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Randi's Confuddled Collection of Misbegotten 80's Whatnot

My items on eBay
January 18, 2000

If you are like me, you are wistful for the eighties, "The good ol' days". A time where you could wear 6 different colors and not be ridiculed. A time where blue eyeshadow and purple mascara were a fashion must, not a fashion faux paux. Safety pins and friendship pins were accessories all the cool people wore to decorate their jean jackets or even their shoes ( the ones with the flourecent shoe laces!) And life was simpler...okay maybe it wasn't but I was just a child and it seem pretty simple most of the time for me!
I remember sitting in front of the TV all afternoon after school...and sometimes entire weekends....watching cartoons, sitcoms, and movies. My sister and I would fight over what cartoons to watch. She wanted to watch Jem and the Holograms and Rainbow Brite and I wanted to watch Hr Pufnstuf, Superfriends (with the Wonder Twins and Gleek )and the Snorks. But we always agreed on what shows to watch : Bosom Buddies, Knight Rider, Wonder Woman and The Loveboat. Our favorite movies were Grease, Grease 2, Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club. We'd go around all day long quoting the movies, driving Mom crazy.

We had the BIGGEST crushes on Kirk Cameron, Corey Feldman, Corey Haim, Leif Garrett, Shaun Cassidy, David Cassidy, Ralph Macchio, C. Thomas Howell, Wil Wheaton,and River Phoenix. We listened to Cyndi Lauper, Boy George, Duran Duran, Tiffany and Debbie Gibson, and went around singing all the time.

Added 1-18-00 Check this out!!! Page 2: Are you stuck in the 80's?

I am working on getting up a 80's links page. If you have an webpage dedicated to the 80's and would like to have it linked to mine, me with your url, a description of your page, and your name. The only requirement is that you must put a link with banner to my page on your webpage. I'll email you with the link and banner url. Make sense? I hope so :)

ATTENTION!!! I've just recently acquired my own CHAT ROOM
Whooohoo! I've got this months list up! Go to the bottom of this page to see it!
Thanks for your patience with me getting this top 10 list up. I'm actually getting better at getting the list done every month! I appreciate all of your votes and I'm sorry if I'm missing anyone's vote for best 80's TV show. If you don't want to be left out the next survey be sure and get your votes in. The next survey is.... What are the top 10 greatest Kid Shows of the 80's??? (Including such shows as Hr Pufinstuf, Land of the Lost, and other Saturday Morning shows along with cartoons) Please help me!! Your name should be there too! :-) I am also considering putting up an archive of past top 10 lists. If you would like to see that here, or anything else for that matter, please feel free to ask me.

Please e-mail your requests and votes to me as soon as possible. I will put together another new top 10 list sometime near the end of Febuary or the beginning of March. Please come back often for updates, and e-mail me with your thoughts. If you want to be notified when I update my page, just email me with you name, email address and which page you want to be notified of updates (I have many), or fill out the form at the bottom of the page.
If you want to visit a really awesome 80's site, please visit here : . It's a really cool place.
OMMIGOD!! I won an award!!!!?! .

Here they are! After many many requests I have finally gotten another picture of me up here...enjoy.

I also write poetry, granted it's not nearly in the same league as Plath or Silverstein, but it's mine and I kinda dig it. Here's one of my earlier creations. (Please do not point and laugh, It's not polite *grin*):

The Color Trip
Acres of Copper,
And Jade -
Beckoning to me as I pass by,
Heading for some far-reaching location.
Fields of dead Beige,
Screaming for rescue.
Emerald signs bellowing:
Greensburg next exit,
The Silver-Gold disk in the heavens,
Rising like the lotus blossom,
And struggling to become known.
Mahogany crosses,
With strange cables linking them together,
In some desperate plea for solidarity.
A winding,
Dusty trail,
Leading to some decrepit,
Mint Green house,
No one has lived in for decades.
Six sleeping friends bound for the big city -
In a Crimson chariot,
Swiftly making their way east,
On interstate 74,
Divided by Yellow -
In search of their destinies.

--Randi D. Lucas, October 15, 1993

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Randi's List of the Greatest TV Shows of the 80's