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I'm am in the Abyss of Retardation.  yummy

Street Sk8er

Ah, this game could've been great. It dissapointed me in some ways, but in others it really amazed me. Street Sk8er is an unrealistic trick-fest. I mean these guys are doing tricks not humanly possible...Of course the hidden monkey character isn't human at all and it does some crazy frickin stuff. The game has a @#$%!#$!#$in monkey, it automatically gets an extra point overall at this site.


When I first saw the game I wasn't really impressed with the graphics. They are colorful, but a little grainy, nothing special, but when they are in motion they convey an adequate sense of speed and don't even slow down during the high flying antics. While getting air on some ramps I could've sworn that I was playing Jumping Flash. The textures hold together well and don't move around in a drug caused frenzy as they do in many other Playstation games. The character models are simple, but adequate.


This is where this game shines. This is the first game with music that is as good as Wipeout XL's. Wipeout XL had real techno and although I hate that music genre it fits perfectly with the futuristic theme. To quote a great man, Chef, "There's a time and a place for everything children... Colege." Although punk rock is probably not the most popular music genre (I love it myself) it fits this game perfectly. This game has music from real bands like H20, Gas Huffer, and Less than Jake and it is the first game music I've ever heard with lyrics included. This stuff will pump you up for the frantic courses and even will make you forget about the annoying dumb !#$%!$%!@%!@$# announcer. The sound effects are okay, but I want to hear the skaters curse like sailers when they screw up and scream in agony when they fall.

Play Control:

Urrrrgh. No analogue control. Common developers, Sony made a really spiffy controller, please support it. The digital control is adequate after a little bit of playtime and simple, almost too simple...


This is where the game is a tad shoddy. It's just incredibly simple. The game requires too much monotonous doing of unrealistic, insane tricks on huge ramps. The could've put you on downtown streets grinding on everything that would be used in a skate video and allow you to do some flatland tricks. (not just rails, benches, and flowerbeds, I'm talking fun stuff, like automobiles) This game is really unrealistic and requires little or no technique. You can ollie higher than your own height and tricks are all done depending on speed and the direction you press the d-pad while pressing x to ollie. It is possible to mess a trick up by miss aiming your skater though. The real challenge of the game lies in sucessfully pulling off enough tricks to make it to the next of the courses. There are only three real courses, but they have openable, multiple paths. The other three courses are a halfpipe for gaining trick points, a bowl for gaining trick points, and a halfpipe for getting the maximum height. The replay value is extended a bit by the hidden characters that include a monkey. He He! I like to play with the monkey!!! The characters are upgradable too, but the skill upgrades pretty much are only good for crazier, more acrobatic tricks.

Graphics: 6/10

Sound: 10/10

Play Control: 6/10

Gameplay 3/10

Overall 6/10 + 1 monkey point= 7/10

A shallow unrealistic skating game perfect for a five day rental.

-Big Miguel Sanchez

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