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Treasures of the Deep

Now this is the type of game that I love. Innovative, beautiful and fun. TOTD is an underwater shooter from Namco and has the rare ability to create its own genre on the PSX. There have been other underwater games before, but they have been low quality like Aquanats Holiday or Critical Depth which was Twisted Meat l underwater (not a good thing). None have come close to this little gem as I shall explain why.

Graphics... I have to admit that these are some of the best graphics I have seen on the playstation. The designers have done an excellent job in creating a realistic underwater environment. Almost any animal you can think of from fish to whales to sharks and seals will be seen in the game. They are exteremly well animated so they look alive and move quite realistically. For instance if there is blood in the water, the sharks will alter their course to come and investigate. It is quite humorous to wound an enemy diver and see a great white eat him! Also the varied missions take place at different depths, so each mission have its own unique look and feel with the various organisms. The enemy players also look quite polished, and the weapons explosions are astounding.

Sound...The sound here is again a testimony to good programming. It really does sound like you are underwater! You can hear the swish of an oncoming enemy and the whir of another subs motor and the whoosh of a torpedo being fired. A truly immersive experience!

Control...Control is quite good even on a regular pad. You and your sub behave quite realistically, so you will have a hard time in heavy currents. Other than that control is a breeze.

Gameplay... This title is any gamers dream. The idea centers around you basically being an underwater Indiana Jones meets James Bond type, searching for treasure among sunken planes, freighters and galleons. There are other unique missions where you must retrieve bodies or act as an escort, but I don't want to give too much away. Each level will look and play differently from the last, so it never gets old. The ability to retreive different treasures as a secondary objective in most levels is unbelivably cool, and you can also net fish for extra cash. The only downside to this game is that it seems too short. Any experience with a game this good will leave you begging for more!





Overall....10/10 For any gamer seeking action, this title is a must!


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