
When he surrendered his twenty-six hundred man cavalry brigade on May 17, 1865 near Munford,
Alabama, this individual, who had fought forty-two major battles and many minor skirmishes,
became the last commander of a major unit to capitulate to Federal forces, thus ending the conflict in
the states east of the Mississippi. He had privately stated prior to the war when visiting Washington
and meeting Abraham Lincoln, who was running for president, that he opposed secession, but, if
war came, he would side with the South and devote all of his energy and resources to its cause. His
four-year sojourn in the Confederate Army of Tennessee had certainly proven his remark to be true.
Decorated for bravery many times, seemingly oblivious of the dangers involved in combat, he
proved to be an outstanding military leader who loved and cared for his men and fought like a
demon in battle. In the battle of Chickamauga a Yankee sniper saw him riding up and down the
battle line urging his men on in the attack. The sniper later remarked, "I tried my best to kill him, but
he was a 'marked man.'" His fearlessness in battle transferred itself to the men under him, resulting in
unbelievable exploits of bravery and heroism by his units. Thus Benjamin Jefferson Hill, a brigadier
general in the Army of Tennessee, laid down his sword that he had wielded so valiantly and returned
home to rebuild his life and resources. Known by his men as the "Lion of Ben Lomond," Hill had a
great affection for his home state and the mountains especially. He held a special fondness for Ben
Lomond, which looked so green, lush, and peaceful as he walked the streets of McMinnville in
earlier days before the war. In leading his men in an attack, instead of saying "forward" he would
say, "Come on, boys, recollect the mountains." The most outstanding example of bravery by a
commander and his men was accomplished by the 35th Regiment, which he commanded at the
battle of Shelton Hill, near Corinth, Mississippi, a few clays after the battle of Shiloh. With Federal
troops pressing Beauregard's army, and time needed to reorganize to meet them again in battle, Hill
was ordered to counterattack the front elements of the Union army along with another unit. As the
35th attacked the entrenched enemy, it was discovered that the supporting unit had failed to get the
order and was not involved in the attack. Without hesitating, Hill urged his men forward and
dislodged the enemy, routing a unit highly superior in size and easing the pressure on the southem army. General R T. Beauregard issued the following
General Orders: "The General commanding mentions with great pleasure to the army the
distinguished conduct of Colonel B. J. Hill and his regiment, the Fifth (35th) Tennessee volunteers, in
an affair with the enemy yesterday. This order is issued with the greatest satisfaction because the
gallant officer and his command have been conspicuous for their action on the field." Later on in the
war General Pat Clebume, a favorite of common soldiers in the Army of Tennessee, made this
statement about Benjamin J. Hill and his regiment: "I want to see a monument erected to the memory
of the mountaineers of the Cumberland in the sixties, and McMinnville is the proper place. Let the
statue of a typical Confederate soldier be placed on the base and the Lion of Ben Lomond be
sleeping at his feet." Ben J. Hill was a man fondly remembered by his men as long as they lived.
Strong-willed, energetic, highly intelligent with good business sense, articulate, full of faults, and
aggressive, Benjamin Jefferson Hill was a prime mover in his day. Things happened whenever he
was around. Ben Hill was born on June 13, 1825, the son of Isaac and Frances Pickett Hill, in the
Irving College area of Warren County. His grandfather, Benjamin Hill, was a brother of Henry John
Alexander Hill, the representative who presented the petition to create Warren County. He grew up
on a farm. His father died in 1834 when Ben was only nine years old. He borrowed the money to
attend and graduate from Irving College, probably the most prestigious learning institute for miles
around in that era. After graduating in 1844 he moved to McMinnville, entering the mercantile
business as a clerk for the Colville and White General Store on East Main Street. After a few years
he moved to the D. G. Stone mercantile business situated where the present First Presbyterian
Church is located. It appears that he was acting as the store manager by that time. On August 29,
1850, Hill married Mary Virginia Smartt (Vesta), the daughter of George Randolph and Athelia
Randolph Smartt, in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church on East Main Street (now the sales lot of
Willmore Ford). In selecting a wife, Ben secured a noble, refined, and shrewd companion. To this
union one daughter named Lou Lillian was born, who tragically lived only three weeks. By the
middle 1850s Hill was an active member of the McMinnville society, becoming a city alderman, the
