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Nightmare Creatures

Ah, its Halloween, which means all of the little ingrates are knocking on my freakin door begging for free candy. I tell ya, if one more 18 year old girl comes by in a ballerina costume, I'm gonna lose it.

Mark: You have girls coming by in ballerina outfits!?!? GIVE THEM TO ME!

Madgrad: Down Mark down!

::Madgrad slams his keyboard into the back of Mark's head, rendering him unconsious

Ahem, well sorry aboot that, I don't know how the hell he got in here. Well to keep in the spirit of Halloween, I'm going to review one of the scariest games on the ole PSX, Nightmare creatures The game takes place in Victorian London, around 1830 I believe. An evil virus has been developed by an apocalyptic cult that mutates men into zombies and gargoyles and what not. This is quite humorous to me since the "virus" itself was not discovered until the late 1800's, so how could they be doing advanced genetic engineering on one in the 30's? Ah well. Its up to you, a priest or a striking::bad pun:: female swordswoman/biochemist::I see those everyday:: to stop the plague, and make everything ducky in jolly old england again.


The gameplay is viewed from a third person perspective, more like ONE than Tomb Raider though. The characters are very clean and well animated, and the enemies are truly disturbing. There are approximately two dozen different enemies, from huge rock ogres to harpies to insects ala Mimic. Each one has its own unique attack, and they may or may not be immune to some of your attacks. As a result, you must derive a strategy for attacking each undead fiend. But kill them you must...KILL! KILL! CARNAGE! MAYHEM! SYMPHONY OF DEATH! Oh sorry, bad candy. You will see a ton of carnage, because YOU have a wide variety of attacks at your disposal which will slice limbs, crush bones and bash off heads. All of this is lovingly rendered by the engine, along with copious amounts of blood. Mmmm...blood..mmmm There are also various items that you can pick up as the game progresses. Some of the items are magical, and have dynamite, gas, and ice effects. Each weapon effect is rendered quite well. There are only two problems with the games graphics: The first is the hideous amount of fog in the game. I know this is London, but I know that you could only see about twenty feet in front of you in the game. This does add to the suspense and overall atmosphere, but it can get quite annoying. The second flaw is, can you guess? THE THIRD PERSON PERSPECTIVE CAMERA OF EVILLLLL!!! Yep, the camera often desides to play an impromptu game of hide the sausage with you, and you can get lost in the midst of all of the action especially when over four enemies come at you. This can result in many an untimely death. But overall, the graphics are quite nice.

The sound is very nice and atmospheric. The music is eerie, and the problem with fog actually help is this regard. Since the visibility is limited, you will hear the monsters before you see them, and based on the sound, you can tell the types of enemies apart. Overall, really nice sound.


The control here is fairly intuitive, but sometimes it may seem unresponsive. Some of the moves require Tekken 3 dial a combo button mashing to work, so this can get quite annoying when you hit boss enemies that are immune to normal attacks. Due to the damn controls, my fingers have calluses. This button mashing ranks right up there with the torture seen in MGS...


Despite flawed controls and graphics, I still enjoyed this game. The goal of course is to kill the enemies and solve puzzles, but this is compunded by the fact that you are infected with a virus. This virus requires you to kill enemies constantly, or your adrenaline level will drop, and you will die. Retarded? Yes, of course. Also there are hidden enemies that will bust out of crates and knock down doors to get you. Overall, its a nice beat'em up, much better than Fighting Force. The gameplay may get repetitive in spots, but it is rather fun.

Graphics 7/10

Sound 9/10

Control 7/10

Gameplay 8/10

Overall 7.75/10 I'm a scientist, so how come none of my coworkers look like this babe biochemist?


