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~*Come Take a Walk With The Endangered *~

~*Today you hear of animals becoming exstinct almost daily..there are organizations trying to help these animals and to save their species...the struggle continues..the Tiger is just one of these...many are hunted killed without with many other there really hope for them...or will they cease to exist due to mankinds thoughtless acts...just in doing this page I have learned about all the animals that their very existance is threatened and so many more that are becoming seriously endangered due to many problems such as polluted waters...getting drove from their habitats...and the ever changing earth as we all try to share this planet...there are stats to prove that many of our worlds species could very well be in a great deal of example of this the is vanishing with a mere whimper... Half a century ago there were between 25,000 and 30,000 tigers in Asia. According to "Killed for a Cure", a report on the worldwide trade in tiger parts published in 1994 by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the World Conservation Union (IUCN) this number has fallen to between 5,000 and 7,400... I hope you find some interesting facts on my about these animals..I have put together some information on some of the species that interest me the most...I would love to hear from you if you have information or something to add...drop me a line...I feel this is a very important subject that many people have dedicated their lives in working with these animals....
This adorable pic was given to me by coppertop that Im very lucky to have as a friend... thanks Dura...*hugs* also to see Duracells Critters page(trust me you want to check this one out)hehehehehe on the baby...*warm smile*...
Hear Duracell's Roar...take care of this cubbie's planet...You have the choice..this baby doesn't...

~*Click here to Travel Further Into the Endangered Jungle*~