town treasurer,and a merchant, opening his own store about 1857, known as B.J. Hill Grocery. Also in 1857 he
was elected as state senator from the senatorial district comprised of Warren, Cannon, Coffee,
Grundy, and Van Buren counties. He was a Democrat politically, and as a member of the 32nd
General Assembly he had a hand in creating Sequatchie County, forming a new judicial circuit
including Sequatchie, Marion, Bledsoe, White, Morgan, Cumberland, and Fentress counties; and
abolishing military training. Returning home, Ben Hill undertook the management of the Warren
House, which had apparently suffered financial reverses, and through his management skills turned it
into a profitable operation realizing a twenty-eight hundred dollar net profit for the next year, a
considerable sum in those days. He had been active in promoting the creation of the Manchester and
McMinnville railroad and supported the Warren County Agricultural and Industrial Society and the
Farmers Manufacturing Company, which was organized in the 1850s as a clothing factory and was
later destroyed by fire in 1857. When war came, Hill took an active part in the formation of the 16th
Tennessee Regiment, and six months later, after Tennessee joined the Confederacy in June, he
played an even greater role in the formation of the 5th Tennessee Regiment, which after its induction
into the Confederate Army was renamed the 35th, due to another unit already being designated as
the 5th. On September 6, 1861, Benjamin J. Hill was elected as colonel and commander of the unit
with nine companies, five from Warren County and one each from Van Buren, Cannon, Sequatchie,
and DeKalb counties. Just what Hill's military qualifications were is not known. It is possible that he
had participated in the state militia and had taken military training at Irving College. There is no
record of any previous military training or participation in the Mexican War during the years 1846 -
1848. Like so many great leaders for the South in the war, his greatness was derived from his
personal leadership qualities and instincts in carrying out his assigned missions. After a short training
period at Camp Smartt, near the Liberty Presbyterian Church, the fully organized regiment was
ordered to report to General Foster and was sent to Bowling Green, Kentucky, the headquarters of
General Albert Sydney Johnston. After the fall of Fort Donelson early in 1862 his regiment was sent
to Shiloh and participated in that bloody battle, occupying a perilous position in the left center of the Confederate field forces. In the hotly contested fight his gallant regiment passed
through a furnace of fire, attested by the fact that three hundred brave men, killed or wounded,
departed from its ranks. As several ranking officers were killed or wounded, seriously depleting the
command, Colonel Hill was ordered to take command of the left side of the Confederate line,
reaching to the Tennessee River. In three desperate encounters on that day, Colonel Hill whipped
the enemy, secured the line, and saved the day. Unfortunately, General Albert Sydney Johnston, one
of the South's finest officers, was killed at Shiloh, a serious blow to the Confederate command. The
army fell back on Corinth, where Colonel Hill's unit again saved the day in the action at Shelton Hill,
resulting in the citation for outstanding bravery. When Bragg's army invaded Kentucky later in 1862,
the 35th participated in the bloody battles of Richmond and Perryville. An interesting story prior to
the battle of Perryville comes to us from the diary of Pvt. Stokeley Etter, a member of the 16th
Regiment. Evidently, Hill addressed the assembled members of both regiments prior to their
offensive which swept the field and carried the day, capturing many prisoners and much equipment.
As he ended his enthusiastic and stirring remarks arousing the men to action, he shouted, "Shoot em
in the rear, boys, that's where their heart is!" His rapport with his men allowed him to get one
hundred per cent participation in every endeavor of the horrible conflict. Hill and his unit were at
Murfreesboro in that ferocious battle, won by neither side. By the time Chickamanga was fought he
had been promoted to brigadier general, his leadership abilities having been recognized and
rewarded. With the relief of Bragg as commander of the Army of Tennessee and the appointment of
General Joe Johnston, Hill became the acting Provost Marshal General. As a member of Johnston's
staff he participated in the gallant retreat into Atlanta. With the fall of Atlanta, he followed Hood on
his march towards Nashville. Accepting command of a cavalry brigade, he was in the horrendous
battle at Franklin that effectively slaughtered the cream of Hood's army. With the coming of the
batde of Nashville, his brigade was engaged in a battle near Murfreesboro along with Forrest. As
Hood's army retreated toward Alabama to rejoin Johnston's army in South Carolina, Hill's brigade
fought a rear guard delaying action which saved the remnants of the army from annihilation.
