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The Royal Dream...or fear?

~*FINISHED on May 14, 1999*~
Hey, this is my Prince William story! I want to remind you that this story is PURE FICTION! I *finally* got the thing done. I'm actually proud of myself!
This story is dedicated to 5 of my AOL friends.
Ali- XPea99X
Ashley (Ashee in the story)- RoyalTwrlr
Katie- KBelle34
Laura- C0zMiCBaBe
I luv you guys a whole bunch! :)

It was a great day for Ash, who had just flown into London that day. She was visiting her father for the next three weeks, and she was siked! She also brought 4 of her friends along with her, Ali, Beth, Ash (Yep, but they call her Ashee because when she was little, she had a speech problem and couldn't pronounce her name right. She would always say Ashee!), and Katie. The five of them decided to check out the London scene. They decided to do their best British accent and be the Spice Girls (who cares if Ginger is gone!). They walked up to perfectly good strangers, with their Brit accents, and asked, "Do you have Girl Power?" They were having a blast! Ashee bumped into a tall, blonde guy (purposely), and did that. He turned around and said, "Excuse me?" She couldn't believe who it was...Prince William! "" Ashee muttered. Ash steped up and said, "Sir, I am so sorry, she didn't mean anything by it!" "Well, I certainly hope not! The accent was not very real." "Sorry again sir!" Ash said, walking off. She turned to look at Ali and Beth with their mouths hanging open. "Do you know...who that was?!", Ali managed to get out of her mouth. "Who cares, he's just a brit!" "No, that was Prince William! You know, Queen Elizabeth's grandson, future king!", Beth said, astonished that Ash had no idea who it was. "Oh my gawd, you're kidding!" "That's why I was not able to talk after I looked at him!" "Geez, I am such a fool! I wondered why he looked so nice." "Hey, where's Katie?" Beth finally noticed she was gone. "Crap, where is she?" ********

Katie was found outside a little boutique block away from where the other four were. She was just standing there talking to a guy, who was actually pretty good looking. "Katie, you scared us! We've been looking for you for like thirty minutes!!", Ali snapped. "Sorry guys, I was talking with Alistar. You guys remember him right?" Katie had shown them pictures, but who were they kidding, they couldn't remember him. "Oh yeah...I remember." , Beth immediately commented. "Guess who Ashee ran into?" "Who?" "Prince William!" "OH MY GOD! l love that guy! Actually, his cousin Peter Philips isn't that bad looking..." Alistar gave her a funny look. "I'm just kidding man!" She then made herself start laughing. Ashee continued saying, "Yeah, and Ash didn't know who he was! She called him sir!" "Damn Ash, how could you not who it was?" "Well I am so sorry I don't know anything about royalty, or what he looks like anymore.", Ash replied. "Hey guys, I'll be right back, I see this guy that is a hottie!", Beth said. She usually shy back home, but when she's away from the the states, she's a real player. I have to admit, she picks out good looking guys!

Beth walked over to this very tall guy, with brown hair. She said, "Hi! I'm new here in London. What's your name?" The guy thought wow, she's pretty cute!"Umm, Michael, and what's your name?" "Beth" "Well, Beth, I'd be happy to show you around London! Where do you want to start?" "Wait, I have to tell my friends I'll be heading with you! Come over here with me." Beth and Michael went and told the other four what she was doing, and she was gone! Ash could tell by the look in her eye she was happy to be seeing the sites with him. "Ok, well, now that Beth is gone, there is only four of us...we could still do the Spice Girl thing!", Katie said, since she basically missed out on it the first time. "Oh no, no more for me after making a fool out of myself!", Ashee quickly said. "Fine, umm, we could check out Eton College!" "What's Eton College?", Ash said, not knowing anything about the school except it was an all guys school, wait, yeah we gotta check that out! "Eton College is an all boys school. It's also very acidemically challenging. Plus, Prince William goes there!" , Katie explained. "I can't take much more William, but, if it's an all boys school..." "Great! I'll get a cab." Katie was very eager to go to Eton. Ash and Ashee were so embarassed about what happened this morning, they didn't know if they could take much more William!


When they got to Eton College, they found Beth and Michael there. I guess they really got to know each other because they had that look in their eyes, plus they were snogging when the other four found them. "Beth, what the hell are you doing?", Ali shouted. "Oh, Michael was just showing me the campus. He goes to school here." "You do? This is a beautiful place.", Katie said. "Yeah, I'm in a football game in an hour.", Michael replied. "Soccer?! I LOVE SOCCER!", Ash said. She had played soccer since she was six. "Well, you five are welcome to watch. Hey Ash, since you such a fan, you can be the water girl!" "Oh boy, I can't wait!" Ash started laughing, and then she looked at Ashee. She hated soccer! She had never liked to play, or even watch. "Hey Ashee, you gonna come?" "Yeah, I guess I will seeing that my friends are going." "Cool, it'll be fun!"


Forty five minutes had passed. Ash was siked about watching a soccer game. It had been a year since she had played because she decided to take a year off after playing two years in high school. She missed it so she'll probably play again next year. They went and found the soccer field, and found the Eton guys warming up. "Hey Ash, here's the water! Have a lot fun with it!" "Gee, it's always been my dream to be a water girl, thanks!" Michael started laughing. He was very cute; to bad Beth already snagged him. All of a sudden, this really tall blonde caught her eye. He looked so familiar, and he was walking toward her. Oh my god, it was William. She never thought about running into him at a soccer game. He just kept on walking over toward her. Oh god, she thought, what am I gonna do?

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