This was the day, Erin was happy. Graduation from high school. She'd waited for this day since the moment she started as a freshman. All her life she had attended a normal American high school that didn't fit her academical needs. Luckily, her SATs proved how smart she really was. She'd always got all A's and she then scored the highest in her class. She was moving on to go to Oxford, one of the best universities in the world. She was deeply honored. She could hardly believe her parents got the money needed, but somehow they managed to do it. She was all packed and ready to go. Finally, she'd escape from the world that seemed to always have a huge grip on the way her life was run.
Harry Windsor was in the middle of his graduation from Eton College. He was extremely happy. He could see his father and his brother watching proudly, and looked at his fellow classmates and realized he was going to miss the place. Luckily, some of his friends will be joining him at Oxford, the university he chose for himself. His brother William attends it, so it should be easier for him.
Erin went home to see a surprise party for her. All her former classmates were there. For once, Erin was happy to be home. As the party continued on, she realized she might actually miss the place that she most of her life thought of as hell. She was going to England. She was so *freakin* excited! She had to leave for the airport so she could get to England by about noon. She got a flat near the campus so she wouldn't be to far from classes.
On the plane trip, she'd get some major jetlag. The flight was so long! She'd come from Florida, and the flight was non-stop. She just kept dozing off.
At the airport she was getting her bags. She was still half asleep and couldn't believe how unbelieveibly heavy the bags were. She turned around and *Boom* she ran right into someone, "Oh, I'm so sorry!" "That's alright. Do you need help with your things?" She looked at her bagsm "Well, I don't to impose..." "It's no trouble. Boys! Please help her out." Two bodyguard looking people came towards her. "Oh, thanks a lot!" "You're welcome, my lady." The man walked off. 'Wow' , Erin thought, 'What a nice man. Why did he look familiar?' She just forgot all about it soon enough.
The guard people were were very nice and totally helped her out. "Thanks guys! I think I can handle it from here!" Before the men left they got her a taxi. "I need to go to Oxford University," Erin said. "Will do." She was so excited. She'd never seen the campus or her new flat but her parents said it was fully furnished. When she got there, it sure was. She was happy. It finally symbolized she was grown, and on her own.
Harry was walking around campus with his friends and his older brother William as their tour guide. Harry had almost followed William in all his footsteps, except William was special. He was the heir to the British throne. Their father was king with a crumbling monarchy. Charles was doing as much as he possibly could to monderize it, but everyone was depending on William when he finally gets the crown. William's terrified of the thought. He was only 21 (soon to be 22) and he was not the age to take one such a responsibility.
All the guys went and got their schedules. Harry had English class first thing Wednesday mornings. He didn't like it at all but it's better to get it over and done with now. None of his friends had the class with him. He knew it was going to be hell. He never liked English, but he has to learn it.
Erin went to get her schedule. She looked through it and was very pleased with her classes until she saw English, first thing Wednesday morning. English never really liked her to well. She was great with grammer, but when it came to writing stories and essays she had a HUGE writers block. This was the time she wished she had friends that were at Oxford with her. 'Maybe it'll be alright,' she thought to herself.
Erin woke up Wednesday morning, with no clue where she was going. She knew what building, but as far as what room she was clueless. She got dressed, made a bagel, got some coffee and was off. She went inside the building and then figured out she went into the wrong one. 'Damnit,' she thought. She looked at her watch and hurridly turned around when *BOOM* she ran right into William. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" William looked at her and thought 'She's the most beautiful girl in the world,' then he said, "I'm fine. No harm done." "Thank goodness. i need to get to class. See ya around..." "Wait, how about lunch at the cafe`?" Erin agreed suddenly, "Sure, cheerio!", and she was off. William thought, 'I wonder if she knew who I was?'
Erin walked into a building (the right one this time)and started looking for her class. When she walked in, she found a open seat in the front. She sat down inbetween a blond guy and a red head guy. The blond guy was asleep and snoring. "Wonder how he got into Oxford," Erin muttered quietly. "He didn't, he's just the professors nephew who's visiting," the red head said. Erin looked at who was talking to her and saw one of the cutest guys she'd ever seen. "Hello, my name is Harry, and you are?..." "Erin, lovely to meet you." They shook hands. "Where are you from? Obviously not from around here." "Oh no, I'm from Florida. It's very cold here in London, something I'm not use to...", Erin said. They kept talking for 5 minutes until the class started.
"Hey, would you like to meet for dinner?",Harry asked. "Yes, that'd be great!" "Ok, I'll meet you at the cafe` here in the campus. See you then!" Harry walked off. Erin looked at her watch. 'Oh yeah, I'm meeting the blond dude for lunch...' she thought. She then headed over to the cafe`.
She walked in, looked around, and found a blond guy sitting at the table. 'What am I doing here? I don't know this guy!" she thought. 'Just stay cool Erin, it'll be ok" She walked over to William, who had a huge smile across his face. "Hello. Won't you have a seat?", William asked. "Sure,"Erin said, "First though, what's your name?" "My name is William, yours is..." "Erin." "Hi Erin! I'm glad you could join me. Have a seat and I'll get you some coffee." Erin loved coffee. "Sounds great." "So, are you a junior here?" "Haha, no, I'm a freshman. I just moved here from Florida. I just graduated from high school.", Erin replied. "Oh, you seem so much older." "I just got here. That's why I ran into in the building, I didn't know where I was going!" "Oh well, you know now, right?," William questioned. "Yeah, I had to get to my English class." "Oh, you're in my brothers class then." "Your brother? What's his name?" "His name is Harry." Erin thought about that name. Why did it seem so familiar? She then realized how bad she was with names and said, "Nope, don't know him!" "That's to bad, he's pretty nice." "You just complimented your brother? I hate my brother! He's a 15 year old smart ass..." She was tempted to go on but she stopped. She looked at her watch. It wa already one! "Excuse me, I have to go. I have a class at two and I'd like to visit my flat before I go over there." Erin said in a rush. "I'll take you over there if you'd like.", William offered. "Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks."
They jumped in William's car and they were off. "Umm, William, there's two guys riding in the backseat..." "It's ok, they supervise me." "Supervise? What, do you parents still think you're a little boy?" William was tempted to tell her who he was but didn't. "I guess you could say that." They drove up to Erin's flat. "Can I come in?" "No, it's a pit right now. I haven't fully unpacked. Plus I need to go to my class." William being the kind gentleman he is said, "I'll drive you there." "That's really sweet but it's that building over there." She pointed accross the street to a building. "Oh, well, I'm off then. How about we meet for dinner tonite." Erin had a flashback..."I already have plans with a friend of mine. How about tomorrow for lunch? Same time same place?" "Sounds great, see you then, my sweet." "Til then.", and Erin waved goodbye. 'My sweet? I don't know what I'm getting myself into!', Erin thought. She looked at her watch, grabbed her books and went to class.
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