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Just being with you is enough, 
and more

You are always here. Everywhere.
No where, 
without You.

Food and drink
Life and Refreshment
Healing and nourishment.
When we eat we are given life
When we drink we are given survival
So you are there, 
whenever someone cuts a loaf to make us a sandwich
they 'Do This'
whenever someone gives us a drink
they 'Do This'
The very wheat gives its life to us, 
and dies.
The very grape is crushed
Yet we are so simple
that these things seem, somehow,
to be more true, because this is true. 
As life itself can be prayer, 
yet prayer is somehow more like itself, 
when there is a special core.
Unless you eat my body
Unless you drink my blood

you were prepared to watch friends leave, 
rather than to explain that away

I remember
let me remember, 
that the first to share 'this bread'
was your friend Judas
What do we offer, 
that is to be transformed
into your real presence? 
Our selves.
Our hours, our days.
What is the tabernacle of your presence?
The world. The world transformed for us, by you.
The pearl without price
The world as it does not yet know itself to be.
The loaf which does not recognise the yeast.
The city set on a hill,
which cannot see it's own light.
Let all mortal flesh keep silence 
His Presence, 
Simple Bread, 
and Simple Wine.
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