Lee surrendered the Army of Virginia in early April of 1865 and Johnston surrendered the Army of
Tennessee at Greensboro, N.C., in late April of 1865, but Hill and his brigade continued to battle
Union forces, pressing them in Alabama. This continued until May 17, 1865, when Hill surrendered
his command, realizing that continued fighting was hopeless. Hill had a net worth when the war
began of seventy-five thousand dollars, a considerable sum for a thirty-six-year-old man in
Tennessee in 1861. When he returned home in 1865, he had nothing. Undaunted, he buckled down
to recoup his losses and rebuild his county and his state. With four years of war under his belt, he
seemed totally unembittered at his lot. He had given his best, fought for his convictions and failed,
but he was still alive and ready to forget and rebuild. He reopened his store (it had to be rebuilt),
began operation of the Warren House, and again became active in the affairs of the community and
county. McMinnville was still occupied by Federal forces when he retumed and a group of
outsiders, chiefly northemers, had moved in to take over. Returning Confederates quickly signed
oaths of allegiance to restore their citizenship, banded together with their neighbors who had
remained loyal to the Union during the conflict, and soon defeated the outsiders' efforts to control
things. By 1868, the county was once again solidly in the hands of its citizens. In 1867 an effort was
made to organize a Ku Klux Klan in McMinnville. At a meeting held in the courthouse, General Hill,
Colonel John H. Savage, both Confederate officers, and Colonel W. J. Clift, a Union officer from
McMinnville, all made speeches condemning the Klan and its objectives, emphasizing that Warren
Countians could work out their own problems and protect their citizens whether black or white,
Protestant or Catholic or Jewish. No Klan was organized in Warren County until the 1880s when a
clandestine organization calling itself the Klan was created ostensibly to protect the illegal whiskey
makers throughout the county. In 1870 Hill closed his store and, while his wife continued the
operation of the Warren House, began the study of law. In the meantime, the Warren House burned
to the ground in one of McMinnviUe's most remembered downtown fires. Hill was among the group
of financiers who formed a corporation to rebuild the Warren House, resulting in the erection of the
new structure which stood on the southwest comer of the square into the 1960s. At the same time, efforts had been under way to get
the McMinnville and Manchester railroad back into physical and financial shape to resume normal
operation following its destruction during four years of war. At the war's end, its physical plant and
equipment were in dismal condition and the company was bankrupt. Hill assumed the presidency of
the railroad and slowly but painfully began its restoration into a fully operational transportation
system so vital to the economic recovery of Warren County. He continued as president until July of
1877, when the system was sold to the NC & S&L railroad. In 1872 Hill became mayor of
McMinnville. He was also chairman of the board of elders of the Main Street Presbyterian Church.
If Hill had a major problem or fault, it was his addiction to alcohol. Various entries from his soldiers'
diaries refer to the old man having "met the tiger," meaning he was indisposed from drinking. Under
wartime conditions with the stress, strain, and demands of mnning a Confederate military unit which
usually lacked for everything including food, medicine, ammunition, and arms of all kinds, poor
communications, and multitudes of other problems, it was understandable that some relief from the
burdens be sought. Alcoholism was a continuing problem in both armies in the Civil War, and Hill's
men accepted his plight with seeming resignation and understanding. The problem continued at
various intervals after the end of the conflict and until his premature death. On one occasion during
the summer of 1872 Hill appeared on Main Street in a most drunken condition and began berating
and arguing with all he came in contact with. Seeing his condition, the town Marshal arrested Hill and
threw him into the calaboose for sobering up. The esteem in which the citizens held Ben Hill was
noted after the incident, since there was little or no criticism conceming the matter even though it
involved their mayor and a leading church officer. It is likely that, with his usually personable but now
somewhat unusually humble disposition, he apologized to all concerned. This was Ben Hill.
Sometime after Andrew Johnson completed his term as president and returned to Tennessee he
dropped by to see Hill, having known him very well prior to the war. During the day they imbibed
rather heavily and decided to take a buggy ride. Coming back to the house still later they got into a political argument just as they began ascending a rather steep hill. Hill
ordered Johnson to get out of the buggy and made him walk up the hill before again letting him
aboard. While arguments could get so fierce that they fought wars to decide the right, they could
nevertheless become or even remain steadfast friends when such a war was over. During the middle
1870s Ben Hill began getting letters from former associates asking him to plan a reunion of his old
soldiers and to also write a history of the 35th Regiment. He began compiling the information and,
just prior to the reunion of the 16th Tennessee Regiment, held in McMinnville in the summer of
1877, Hill notified several of his former officers that a reunion would be held in McMinnville in the
summer of 1878 and that he had the information available to write a unit history. He stated in one
letter that he had rosters of all the units along with those killed, wounded, and promoted plus all the
other information on battles, places traveled, and interesting events. However, when 1878 arrived,
so did a terrible cholera and yellow fever epidemic that affected all of Tennessee. It was so terrible
that people were advised to stay away from crowds and not to assemble in large groups. This killed
the hopes for a reunion of the 35th. By 1879, Hill's health was so poor that he could not organize a
reunion. The reunion was to have included ex-President Jefferson Davis with an expected crowd of
twenty thousand traveling to McMinnville for the festivities. Benjamin Jefferson Hill died at his home
on January 5, 1880, only fifty-four years old. He was laid to rest under a large oak tree next to his
baby daughter in the old City Cemetery in McMinnville. His devoted wife, Mary Vesta, lived until
March 1, 1909, and became one of the last people to be interred in the old cemetery on High
Street. Hill lived and died in one of the most troublesome times in Warren County history. He knew
the best of times, and he knew the worst of times. Through it all, he persevered, always looking to
the future and doing what he could to make our community a better place to live.

Email: csa1@blomand.net