they hit glow] hypervelocity rockets[which leave behind a green afterglow] and other homing missles. But my favorite has to be the bombs. They range from cluster munitions to a two ton asskicker. You need to master the bomb sight before you can hit anything, but when you do, its a joy to behold. The cluster bombs are small and go down fast, but they cause damage over varying areas. The higher you are when they drop, the wider the diameter of damage, but with less concentration over one given target. But look out for the two ton monster. When you drop this, you had better be going high and FAST! This thing produces a beautiful shockwave that takes out whole buildings. For those of you with no concsience[like me] drop one of these in a traffics jam.Cars with be blown apart, and sometimes even picked up and thrown before they blow. It looked like a scene from ID4 when I dropped the bomb once. It must have taken out 15 cars and two builings. Now THAT was fun! And don't worry, there are many different enemies to use your toys one. From small fighters to ground tanks to a battle cruiser that dwarfs the buliding, you will never get tired of killing.

Well, the plain sounds are very nice, except for the crappy heavy metal music. But this game supports Dolby Surround sound, so if you have the setup, your in for a treat. Crank the volume up as you kill, but don't be surprised if the neighbors call the cops and tell them your house in now a warzone. You'll have the SWAT team at your door in no time!

Now this game supports a wide variety of controls, including flight sticks and analog pads. Control is very good on any of these devices, and the ship is very responsive, so there is never a problem. If you have an analog pad, by all means use it, but you won't see too much of a difference. On any of these devices, the buttons are layed out logically, so you will never die while switching weapons.

Well, they say you can't have it all, and for most NEW gamers, this is a prime example. There are about 34 missions, not counting the secret ones, and each one is very complex and involved. The first eight are simple, just bag the bad guys and sacn some stuff. After about number 9, they really start to make you think and sweat when you are trying to get the job done. For instance, on of the toughest ones was trying to get bombs off a train, without shooting it, even though its blowing the hell out of you. This took me days just to time it right! And it gets harder from there. I have heard alot of complaints that this game was too hard to beat, but to be honest, I loved the challenge. If you don't like the fact that alot of the games out there are too easy or short, then for gods sakes, here is your holy grail! You will take atleast a few weeks to beat this. You will cuss, swear, and want to snap the CD in half occasionally, but when you are all done, it will have been worth every minute of it.


Sound....Regular TV 8/10

Dolby System 10/10




Overall....9/10 Now to find the replicants...hey..where did they go?


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